Sign in or log in: Which UX copy works best? - UX Pickle (2024)

Reading Time - 3 min

Long story short, “Log In / Sign Up” works better.

You are probably here because you are a designer or a developer having a debate on whether to use ‘sign in/sign up’ or ‘login/register’ or any other combination of these words.

What makes sense is that we need to distinguish these two words since they perform quite distinct roles and address consumers with very different attitudes. The first is a new user who wants to ‘Sign up’ or ‘Register,’ while the second is an existing user who wants to ‘Log In’ or ‘Sign in’ to their account on the system.

When it comes to user experience, consistency is essential, and whichever method you choose, you’ll need to apply it to all of the products or websites you’re working on.

Why is it a problem?

Sign in or log in: Which UX copy works best? - UX Pickle (1)

The usage of sign up and sign in has a pleasing symmetry that will undoubtedly attract a large number of individuals. Unfortunately, because of the symmetry, the user’s ability to distinguish the button he needs is reduced to only two letters. It’s easy to mistakenly choose to sign up when the user is meant to choose to sign in.

The first letter of the first word of the first button is also the first letter of the second word of the second button. It becomes as confusing as the last sentence is. This is something we’ll call the visual symmetry problem. The visual symmetry problem is not related to the conceptual symmetry problem. If you have a button that says “Sign Up” then, assuming that the user needs to “sign up” to use your site, the button is not wrong. However, if you have buttons that say “Sign Up” and “Sign In”, and you want the user to “Sign In”, then the visual symmetry problem is very real.

Just because everyone does it doesn’t imply it’s excellent UX. There are a lot of terrible UX patterns out there that are norms.

Many companies’ fates are almost entirely determined by one point of conversion, and that is when a customer turns into a user. Far too frequently, this critical duty is borne by a generic “sign up” button, which is lucky to receive even a minute of thought during creation.

If you think about the language of your signup button, you can dramatically boost the number of visitors who become users. Since they demand blind commitment, the typical “Sign Up” buttons don’t work.

How to make the Sign up button work?

  • Make it relevant to your product: “Start Selling Art” if you have an artist marketplace. This makes it less likely that the button will be ignored.
  • Give instead of taking: The words “Get Access” and “Sign Up” both mean the same thing, yet one gives the impression that the visitor is gaining anything while the other does not.
  • Motivate people to take action: ‘Get’, ‘start,’ and ‘try’ are examples of action verbs that will prompt people to act and make an account on your page.
  • Don’t add too many words to the CTA: What we’ve found is that, in general, the more words you add, the less attractive the button becomes.

So, which one should I choose?

Use ‘Create Account’ instead of ‘Sign up’

Create Account is just a more accurate representation of the action being offered. Using the term “Account” opens the door to features like ‘Account Settings’, which are tied to the notion that each user has an individual account.

This function is generally associated with log in/sign In functionality, and if you choose to sign In, you’ll end up with two almost identical buttons, as shown below.

Sign in or log in: Which UX copy works best? - UX Pickle (2)

Use ‘Log in’ instead of ‘Sign in’

Keep in mind that “log in” is a verb and “login” is a noun. The names of the buttons should be verbs, but the reference to the login experience should be a noun. Using “Log in” and “Sign up” helps users distinguish the terms and according to research, works better.

Sign in or log in: Which UX copy works best? - UX Pickle (2024)


Should I use login or sign in? ›

We can use the phrasal verb “sign in” in the same way as “log in.” But unlike “log in,” “sign in” is common outside of the computer world. As part of security measures in an office building or school, you may have to provide information about yourself before you enter.

How do you write login vs log in UX? ›

Keep in mind that “log in” is a verb and “login” is a noun. The names of the buttons should be verbs, but the reference to the login experience should be a noun. Using “Log in” and “Sign up” helps users distinguish the terms and according to research, works better.

How do you write an effective copy of UX? ›

16 Rules of Effective UX Writing
  1. Be concise.
  2. Avoid long blocks of text.
  3. Avoid double negatives.
  4. Begin with the objective.
  5. Use specific verbs whenever possible.
  6. Make the copy consistent.
  7. Avoid jargon.
  8. Write in the present tense.
Apr 6, 2022

What is the difference between UI copy and UX copy? ›

UX writing is the practice of crafting user interface copy that guides users within a product and helps them complete their tasks much more easily. UI copy includes microcopy (buttons, menu labels, error messages, security notes) as well as macrocopy (content on product pages, instructions, terms and conditions, etc).

What is the difference between login and logon? ›

Logon is used for a hardware system that starts up when used, like a computer. Login is used for a software system where I have to enter my username and password. Signin is used for identification, either physical such as a photo ID, or digital such as OpenID.

Which method is used for login? ›

Password-based authentication

Passwords are the most common methods of authentication. Passwords can be in the form of a string of letters, numbers, or special characters.

What is the difference between create user and login? ›

A user is associated with a specific database and defines the permissions and access rights within that database. A login can be mapped to one or more database users, allowing controlled access to the database objects.

How do I know which user login? ›

To find out the details, you have to use Windows Event Viewer. Follow the below steps to view logon audit events: Go to Start ➔ Type “Event Viewer” and click enter to open the “Event Viewer” window. In the left navigation pane of “Event Viewer”, open “Security” logs in “Windows Logs”.

How do you write high value copy UX? ›

Here's how I write high-performance UX copy for apps and websites.
  1. Understanding The Ideal Customer. The first and most important thing a copywriter should know is their customer(s). ...
  2. Assigning Purpose By Page. ...
  3. Prioritizing Clarity Over Cleverness. ...
  4. Utilizing Charm. ...
  5. Saying Less. ...
  6. Going With The Flow. ...
  7. The Final Scan.
Oct 5, 2023

How much do UX copywriters make? ›

How Much Do Ux Copywriter Jobs Pay per Year? $58,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $86,500 is the 75th percentile.

How do you write a powerful copy? ›

A Short Guide to Writing Good Copy
  1. Clear communication is the key to effective copy. ...
  2. A copywriter comes to the rescue. ...
  3. Make every word tell. ...
  4. Headline Writing 101. ...
  5. Use common spelling. ...
  6. Avoid hyperbole and fancy words. ...
  7. Put the reader first. ...
  8. Write in a natural way.
Apr 4, 2013

Is copying UI illegal? ›

Copying website designs, elements, UI, UX, textual content, graphics, layouts, and structures are considered web design plagiarism, fundamentally being highly illegal. Copying landing pages or affiliate pages from other sources. Plagiarizing original media, banners, and logos is illegal as well.

What are the different types of UX copy? ›

There are two main types of UX copy: instructional and informative. Instructional copy includes instructions on how to use a website so the user is able to use it with ease. Informative copy helps users understand what certain things do or how they work.

Do UX designers write copy? ›

UX writers, especially freelancers and those working on small teams, are often responsible for writing every instance of a product's interface copy.

Which is better login or sign up? ›

In other words, the sign-up process can also log users in, but the login process can't create new user accounts. It's also worth mentioning that, from a security standpoint, it's usually best to keep these processes separate to avoid confusion and potential security risks.

What is the difference between login page and sign in page? ›

Using the term 'login' means that at a glance the user can instantly tell the difference between 'Login' and 'Sign up'. By using 'Sign in' the user has to take a second or two to read the words to identify between the two and there's more chance of them clicking the wrong link.

Should login be one word? ›

Some people struggle with words like login/login. Should it be one word or two, they wonder. According to the Associated Press Stylebook, “login” is a noun and “log in” is a verb. So, if you're following AP style, you use your login to log in.

Why do we say login? ›

The term login comes from the verb (to) log in and by analogy with the verb to clock in. Computer systems keep a log of users' access to the system. The term "log" comes from the chip log historically used to record distance traveled at sea and was recorded in a ship's log or logbook.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.