Setting The Right Real Estate Goals For 2015 (2024)

What are the smartest and most successful real estate investors doing differently when setting goals for the New Year ahead?

Simple is smart when it comes to the world of real estate investing. However, when it comes to annual goal setting for real estate investors, it can also be a trap that derails their aspirations. So what effective and advanced goal setting strategies could more investors be applying in order to get ahead in 2015?

Check out the following questions, critical elements, and savvy planning moves that can help individual real estate investors experience their best years ever:

Determine Your Real Priorities

The goal listsof most real estate investors might include a dollar figure they want to make, and even how many deals they want to do over the next year. These can be great additions to goal lists and real estate business plans. However, while there may be some that only think in terms of cash and bank statements, others know that if they dig deeper they’ll find that these items are just a means to an end. Unless these are also listed and documented; how do investors expect to stay on track to attain them? Think about it. List them. Incorporate them. For some, this may be a certain lifestyle, more time, complete freedom, or something else. Paper money is just, well, paper. What do really hope it will buy you?

Focusing on the Right Metrics and Statistics

Some goals can focus on metrics and statistics, which can take them further from their real goals, or at least set them up for major catastrophes down the road. The housing and financial crash of the early 2000s was the epitome of such a scenario. It was all about toys, high incomes, and deal volumes. It was all about rushing to these goals with little thought for sustainability or consequences. We’ve seen the outcome of that.

Real estate can deliver huge returns in a relatively short period of time if approached correctly. Set a goal of making a $1M at any cost, and you’ll find it comes easy if that is all you focus on. The same goes for focusing on transaction numbers, web traffic, social shares, making offers, and other metrics. All of these things can be great, but rarely will things pan out if they are focused on as the ultimate goal. So watch your goals. If these other metrics are on your list, make sure you recognize they are often a symptom of success and making the right moves, not the other way around. Note that net profit can trump most of the other items listed above.

Know which Numbers to Ignore

Knowing which numbers and metrics to ignore is just as important as knowing which to include. Again, while some of the above metrics and numbers can be great to strive for, they can also sabotage real estate investors. For example; simply focusing on Facebook likes or shares, retweets, calls made, or leads generated can be deceptive and counterproductive. Not getting enough of them can cause investors to take actions to buff them up which may not help long term success or net profits.


Protecting what you already have and what you plan to add, is as important as making any gains. Sometimes this is more challenging than earning and doing more deals. It is never too early to plan for asset protection, reducing liability, and increasing privacy. If you haven’t made these things a priority, make 2015 the year you do.


All expectations are for the U.S. real estate market to keep forging upwards. However, the time to diversify isn’t when things get ugly or slow down, it is while they are good. Smart investors will have diversification on their list for 2015. Diversify into new niches, areas and businesses over the next year.

Real Estate Education

When you stop learning you stop improving. So chief among the goals and plans of serious real estate investors for 2015 should be plans for developing real estate education and knowledge. What real estate courses and books will you tackle in 2015? Which events are you going to? What will you learn about that will propel your ability to meet your other goals?

Learn more contact Diamond Dust Property Management (561)541-4409 for all your real estate investments for 2015 and allow us to help you accomplish your goals.


Setting The Right Real Estate Goals For 2015 (2)


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Setting The Right Real Estate Goals For 2015 (2024)


What are your top 3 goals in real estate? ›

By understanding the three key real estate goals — buy, sell, and invest — investors can create a strategy that helps them achieve their desired financial outcomes.

How to set goals in real estate? ›

  1. Set a net worth goal. ...
  2. Set a goal for honing your deal analysis skill. ...
  3. Create a goal for continual real estate education. ...
  4. Map out a portfolio building and diversification goal. ...
  5. Set a goal for growing your network. ...
  6. Set a goal for growing your team.

What are the main goals for a real estate agent? ›

12 Professional Goal Examples for Real Estate Agents
  • Expand Client Base. ...
  • Enhance Local Market Expertise. ...
  • Develop a Niche Specialty. ...
  • Improve Sales Conversion Rates. ...
  • Strengthen Digital Marketing Skills. ...
  • Build a Strong Referral Network. ...
  • Achieve a Professional Real Estate Designation. ...
  • Optimize Time Management.

Why is goal setting important in real estate? ›

Here's why goal setting is so important in real estate:

Provides direction: Setting goals gives you a clear direction for where you want to go in your real estate career. This direction provides clarity and focus, which is critical when navigating the fast-paced and competitive world of real estate.

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Summary. By focusing on the 4 P's of customer experience in the real estate industry - product, price, process, and people - you can improve the overall experience of your customers and build positive relationships with them. This can help to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately benefit your business ...

What are smart goals in real estate? ›

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. The reason the SMART goals method is such a ubiquitous tool in the real estate industry is because its tenets provide agents with a reliable and proven path towards progress.

What are the 5 golden rules of real estate? ›

If you follow these 5 Golden Rules for Property investing i.e. Buy from motivated sellers; Buy in an area of strong rental demand; Buy for positive cash-flow; Buy for the long-term; Always have a cash buffer. You will minimise the risk of property investing and maximise your returns.

What is the 80% rule in real estate? ›

In the realm of real estate investment, the 80/20 rule, or Pareto Principle, is a potent tool for maximizing returns. It posits that a small fraction of actions—typically around 20%—drives a disproportionately large portion of results, often around 80%.

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Build rapport with your clients

Successful real estate agents understand the importance of building strong relationships with potential clients. Part of your job is to make the client feel comfortable, cared for and understood. Ask your clients plenty of questions and practice active listening to build trust.

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Adaptability and Innovation

The most important trait for a real estate agent is the ability to adapt to new market conditions and innovate when needed. Staying up-to-date on the latest topics in real estate and in the local market will allow you to service clients more effectively.

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Close on Four Real Estate Listings Per Quarter

However, having a target to close about four real estate listings per quarter is an ideal number to grow your business. The main objective in achieving these goals is to ensure that you have enough quality leads.

What are the 4 main purposes of goal setting? ›

Goals provide four basic functions. These are offering guidance and direction, facilitating planning, motivating and inspiring personnel, and assisting with performance evaluation and control.

What is most important in goal setting? ›

It's important to set SMART goals — goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited.

What are some examples of SMART goals? ›

10 examples of SMART goals
  • Specific: I'd like to start training every day to run a marathon.
  • Measurable: I will use a fitness tracking device to track my training progress as my mileage increases.
  • Attainable: I've already run a half-marathon this year and have a solid baseline fitness level.

What are the three goals of estate planning? ›

Estate planning goals and objectives that you might consider include: Provide financial security for your family. Ensure that your property is preserved and passed on to your beneficiaries. Avoid disputes among family members, business owners or with third parties (such as the IRS)

What are the 4 areas of goals? ›

This encompasses four main areas for goals: spiritual, mental, physical, and social.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.