Speedy Ways To Save Up For A Mortgage | Bagofcent$ (2024)

Speedy Ways To Save Up For A Mortgage | Bagofcent$ (1)

Saving up for a mortgage is no easy task. With property prices going up and many mortgage lenders wanting huge down payments, it can take most people years. However, it doesn’t have to be such a slow process – if you’re eager to get on the property ladder, here are just a few ways in which you could afford a mortgage faster.

Look for low down payment mortgages

Many mortgage lenders now want down payments of 20% – but there are specialist lenders out there that are willing to accept 5% or even less. If you’re under 30 and you have a good credit score, you’ll generally be able to find such deals. This could allow you to save up much more quickly, as you won’t have to put down such a large initial payment. Military veterans can even get access to no down payment loans as found at sites such as https://1unitedmortgage.com. This knowledge isn’t widely shared resulting in many vets missing out on this opportunity.

Use a high interest savings account

By putting your savings into a high interest account, you can help to build your savings more quickly. There are savings accounts out there offering interest rates of up to 2% which you can compare at sites such as https://thesimpledollar.com. Online banks tend to have better interest rates than brick-and-mortar banks (although you should still try checking these latter banks). Other options include government bonds and CDs, but these may have restrictions when it comes to accessing funds.

Find extra forms of income to fuel your savings

Extra forms of income will help you to save up more money. This doesn’t have to be an extra job and could simply be some form of passive income. For example, you could sell unused possessions for cash or start investing in stocks and shares. You may even be able to make a little bit of extra money by lending digital skills on https://www.fiverr.com/. Make sure that all the money earnt from these endeavours is going straight into your savings.

Speedy Ways To Save Up For A Mortgage | Bagofcent$ (3)

Make big cutbacks

It could also be worth making some big cutbacks, so that you have more disposable income to throw at your savings. This could include driving less, budgeting your food shop or lowering your energy consumption. Now could be the perfect time to break an expensive bad habit such as smoking or drinking heavily – by spending less money on these bad habits, you could help save up for a mortgage more quickly whilst improving your health.

Get help from someone else

You could always save up for a property with the help of someone else. This could be a partner, a sibling or some friends. Not only will you be able to afford a down payment more quickly, but you’ll be able to pay off the mortgage repayments more easily. Just make sure that this someone who you financially trust.

Ask Questions

Ask a lot of questions when you don’t know where to look for informations. We have the tendency to keep everything for us when we have a problem but sometime we should ask for help. There is nothing wrong to ask for guidance, this is more a way of saying, show me the way so i could make it happen for me and my family.

There is so much debt around to tackle, why not have a list of all your expenses and spending over a month period. See where you could have some improvement or adjustement.

  • Cut one of your credit card
  • Commute to work
  • Bring your lunch more often
  • Negociate your interest rate (car, credit card)
  • Put more money on high interest debt
  • Increase payment period (once versus twice a month= pay faster your debt)

Have a PLAN

Do you have a plan in place in order to save for your futur mortgage -house? Having a plan will help you make your dream come true.

  • How long you plan to save?
  • Do you have prior saving?
  • Do you own any asset (Dividend Stocks, 401K,cash deposit…)?
  • Will you have help from family members (borrowing or money gift) ?

Once you answer all of the common questions you may have, it should be a lot easier to understand how you will make it happen. Maybe have a excel spreadsheet or a nice wallboard and have a written plan. By looking at your plan everyday ,it should help you focus more, have solutions when you see problems coming your way.

Of course it is not easy to start saving for a house or a performing asset but at the end, all of your efforts will be much worthed.Having a place that you could call your own is so satisfying.

Speedy Ways To Save Up For A Mortgage | Bagofcent$ (4)


Saving could be so complex, you could have 50K in your bank account and the next day your left with 20k because of a bad situation happening in your life. Yes, you should focus on saving but once you have enough to purchase your house or satisfying the lender borrowing recommandation, go for it. Sometime by waiting more than you should, you will endup not performing your transaction.

Action is key but again be careful, if you feel something is not right, don’t do it. Always follow your intuition, most of the time, it will guide you in the right direction.

Be safe.


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Speedy Ways To Save Up For A Mortgage | Bagofcent$ (2024)


What's the fastest way to save up for a house? ›

6 ways to save money for a house
  1. Build your budget. Creating a budget is one of the most important steps when setting a financial goal. ...
  2. Downsize your expenses. ...
  3. Pay off debt. ...
  4. Increase the income from your main job. ...
  5. Look for other ways to earn. ...
  6. Plan for the extras.

How to aggressively save for a house? ›

Let's get started.
  1. Step 1: Set a clear savings goal. The first step in saving for a house is to know the exact dollar amount you actually need. ...
  2. Step 2: Tighten your spending (temporarily). ...
  3. Step 3: Hold off on your retirement savings (temporarily). ...
  4. Step 4: Boost your income. ...
  5. Step 5: Cut the extras and save even more.
Oct 17, 2023

How long does it realistically take to save for a house? ›

Saving for the down payment

First, figure out what percentage of your dream home's price tag you want to put down. One report from Zillow in 2023 said it can take up to 11 years for the typical homebuyer to save up for a 20% downpayment!

How to save for a house down payment in 6 months? ›

How to save for a down payment: 8 ways
  1. Park the savings somewhere you can earn more money. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Explore additional sources of income. ...
  4. Look for down payment assistance programs. ...
  5. Reduce your expenses. ...
  6. Request a raise. ...
  7. Ask for a gift. ...
  8. Reprioritize your savings goals.
Feb 8, 2024

How much should I save for a $300 K house? ›

Down payment options for a $300K house

While some lenders may require no down payment at all, most will need at least 3% of the purchase price ($9,000) or 3.5% ($10,500). However, if you have a down payment of 20% ($60,000), you could save quite a bit on mortgage insurance and interest charges.

How to save 10k in a year? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

How much should I save for a $200 K house? ›

To purchase a $200,000 house, you need a down payment of at least $40,000 (20% of the home price) to avoid PMI on a conventional mortgage. If you're a first-time home buyer, you could save a smaller down payment of $10,000–20,000 (5–10%). But remember, that will drive up your monthly payment with PMI fees.

How much debt should I have at 50? ›

By the time you reach your 40s and 50s, debts should be lower or almost gone. Student loans should be non-existent, you may be paying for cars in cash, you might be pre-paying your mortgage, and credit card debt should not exist.

How much to save for a $500,000 house? ›

A 20% down payment option is a common benchmark for homebuyers. A 20% down payment option gets recommended often because it avoids the need for private mortgage insurance (PMI). For a $500,000 home, a 20% down payment would be $100,000.

What is a good credit score to buy a house? ›

It's recommended you have a credit score of 620 or higher when you apply for a conventional loan. If your score is below 620, lenders either won't be able to approve your loan or may be required to offer you a higher interest rate, which can result in higher monthly mortgage payments.

How much to save for a 700000 house? ›

Putting down the standard 20% can help you avoid paying mortgage insurance and interest and could save you thousands of dollars. So you can expect to pay between $21,000 and $140,000 as a down payment on a $700,000 purchase. Keep in mind, besides the down payment amount, you will also have to factor in closing costs.

What is a good amount of money to save for a house? ›

You should shoot for a down payment of at least 20%—that'll keep you from having to pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI). PMI is a yearly fee that runs about 1% of your loan balance, so avoiding it will save you big-time money. Plus, a bigger down payment means smaller monthly payments and less debt.

Is $5000 enough to move out? ›

The answer depends on various factors, such as your location, lifestyle, and personal circ*mstances. While $5,000 can be a good starting point, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the costs associated with moving out and living independently.

What is the 6 month rule for mortgage loan? ›

You typically have to wait at least six to 12 months to refinance your mortgage after the original loan closed, though there could be exceptions.

How do you aggressively save for a down payment on a house? ›

It may seem impossible to save so much in a short period of time, but it can be doable with a plan.
  1. Assess Your Current Financial Situation. ...
  2. Set a Clear Savings Goal. ...
  3. Cut Back on Expenses. ...
  4. Increase Your Income. ...
  5. Explore Down Payment Assistance Programs. ...
  6. Save Windfalls and Extra Income. ...
  7. Monitor and Adjust Your Savings Plan.

How much money should I have saved before getting a house? ›

A good number to shoot for when saving for a house is 25% of the sale price to cover your down payment, closing costs and moving expenses. (This amount is separate from saving up 3–6 months of your typical living expenses in a fully-funded emergency fund—which I recommend you do first, before saving up for a home.)

How to save 20k in a year? ›

Best Ways to Save $20k in One Year
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Start an Emergency Fund. ...
  3. Share a Car. ...
  4. Find Better Insurance Rates. ...
  5. Open a High Yield Savings Account. ...
  6. Automate Your Savings. ...
  7. Avoid Lifestyle Creep. ...
  8. Eliminate (Unused) Recurring Expenses.
Apr 2, 2024

How to come up with a down payment for a house fast? ›

Here are some options.
  1. Receive gift money. A gift from a family member or someone else with whom you have a close relationship may be part of your down payment, in some cases. ...
  2. Take a loan from your 401(k) or other retirement plan. ...
  3. Sell something. ...
  4. Receive a windfall. ...
  5. Give your savings a boost.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.