Simple Ciphers | CodePath Cliffnotes (2024)

Shift Cipher

One of the simplest types of encryption is the Shift Cipher. It provides a good introduction to encryption because it is easy to understand.

The Shift Cipher is also called the "Caesar Cipher", because Julius Caesar liked to use it for his personal correspondence. A shift cipher takes the text of the a message and shifts all the letters to to the left or right. For example, if a message was shifted by two, then A would become C, B would become D, C would become E, and so on.

The most popular shift cipher is ROT13 ("ROT" = "rotates"). It shifts letters 13 positions. It is popular because 13 is half of the 26 letter alphabet, which gives it a unique property. The same function can be used to both encrypt and decrypt.

PHP has a built in functio for ROT13 called str_rot13().

<?php echo str_rot13('This is a secret message.'); // Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr. echo str_rot13('Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr.'); // This is a secret message.?>

There is no built in PHP function for shifting by an arbitrary number, but it is easy to write code for it. Incidentally, Julius Caesar like to use a shift of three.

<?php function str_rot($string, $rot=13) { $letters = 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz'; // "% 26" allows numbers larger than 26 // doubled letters = double rotated $dbl_rot = ((int) $rot % 26) * 2; if($dbl_rot == 0) { return $string; } // build shifted letter map ($dbl_rot to end + start to $dbl_rot) $map = substr($letters, $dbl_rot) . substr($letters, 0, $dbl_rot); // strtr does the substitutions between $letters and $map return strtr($string, $letters, $map); } echo str_rot("Experience is the teacher of all things.", 3); // Hashulhqfh lv wkh whdfkhu ri doo wklqjv.?>

Substitution Cipher

A shift cipher is actually a primitive version of a Substitution Alphabet Cipher. A substitution cipher uses a translation map for characters. Each character in the text gets translated into another character. The substitution could be into letters, or into numbers or symbols. Decryption simply requires applying the translation in reverse. Decrypting substitution ciphers are popular puzzles to include in newspapers and magazines.

In PHP, the function strtr() (short for "string translate") allows mapping one set of characters to another set.

<?php const LETTERS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; const CODEMAP = 'UMRSQPBOLEXTZYAKJVCNHDWGIF'; function encrypt($string) { $uppercase = strtoupper($string); return strtr($uppercase, LETTERS, CODEMAP); } function decrypt($string) { $uppercase = strtoupper($string); return strtr($uppercase, CODEMAP, LETTERS); } echo encrypt('TO BE OR NOT TO BE.'); // NA MQ AV YAN NA MQ. echo decrypt('NA MQ AV YAN NA MQ.'); // TO BE OR NOT TO BE.?>

Substitution ciphers are easy to use, but also easy to decrypt. Long messages provide clues because of letter frequency and the particular characteristics of each language. For example, in English, a three-letter word which appears often in a text is probably "the", "and", or "but", and a two-letter word is probably "to", "at", "in", "of", or "is".

These simple ciphers provide basic examples of the principals of cryptography and make it easier to understand more complex examples.

Simple Ciphers | CodePath  Cliffnotes (2024)


What are the simplest ciphers? ›

In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as Caesar's cipher, the shift cipher, Caesar's code, or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques.

How to solve a simple cipher? ›

All substitution ciphers can be cracked by using the following tips:
  1. Scan through the cipher, looking for single-letter words. ...
  2. Count how many times each symbol appears in the puzzle. ...
  3. Pencil in your guesses over the ciphertext. ...
  4. Look for apostrophes. ...
  5. Look for repeating letter patterns.

What is the easiest cipher code? ›

Caesar Cipher

Caesar ciphers are especially popular for children because they're easy to understand. Plus, they're a great way to practice the alphabet. All you have to do is rotate the alphabet by a number of your choice so each letter can be translated to a different one.

How secure is a simple substitution cipher? ›

The simplest form of substitution cipher is when each character is replaced by exactly one other character (monoalphabetic ciphers). This encryption can be broken with statistical methods (frequency analysis) because in every language characters appear with a particular probability (Fig.

What is a cipher with only 3 letters? ›

The trifid cipher is a classical cipher invented by Félix Delastelle and described in 1902.

What is the hardest cipher to solve? ›

The Vigenère cipher is a method of encrypting messages by using a series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a particular keyword. The Vigenère cipher is more powerful than a single Caesar cipher and is much harder to crack.

How to solve a cipher with a key? ›

To decode a substitution cipher with a key, you'll need to replace each letter in the encrypted message with the corresponding letter from the key. For example, if the key says "A" corresponds to "D", you'd replace every "A" in the encrypted message with a "D". By following the key, you can decipher the entire message.

How do people crack ciphers? ›

Cracking the cipher

There are three main techniques he could use: frequency analysis, known plaintext, and brute force.

What is the key for a cipher? ›

In cryptography a 'key' is a piece of information used in combination with an algorithm (a 'cipher') to transform plaintext into ciphertext (encryption) and vice versa (decryption).

What is the most safe cipher? ›

AES has been the standard for symmetric encryption for the last few decades, and is still widely used today for its secure encryption capabilities. AES is fast and secure, making it a popular choice for encrypting files and other sensitive data.

What is the best cipher for password? ›

Bcrypt is a widely used and recommended algorithm that is based on the Blowfish cipher and supports salt, iteration, and adaptability features. Scrypt is a newer algorithm that requires more memory and CPU resources than Bcrypt, making it harder for attackers to use parallel or specialized hardware to crack hashes.

What is the weakness of simple substitution cipher? ›

The explanation for this weakness is that the frequency distributions of symbols in the plaintext and in the ciphertext are identical, only the symbols having been relabeled. In fact, any structure or pattern in the plaintext is preserved intact in the ciphertext, so that the cryptanalyst's task is an easy one.

How many simple substitution ciphers are there? ›

For our English, 26-letter alphabet, there are 26! different substitution ciphers. This is an amazing 403 291 461 126 605 635 584 000 000, which is a little over 400 million million million million.

What is an example of a simple substitution cipher? ›

For example, a shift of three would transform A into D and B into E. Atbash cipher: This is another simple substitution cipher that reverses the alphabet. Each letter in the plaintext is replaced with its corresponding letter counting from the end of the alphabet. For instance, A becomes Z, and B becomes Y.

What is one of the easiest and earliest known ciphers? ›

The "Caesar Box," or "Caesar Cipher," is one of the earliest known ciphers. Developed around 100 BC, it was used by Julius Caesar to send secret messages to his generals in the field. In the event that one of his messages got intercepted, his opponent could not read them.

What are simple modern ciphers? ›

Some simple modern ciphers are XOR, Rotation, Substitution cipher (s-box), Permutation cipher (p-box). XOR Cipher. XOR ciphers use logical XOR operation to produce ciphertext. Two inputs are needed for XOR cipher algorithm, one input from plaintext and other input is the key to encrypt.

What is the simplest type of stream cipher? ›

The simplest type of stream cipher is a substitution cipher(monoalphabetic substitution cipher, which substitutes one letter for another). A cipher that manipulates an entire block of plaintext at one time.

What is the simplest transposition cipher? ›

One example of a transposition cipher, is to reverse the order of the letters in a plaintext. So "a simple example" becomes "ELPMAXE ELPMIS A". Another, similar, way to encrypt a message would be to reverse the letters of each word, but not the order in which the words are written.

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