Save movies & shows to watch later (2024)

You can add movies and shows to your watchlist to easily find content you want to watch later. Your watchlist updates across all of the devices you're signed in to when you add something to it. Make sure to choose the right profile before you add content to your watchlist.

Add or remove titles on your watchlist

Important: If you have trouble when you try to remove a title from your watchlist, try to remove it in a web browser. You can't add certain content from some streaming services to your watchlist.

On aGoogle TV device:

  1. From the home screen, find a title you want to add to your watchlist.
  2. On your remote, press and hold the Select button.
  3. Select Add to WatchlistSave movies & shows to watch later (1).

In the Google TV app:

  1. Search or browse for the title you want to add to your watchlist.
  2. Open the title’s details page.
  3. Select WatchlistSave movies & shows to watch later (2).

In a web browser:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for a title.
  3. Select Watchlist Save movies & shows to watch later (3).

Tip: To give you better recommendations on what to watch, Google TV uses the movies and shows already on your watchlist.

Watch something you saved

On a Google TV device:

  1. From the Google TV home screen, at the top, scroll to “Library.”
  2. Scroll to the “Watchlist” row.
  3. Choose what you want to watch.

In the Google TV app:

  1. Open the Google TV app Save movies & shows to watch later (4).
  2. Tap Your stuff Save movies & shows to watch later (5) Watchlist.
  3. Choose what you want to watch.

In a web browser:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for “my watchlist.”
  3. Select what you want to watch Save movies & shows to watch later (6) Watch now.
Save movies & shows to watch later (2024)


Where is my Google Watch Later list? ›

On a Google TV device:

From the Google TV home screen, at the top, scroll to “Library.” Scroll to the “Watchlist” row.

How to save shows to watch later on Netflix? ›

Select a TV show or movie you want to download onto your device.
  1. For movies, click Download .
  2. For TV shows, click the download button next to each episode you want to download. Note: Android devices and Fire tablets also have a Download Season button.

How do I access my Google movie Library? ›

Check movies & TV shows you own
  1. Open Google Play Movies & TV .
  2. Tap Library.
  3. Select Movies or TV shows. You can sort by title, date added, or year released.
  4. To play a movie or TV show, select the item and tap Play .

Is there an app to keep track of movies you've watched? ›

The best apps to log the movies you've watched

When it comes to tracking your movies, there's a clear winner (which also happens to be one of my favorite sites on the internet). Letterboxd.

Where is settings on Google watch? ›

Swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap Settings .

Is Google Play free to use? ›

Google Play only charges a service fee to developers who offer a paid app or sell access to in-app digital goods or services. Only 3% of developers on Google Play are subject to a service fee. The remaining 97% can distribute their apps and take advantage of all Google Play has to offer at no charge.

Does Google have a movie app? ›

Google TV: Watch Movies & TV on the App Store.

What is the best movie tracker? ›

For movies, lots of people recommended Reelgood and JustWatch, and there was a lot of love for Letterboxd as well. For TV shows, Hobi seems to be a favorite, and SeriesGuide and TV Club both came up a few times, too. For book consumption, Goodreads seems to be the go-to, but StoryGraph got some love as well.

What is the website to keep track of series watched? ›

IMDb. IMDb's mobile app allows users to track the movies and shows they have watched through their “Watchlist” feature.

Is there a website to keep track of movies? ›

iCheckMovies helps you keep a personal list of movies you have seen and liked. It's fun and easy to use, whether you're a movie geek or just a casual watcher.

Where is Google activity timeline? ›

How do i see my google activity
  • To find your activity on your android phone or tablet, go to the 'Settings' app and then move to Google and then Google Account.
  • On top of page, you will find the option 'Data and Personalization'.
  • Tap on 'My Activity' which you will find under 'Activity and Timeline'.
Dec 18, 2020

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.