Some self-defense keychains could get you in trouble with the law (2024)

FRESNO, Calif. (FOX26) — Self-defense keychains are growing in popularity, but according to the Fresno County Sheriff's Department, if you are caught with one you could face jail time.

Esmi Careaga visited the Fresno County Courthouse in downtown Fresno where deputies have confiscated a number of these self-defense keychains when people are entering the building.

While working at the Fresno County Courthouse, Deputy Ethan Bare has seen his fair share of items try to make through the door.

Over the years he's confiscated a treasure chest full of pocket knives, kitchen knives, and much more.

Recently, he's seen an uptick in self-defense keychains try to make it passed the courthouse metal detectors.

At first glance, they look like harmless cat or dog keychains.

But as it turns out, they're actually used as a deadly self-defense weapon.

Deputies say they're known as Plastic Knuckle Dusters, which fall under the umbrella of brass knuckles, which are illegal in the state of California.

Deputy Bare says people tell him they got them because they're cool and the like cats, but he tells them they are not allowed to have them and they could end up in jail.

He also adds just because you buy something online doesn't mean it's legal in the state you are inso you have to make sure to check the laws within your own state before buying.

Some self-defense keychains could get you in trouble with the law (2024)


Is it illegal to have a self-defence keychain? ›

Keychain Kubatons

Shaped like a small stick, it's designed to enhance striking power and leverage. The legality of keychain Kubatons varies by state: Legal in all 50 states: Keychain Kubatons are legal in all states, as they are considered non-lethal and are primarily used for self-defense purposes.

Are keychain knuckles legal? ›

Most self defense keychains are universally legal in the United States to purchase, own, and carry, with some restrictions on owner's age, product size, potency, and carry method.

How effective are self defense keychains? ›

Keychain defense weapons are highly effective as self-defense tools due to their portability, accessibility, and inconspicuous nature, allowing individuals to quickly deploy them when needed for personal protection.

Are self-defense keychains illegal in California? ›

There are a few things you need to know before buying a self-defense key fob. For starters, these items are not legal in California. This is not to say that these products are undesirable. They can actually help you defend yourself against human attackers.

What can I carry to protect myself? ›

If you're looking for something easy to carry with you daily, a keychain weapon or flashlight stun gun may be the best option. For something a little more heavy-duty, an expandable baton or multi-tool may be a better choice.

What are self-defense keychains called? ›

Kubotan is a genericized trademark for a self-defense keychain weapon developed by Sōke Takayuki Kubota in the late 1960s. It is typically no more than 140 millimetres (51⁄2 inches) long and about 13 mm (1⁄2 in) in diameter, slightly thicker or the same size as a marker pen.

Is the Kubaton illegal? ›

Is a kubotan legal? As you say, the Kubotan keychain knife is intended for self-defense. However, if police catch you with a Kubotan keychain knife in your possession, you could be arrested and charged with the crime of possession of a concealed dirk or dagger. That offense can be punished as a felony or a misdemeanor.

Why are monkey knuckles legal? ›

These are two of the most rugged and durable non-metal materials available and because it classifies as a plastic, the knuckles are legal in Canada. Why are they called Brass Knuckles if they aren't made out of Brass? The name Brass Knuckles originated in the late 1800's as knuckles gained notoriety around the world.

Can you have metal knuckles? ›

In most states, possessing brass knuckles is a felony offense. This means that carrying or using brass knuckles can result in significant fines and jail time. It's important to note that even if you are not involved in a violent altercation, simply possessing brass knuckles can lead to serious legal consequences.

Are self defense rings worth it? ›

Effectiveness. Self defense rings can be very powerful and effective at protecting you from an attacker. Defense rings are normally worn on your hand and supplement your punches with the ability to cut skin, collect DNA, and inflict greater damage.

Do self-defense tasers work? ›

Stun guns can incapacitate an attacker, but a Taser is usually more likely to stop someone in their tracks. Tasers can be used from a farther distance. If you're looking for an effective self-defense weapon that can keep you safe both at close and long-range, a Taser is the better option.

Do self-defense alarms work? ›

The effectiveness of traditional personal attack alarms has been debated at length in the media. A traditional safety alarm may deter an attacker, but it is very much dependent on the individual situation, whether bystanders are able to help you, and the location of the attack.

Are kitty knuckles legal in Texas? ›

Texans are now free to carry certain self-defense weapons without fear of criminal prosecution. Thanks to House Bill (HB) 446, which took effect on September 1st, it's now legal for Texans to carry brass knuckles, clubs, and wild kat keychains (also known as “kitty keychains”).

What is a zipper gun? ›

Zip guns are generally crude homemade firearms consisting of a barrel, breechblock and a firing mechanism. For small, low-pressure cartridges, like the common . 22 caliber rimfire cartridges, even very thin-walled tubing works as a barrel, strapped to a block of wood for a handle.

What is a tactical pen? ›

A tactical pen is essentially not just an instrument of writing. While it can be used for this purpose, it mainly serves the function of a utility tool and a self-defense weapon. Some of these pens may have a really sharp and pointy tip, which could be used to fend off an attacker.

Is the kubaton illegal? ›

Is a kubotan legal? As you say, the Kubotan keychain knife is intended for self-defense. However, if police catch you with a Kubotan keychain knife in your possession, you could be arrested and charged with the crime of possession of a concealed dirk or dagger. That offense can be punished as a felony or a misdemeanor.

Are keychains allowed in carry on? ›

While popular, the keychains are subject to strict regulations when it comes to air travel. The TSA classifies them as weapons, making them ineligible for carry-on luggage.

Can you use objects for self-defense? ›

This category of common objects can be used in two ways for self-defence. The first is to injure an opponent by throwing the objects at them from a distance. You should aim for your opponent's face or chest from distance of few steps to avoid missing them and to prevent them from approaching closer.

What states are Kubotan legal in? ›

Ray : Kubotan is legal here in the U.S., It has not been outlawed in any state. The only place it is illegal here is the airport it cannot be taken on an airplane.

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