Spencer Global - Chilean Law Firm and Attorneys in Chile: Legal, Relocation, and Investment Services (2024)

Spencer Global - International Law in Chile

Spencer Global - Chilean Law Firm and Attorneys in Chile: Legal, Relocation, and Investment Services (1)TheLaw Firm ofSpencer Global is composed of Chilean Attorneys and professionals dedicated to providing legal and investment services exclusively to international clients in Chile.

We represent a diverse group of clients from around the Globe. Our clients include everyone from Fortune 500 companies to families immigrating to Chile, to even foreign attorneys and their clients requiring assistance in the jurisdiction of Chile.

Our law office provides legal services in English and Spanish; in all parts of Chile, from the Capital of Santiago to small towns in Southern Chile.


Spencer Global, New Law Office in Santiago

Spencer Global would like to announce the completion of our expansion with our recent acquisition of a partnership in a Santiago Law firm. This new law firm will be operating as Veloso, Flores, and Valenzuela. Our senior Chilean attorney and expert in international law, Zandra Valenzuela will be a managing named partner of Veloso, Flores, and Valenzuela, allowing us to provide the specialized consulting services of Spencer Global outside of the legal field, while also providing the best legal councilavailable in Chile to all of our clients.

Read more: Spencer Global, New Law Office in Santiago

Time Needed to Qualify for Citizenship in Chile.

Chile's department of immigration (Departamento de Extranjería y Migración) has determined that the time before a person qualifies for applying for full residency in Chile starts when temporary residency is granted and you receive your official visa status in your passport. The Chilean Goverment has also set new limits on how much time you must be physically in Chile to qualify for Citizenship in Chile.

Read more: Time Needed to Qualify for Citizenship in Chile.

Real Estate Title Search

Chile guarantees the same property rights to foreigners as to Chilean citizens or residents buying or owning real estate in Chile. The real estate laws in Chile safeguard the property transfer and ownership rights. Still, everyone considering buying property in Chile should have a full title search done to understand the exact issues any particular property might have before buying real estate in Chile.

Read more: Real Estate Title Search

Inheritance and Wills in Chile

Sooner or later, everyone with assets in Chile is going to pass on. It is critical that foreigners understand as owners of real estate and other assets in Chile exactly how the inheritance laws in Chile work. Estate planning is very different in Chile, due to the tradition of mandatory inheritors under Chilean law. This overview we hope will be of assistance for getting started with estate planning, and also for those family members that may be heirs to estates under the jurisdiction of Chile.

Read more: Inheritance and Wills in Chile

Probate in Chile: Costs of Probate and inheritance Procedures

International probate and inheritance considerations in Chile for family of citizens, foreigners, and residents of Chile. How to decide if it is worth the time and expense to probate an inheritance in Chile in terms of legal fees, inheritance tax, real estate tax, and court costs.

Read more: Probate in Chile: Costs of Probate and inheritance Procedures

Divorce in Chile

Recognition of a Foreign Divorce in Chile

Even though you were divorced outside of Chile, your foreign divorce will not be automatically recognized in Chile. This means for all purposes your former spouse, first spouse if you have been remarried more than once, is still your spouse for all legal and practical purposes in Chile until your foreign divorce is recognized or you obtain a divorce in Chile. This includes rights to your estate, and any new marriage will be viewed as illegitimate or illegal until the first divorce is formally accepted under Chilean law. We take a look at here the reasons to obtain a new divorce in Chile vs. recognition of a foreign divorce.

Read more: Divorce in Chile

Powers of Attorney in Chile

A power of attorney can be executed for just about anything in Chile. Powers of attorney should be limited in scope to particular tasks or goals, and they MUST be drafted by a qualified attorney. A poorly drafted power of attorney, after getting all the proper authorizations outside the country, can ultimately be rejected or accepted by each notary, government office, or private party in Chile, if not drafted correctly. The amount of effort and expense you need to validate a power of attorney inside of Chile, from outside Chile, makes it essential that the Power of Attorney be well drafted from the start.

Read more: Powers of Attorney in Chile

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Spencer Global - Chilean Law Firm and Attorneys in Chile: Legal, Relocation, and Investment Services (2)
Spencer Global Chile

Offices located in
Santiago and Southern Chile

Contact us to request anappointment
for aConference Call or Meeting at:

Email: chilelaw@spencerglobal.com

Phone number outside of Chile:

From Cell Phones in Chile Dial:
56 9 747 9797 4

Santaigo Office:
Torre Nueva Santa María
Av. Los Conquistadores 1730
Office 1701
Providencia, Santiago, CHILE

Mailing Address:
Torre Nueva Santa María
Av. Los Conquistadores 1730
Office 1701
Providencia, Santiago, CHILE

Or Use our Contact Form

Spencer Global - Chilean Law Firm and Attorneys in Chile: Legal, Relocation, and Investment Services (2024)


What type of law does Chile have? ›

The law provides for an independent judiciary, and the government generally respected this provision in practice. Chile's legal system is civil law based. It is primarily based on the Chilean Civil Code of 1855, derived from Spanish law and other codes of Continental Europe of the 19th century.

Who regulates lawyers in Chile? ›

CategoryNameWebsite or other contact details
Organisation(s) that controls licensing of lawyersCorte Suprema de Justicia (Supreme Court of Justice)www.poderjudicial.cl
Peak professional association representing the legal professionColegio de Abogados de Chile (Chilean Bar Association)www.colegioabogados.cl
1 more row

Can lawyers move abroad? ›

You can work for U.S. multinational companies

While work depends on the setting, American lawyers find work overseas working in the office of a U.S. law firm or as an attorney in a law firm abroad. American lawyers may also work for U.S. multinational companies as the local legal liaison overseas.

Is divorce illegal in Chile? ›

Divorce in Chile is a relatively new procedure – first introduced in 2004. There are three ways to petition for a divorce: Mutual agreement following one year's separation. Here the couple getting divorced must sign a post-nuptial contract.

Is crime a problem in Chile? ›

Various analysts and politicians concur that in the 2020s crime in Chile is on the rise to levels similar to the rest of Latin America. Increased murder rates and illegal drug trade are attributed by some to illegal immigration, other attribute the rise of crime more generally as the result of increased globalization.

What is the most common complaint against lawyers? ›

There are many reasons to file a complaint against an attorney, but some of the most common grounds for complaints include unfair fees, incompetent representation and failure to communicate.

What is the rule of law ranking in Chile? ›

Rule of law in Chile

Chile ranks 33rd out of 142 countries worldwide.

What is the highest court in Chile? ›


Its highest jurisdictional body is the Supreme Court. This tribunal oversees correct application of the legislation in force and also exercises administrative and disciplinary control over all other courts and judges in the country.

What countries accept US law degrees? ›

While there are certainly many peripheral markets where American attorneys may have success in securing positions (the markets in Germany, Poland, China, Singapore, India, and Italy are quite strong now), the majority of activity we pursue is confined to London and Hong Kong because these are the leading international ...

Can an immigration lawyer help you move to another country? ›

By contacting an immigration lawyer, you're committing to learn through an expert who will take you through the visa process as quickly as possible. Regardless of what your individual or family goals are in your move abroad, immigration lawyers will help you change countries and set a new path in your life.

Do international lawyers travel often? ›

Flexibility: you will likely have to relocate or be willing to travel frequently to do your job effectively. Time management: international law cases are often time-sensitive and require quick resolution.

Is Chile civil or common law? ›

Based on the Chilean Civil Law inspired by the Napoleonic Civil Law. The Spanish legal tradition exercised an especially great influence on the civil code of Chile. On its turn, the Chilean civil code influenced to a large degree the drafting of the civil codes of other Latin-American states.

Is Chile a common law country? ›

Chile is a civil law country with codified laws where judicial decisions do not constitute law or precedent, even though several procedures have incorporated certain elements of judicial decisions as precedent (for example, labor law).

How are laws enforced in Chile? ›

Carabineros de Chile (English: Carabiniers of Chile) are the Chilean national law enforcement gendarmerie, who have jurisdiction over the entire national territory of the Republic of Chile.

How are laws made in Chile? ›

The main function of Congress is to enact laws. The Senate has 38 members (two from each electoral district -circunscripción- of the country), elected to an eight year term. The Chamber of Deputies has 120 members (one from each electoral district of the country), elected to a four year term.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.