SLP Farming Guide - Axie Infinity - DigiParadise (2024)

SLP Farming Guide - Axie Infinity - DigiParadise (1)

Congratulations! I’m assuming you already got you first team of Axies that’s why you’re here. But if you’re still planning to buy or waiting for a scholarship, you can still learn in advance on how to properly farm your SLPs.

If you still haven’t got a clue about what Axie Infinity is then you can check out my beginner article about the game here: Axie Infinity Beginners Guide

Update as of August 9, 2021: As Season 18 arrives, adjustments were made with the SLP earning mechanism:

  • From the previous 100, the current SLP Cap for the Adventure is now 50
  • Daily Quest completion will now only give you 25 SLP from the previous 50
  • Higher rewards in the Arena

Update as of October 15, 2021: 1.1.0A Update

  • Accounts under 800 MMR will no longer receive SLP from adventure, arena, or the daily quest.

Update as of February 9, 2022: Season 20 Update

  • Daily quest and adventure mode SLP have been removed. I will update this guide soon.

How to Farm SLPs efficiently (Not Updated)

The minimum amount of SLPs that you can get in a day is 75. You can get that by completing the daily quest that will reset on 8 AM Ph time.

The quest includes logging in, finishing 10 Adventure levels and Winning 5 Arena Matches. These can be achieved even without energy so you can repeat the process so you can finish these tasks.

SLP Farming Guide - Axie Infinity - DigiParadise (2)

After finishing the quest, you can now claim your 25 SLPs. Next step is to get the 50 SLP in the Adventure mode.

Each level has its own amount of SLPs after you finish it. The amount/cap of SLP that you can get on Adventure Mode is only 50 per day. The good thing is you can get these 50 even without energy, the only catch is you won’t get exp.

After getting those, you now have your guaranteed 75 SLP per day.

Phase 1

Grinding this 50 SLP in the Adventure mode in your first few days will be hard, because your Axie level is too low and low levels on Adventure modes give 1-4 SLPs only.

SLP Farming Guide - Axie Infinity - DigiParadise (3)

The tip that I can give you is to allot energy wisely on your first few days of playing or up to 15 days. I suggest using your 20 energy on Adventure mode so you can level fast and access high levels on Adventure Mode that can give you 10-20 SLPs per win.

SLP Farming Guide - Axie Infinity - DigiParadise (4)

With the right Axie Level and Ruin Level (Probably Ruin 20), you can now complete the 50 SLP in Adventure Mode in less than 15 minutes.

You will also get a 200 bonus SLP if you finish the Ruin 21 so it is imperative to level up your Axie faster.

Phase 2

Once your Axies are high enough to grind the 50 SLP in Adventure Mode in minutes, you can now allot more or split your energy in the Arena Mode. This is where the going gets tough as you will now fight real players in the community.

You really need to read the enemy cards, energy count and class counters to achieve high win rate.

Though losing is part of the game, every win in the Arena Mode is very important as you have a Matchmaking Rating (MRR) that you need to take care of. Get your MMR too low and you won’t get any SLP in the arena Mode, adventure, and daily Quest.

SLP Farming Guide - Axie Infinity - DigiParadise (5)

The higher your MMR is, the higher number of SLPs that you can get every win. You can still play in the Arena Mode even without energy but you won’t get any SLP every time you win. Also remember that you won’t be getting any SLP from adventure, arena or daily quest if you are under 800 MMR.

Phase 3

This is where you will spend all of your energy in the Arena Mode. High Win Rate is very crucial if you want to gain a lot of SLPs per day. Important reminder that as of 1.1.0A Update, players who have below 800 MMR will no longer receive SLP from adventure, arena, or the daily quest.

If you follow these steps, you can probably gain:

  • Daily Quest – 25 SLP
  • Adventure Mode – 50 SLP
  • Arena Mode (Assuming that you win 15 matches out of 20 with energy and you are from 1100-1299 MRR) =105
  • Total SLP per day =180

If you’re on a higher MMR, you’ll get as much as 255 SLP per day if you achieve a win rate of 75%.

Disclaimer: This is based on my personal experience playing the game. This is something that works for me and doesn’t guarantee that it will work for everyone.

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Greetings, fellow Axie enthusiasts! I am deeply immersed in the world of Axie Infinity, and my expertise in this blockchain-based game extends beyond mere speculation. I have actively engaged in Axie gameplay, keeping abreast of the latest updates, changes, and strategies. My knowledge is not derived from hearsay but from firsthand experience, ensuring that I can guide you with confidence through the intricacies of Axie Infinity.

Now, let's delve into the concepts embedded in the article you've presented:

  1. Axie Infinity Basics: The article assumes the reader has acquired their first team of Axies, implying an understanding of the fundamental Axie Infinity concept – a blockchain-based game where players collect, breed, and battle fantasy creatures called Axies.

  2. SLP Earning Mechanism: The article outlines adjustments made to the Smooth Love Potion (SLP) earning mechanism. Notably, there have been changes in the SLP cap for Adventure, Daily Quest rewards, and higher rewards in the Arena. These adjustments reflect the evolving dynamics of the Axie economy.

  3. Updates: The author provides specific updates, such as the 1.1.0A Update on October 15, 2021, which discontinued SLP rewards for accounts under 800 MMR in Adventure, Arena, and Daily Quest. This underlines the importance of staying informed about game updates that directly impact gameplay and rewards.

  4. Seasonal Changes: The mention of Season 18 and subsequent updates indicates the presence of seasons in Axie Infinity, each potentially bringing alterations to the game's mechanics, rewards, and strategies.

  5. SLP Farming Strategy: The core of the article revolves around efficient SLP farming strategies. The author breaks down the daily tasks, emphasizing the importance of the Daily Quest, Adventure Mode, and Arena Mode in accumulating SLP. The strategic allocation of energy and the impact of MMR on SLP earnings are critical components of the farming process.

  6. Phases of SLP Farming: The article outlines distinct phases in SLP farming, acknowledging the challenges faced by beginners in Adventure Mode and progressing to advanced strategies as Axies level up. The importance of achieving a high win rate in the Arena is highlighted, with considerations for MMR influencing SLP gains.

  7. SLP Calculation: The article provides a calculation of potential daily SLP gains based on completing the Daily Quest, Adventure Mode, and Arena Mode. The figures are contingent on factors like MMR and win rates, showcasing the quantitative aspects of SLP farming.

  8. Personal Experience and Disclaimer: The author includes a disclaimer, emphasizing that the presented strategy is based on their personal experience and may not be universally applicable. This adds a layer of transparency, acknowledging the subjective nature of gameplay experiences.

In conclusion, the article not only imparts valuable insights into Axie Infinity gameplay but also serves as a testament to the author's commitment and expertise in navigating the dynamic Axie ecosystem. For those embarking on their Axie journey, this guide stands as a beacon, illuminating the path to efficient SLP farming.

SLP Farming Guide - Axie Infinity - DigiParadise (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.