Shopping for Home Insurance? Waiting Until You Move May Cost You Money | Bankrate (2024)

Key takeaways

  • Shopping around for home insurance may help you find the best and cheapest policy.
  • It may be beneficial to shop for home insurance even if you aren't buying a house.
  • Because coverage needs can change, insurance experts recommend you review your policy regularly.

Shopping for home insurance is frequently folded into the home buying process, but only shopping when you’re about to purchase a new home could mean missing opportunities to save. Bankrate’s insurance editorial team spoke with experts in the industry to understand when and how consumers can maximize their shopping habits — and why it might be beneficial to shop for insurance even if you aren’t planning a move.

Why is it important to shop for home insurance?

Shopping for home insurance is a key step in buying a home, but what about when you already own a home and have a policy in place? Shopping your existing home insurance policy can have major benefits.

Whether you’re looking for an improved customer experience, better coverage, a fairer price or a company that’s better aligned with your values, there are plenty of reasons people switch their homeowners insurance providers. — Sean Burgess, Chief Claims Officer at Lemonade

Shopping for and comparing home insurance quotes, even if you’re not buying a new house, can allow you to assess your current needs and decide if your policy and company can fulfill those needs. Even if you chose the best home insurance company for your needs when you initially purchased your home, your needs may have changed. Perhaps you need to find a lower rate, a specialty coverage option or a local agent.

But many homeowners purchase a policy when they first buy their house and neglect to review their coverage needs over time. Stephen Crewdson, J.D. Power senior director of Insurance Business Intelligence, told Bankrate that there is “anecdotal evidence that you’re more likely to shop when you’re buying a home than just any average day.” This means that existing home insurance policyholders could be missing out on an opportunity to find better coverage.

Should you shop for home insurance even if you aren’t buying a house?

It certainly can’t hurt. Karen Collins, vice president of Property and Environmental for the American Property and Casualty Insurance Association, confirms this, saying “there are only benefits associated with shopping for homeowners insurance.”

In fact, many homeowners are shopping for insurance outside of the home buying process. Data from TransUnion shows that home insurance shopping was up throughout 2023, despite rising mortgage rates that led to a record low in home sales. With home insurance rates on the rise, Bankrate theorizes that more consumers feel it’s worth shopping around for better rates or coverage even when not buying a house.

“Shopping for homeowners insurance isn’t just for when you’re moving homes,” Burgess says. “If you’re dissatisfied with your current homeowners insurance provider — or just curious if there’s a better deal out there — it’s worth shopping around to get a sense of your options.”

Requesting home insurance quotes doesn’t lock you into an agreement to purchase a new policy. Additionally, many shoppers think that getting insurance quotes affects their credit rating. But don’t worry: that’s a myth. Insurance companies in most states do use credit as a rating factor, but they use a “soft check” that does not impact or damage your credit in any way. Simply put, there’s no downside to shopping for home insurance.

There are, however, plenty of benefits to shopping. Let’s explore the various perks of sussing out the competition.

Advantages to shopping your home insurance

  • You may find a cheaper rate
  • Shopping may help you find better coverage
  • Your home insurance needs may be changing

Shopping for home insurance should be a step on your moving checklist when you purchase a new home. However, there are also benefits to shopping under an existing policy, even if you aren’t moving. While you don’t have to change home insurance providers, shopping your policy helps you make sure that your current coverage still fits your needs.

You may find a cheaper rate

Although recent data suggests that inflation is cooling slightly, it remains elevated and most households are feeling the effects. Because different insurers have different rates, you may find a lower premium — and some breathing room in your budget — by shopping around.

“People say they’re shopping because of price,” Crewdson told Bankrate. “The percentage who say they’re shopping because of price has increased throughout the year.” Home insurance rates continue to increase in 2024, with an average annual premium of $2,151 for $300,000 in dwelling coverage. Just because your current policy was the cheapest option when you initially shopped doesn’t mean it’s the cheapest option now. Shopping around lets you compare rates to find the cheapest home insurance policy for your needs.

Just consider carefully whether you should cut coverage in an attempt to get a lower rate. Goosehead Insurance conducted a study of 2,000 American homeowners and found that 57 percent said they were willing to forgo coverage for a lower rate.

While it may seem like a solid strategy to save money, this can be a dangerous one. Reducing your coverage can mean that you are left with higher out-of-pocket costs in the aftermath of a claim, which could lead to a greater level of financial disruption than paying for the extra coverage in the first place. If you aren’t sure how much home insurance you need, you may want to work with a licensed agent while you’re shopping rather than getting a quote online.

When to shop for home insurance

Learning when to shop for home insurance can be surprising — it can happen at any time for any reason. Having a bad customer experience with a claims or service agent is a valid reason to look for a new provider. How you interact with your agent can matter too. Digital tools and 24/7 availability may fit your life better than an agent with limited office hours.

You may find better coverage

Price isn’t the only factor to consider when shopping for home insurance. Checking out the competition may also help you find better coverage.

Collins reminded Bankrate that “[w]ith inflation, supply chain issues and increased demand for skilled labor and construction materials following unprecedented natural disasters, there has been a significant increase in the cost to rebuild homes and businesses.” That means that even if you haven’t made any changes to your home, you might need higher limits. Your current insurer can give you a quote for any necessary adjustments to your policy, but shopping around could help you find better or more specialized coverage.

If you find a lower premium when you shop, it may also allow you to increase your coverage and still stay within your budget. You may find that, with a company that has lower rates, you can add additional endorsem*nts or increase your liability coverage, for example, without pushing yourself over your financial limits. If you can find a cheaper home insurance premium, it can lower your home expenses overall.

Your home insurance needs may be changing

If there’s one universal truth, it’s that change is inevitable. Whether the change is sudden or gradual, your life will shift, and when it does, your insurance needs might change. Home insurance shouldn’t be a static, “set-it-and-forget-it” product.

While that might work for some homeowners, most people experience changing needs throughout their tenure as homeowners. For example, when you purchased your home, maybe you needed the cheapest coverage to help offset the various startup costs involved in being a first-time home buyer. Several years into your homeownership journey, you might be more financially secure. Maybe you make some changes to your house, purchase some higher-end belongings, host guests more frequently or welcome new family members.

All of those factors could create a need for more or different home insurance coverage. As your needs change, so should your home insurance. Remember that home insurance is fundamentally a financial product. It’s designed to protect your finances from the fallout of unexpected home-related losses, so it’s important to assess your risk level as your life changes.

Additionally, shopping can serve as a good touchpoint to review your coverage limits in general. During the height of the pandemic, home renovations increased in popularity. If you’ve made significant changes to your home — such as upgrading finishes, adding a screened porch or upgrading your roof — you should let your insurer know so you can re-evaluate your needs.

Frequently asked questions

    • Shopping for home insurance before submitting an offer is possible and may be a savvy financial decision. One factor in determining your home insurance premium is location and potential risk from natural hazards. To avoid purchasing a home with unmanageable insurance costs, you may want to work with your realtor to get a loss history report from the current homeowner and enough details about the home for an accurate quote.

      To get a quote, you will need information such as the square footage, building materials and age of the roof — information that your realtor should already have. Shopping for home insurance as part of your home buying process may help you stay within budget and understand your home’s potential loss exposure.

    • The average cost of home insurance ranges from $800 to $6,000 per year for $300,000 of dwelling coverage, based on our analysis of home insurance rate data. The national annual average is $2,151. Home insurance premiums depend on factors such as your location, coverage types, coverage limits, the size of your house, and your insurance company.

    • Over time, it’s possible that your home insurance needs may change. For example, if you build an addition on your home or add a pool, you might need to increase your coverage limits. Or, if you acquire expensive items, like art or jewelry, you may decide to purchase a valuable items endorsem*nt to protect them.

Shopping for Home Insurance? Waiting Until You Move May Cost You Money | Bankrate (2024)


Is it worth shopping around for homeowners insurance? ›

“If you're dissatisfied with your current homeowners insurance provider — or just curious if there's a better deal out there — it's worth shopping around to get a sense of your options.” Requesting home insurance quotes doesn't lock you into an agreement to purchase a new policy.

Why is home insurance getting so expensive? ›

Why did your homeowners insurance go up? (Updated May 2024) The increase in expensive natural disasters and higher-than-average labor and construction costs have caused home insurance rates to skyrocket. Pat Howard.

What is one way to reduce the cost of a homeowners insurance policy? ›

Raise your deductible

Deductibles are the amount of money you have to pay toward a loss before your insurance company starts to pay a claim, according to the terms of your policy. The higher your deductible, the more money you can save on your premiums.

When shopping for homeowners insurance how many quotes should you seek? ›

You can get quotes online or by working directly with a home insurance agent. Plan on getting at least three quotes to make sure you find the best policy for your budget.

What should you not say to homeowners insurance? ›

Dealing with an insurance adjuster can be a delicate dance. There are certainly things you should avoid saying if you want to maximize your chances of a fair settlement. Avoid admitting fault or underestimating damages as this might lead to lower compensation or even denial of your claim.

How much does the average person spend on home insurance? ›

Average cost of homeowners insurance per year
StateAverage annual costAverage monthly cost
48 more rows
May 1, 2024

Who has the cheapest homeowners insurance? ›

State Farm offers the cheapest homeowners insurance at $174 per month on average, according to a comprehensive review by the MarketWatch Guides team. According to data obtained from Quadrant Information Services, the average cost of a homeowners insurance policy is $2,511 annually or $209 per month.

Who is the most expensive homeowners insurance? ›

Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas have the highest average annual home insurance premiums in the U.S.

What are the three biggest factors in determining the cost for homeowners insurance? ›

The factors that affect homeowners insurance premiums include the location, age and construction type of your home.

When should you cancel homeowners insurance? ›

At closing, once the buyer officially owns the home, you can cancel your coverage. Until that time, your homeowners insurance policy should remain in place to provide protection should anything happen to the home.

Is homeowners insurance cheaper if the house is paid off? ›

Unfortunately, paying off your mortgage doesn't reduce homeowners insurance premiums. You will no longer be required to carry home insurance as it isn't legally mandated, but your home will still require the same level of coverage to protect you from financial losses.

Does credit score affect home insurance? ›

Typically, the higher your credit rating, the less you will pay for home insurance in the states where credit is considered a rating factor. Although it is only one factor in setting rates for home insurance, data shows that the credit-based insurance score is an important one.

Should you change homeowners insurance every year? ›

It's recommended to review and reassess your homeowners insurance policy every one to two years, especially if there's been an increase in your premium or any changes in your policy or personal circ*mstances that could affect your rates.

What is the 80 rule in homeowners insurance? ›

When it comes to insuring your home, the 80% rule is an important guideline to keep in mind. This rule suggests you should insure your home for at least 80% of its total replacement cost to avoid penalties for being underinsured.

What is the rule of thumb for estimating homeowners insurance? ›

A simple formula for estimating your dwelling coverage limit is to take the square footage of your home and multiply it by the per-square-foot building costs in your area to reflect the current cost of construction.

How often should you shop around for home insurance? ›

We encourage you to shop for home insurance once a year to make sure you're getting the best coverage and price. By pulling at least three comparable quotes as part of the shopping process, you can be confident you're getting the best deal available on the coverage you need.

Why is it important to shop around for insurance? ›

Most insurance companies have multi-policy discounts, but not all of them are equal. You may find that you're saving hundreds by bundling your policies after shopping around for the right insurer. You may even end up with better coverage than what you started off with after switching.

Is it better to have a high or low deductible for home insurance? ›

A higher-deductible option can help you save on monthly premiums, but make sure you can afford to pay for damage before your insurance starts to cover repairs. For example, if you have a $5,000 deductible and your home gets $4,500 in hail damage, you will have to pay for the repairs out of pocket.

What is the most important thing in homeowners insurance? ›

Make sure you're covered for the right amount – your home insurance policy should cover the full value of your home in case of damage or destruction. When it comes to home insurance, you want to make sure you're getting the right amount of coverage.

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