SAP BrandVoice: How To Build Bonds For Successful Digital Transformation (2024)

by Daisy Hernandez, Global Vice President of Product Management, Enterprise Collaboration at SAP

Improving workplace collaboration often involves connecting the right people at the right times. Forums and workstreams can facilitate relevant personal interactions.

Collaboration is especially important when facilitating change, according to Ethan Burris, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. Fostering cohesive bonds increases the likelihood that employees will accept and adopt the desired change, according to Burris, who studies the relationship between leaders and employees, focusing on the employee voice.

Daisy Hernandez (DH): You wrote inHarvard Business Reviewaboutthe concept of a collective voice for employees. How can colleagues build this as virtual workforces gain popularity?

Ethan Burris (EB): A collective voice is when a group of employees bring issues to their boss/manager. By teaming up, employees are empowered to speak up because it takes the ownership/burden off any one individual. This approach is also helpful for employees that don’t have the appropriate relationships, or skills (think public speaking, personal connections/relationships, etc.) to effectively communicate the issue and improvement idea.

When it comes to virtual workforces, you are talking about environments without face-to-face integration, which can be tricky. The key is for the team to build cohesive bonds, as this will lead to productive collaboration. In fact, when team members know each other on a personal level, they approach feedback in a different manner, making it more effective. These types of workplaces should deploy strategies to have employees connect and forge relationships that are not over e-mail (such as phone calls, video conferencing and face-to-face meetings).

The most important thing that employees can do in a virtual workplace is make their voice known and visible to the team. This can be as simple as weighing in with comments, questions, and insights that make the team stronger. By continuing to provide strategic advice, they are building an intrinsic capital with leaders. Capital is important as it lends to a solid foundation and position at the company, which is critical for enacting change.

DH: What are other ways for employees to productively bring ideas to leaders, especially during a time of change?

Individuals who are going solo to bring up an idea should consider the timing and audience they are approaching. Employees should think about the personality of their manager and tap into what makes them excited. Do they respond to presentations that are data-driven, or have an emotional feel?

When an employee wants to speak up, especially during a time of change, it’s important to frame their idea in the proper context. They need to select a lens -- cost reduction versus a new opportunity -- to put the idea in a language that aligns with the goals of the organization. With this technique, it’s imperative to use the same frame over and over again, building consistency of the message. For example, an employee at an organization that places a priority on numbers and revenue would likely want to frame their idea in the context of costs.

DH: When a company transforms digitally, it can also undergo a change management journey. How can leaders effectively communicate company changes/news to keep employees engaged and comfortable with the new direction?

Employees fall into two categories during a time of change. A few individuals will realize the goals of the change as they are tuned in to the dynamics of the market and constraints their managers are facing. These individuals understand that change is necessary and part of innovation.

Other employees include those that are passionate and dedicated to the ideals of their work. It’s this group that could be hesitant to change. These individuals are likely to be blinded to other nuances such as costs, logistics, etc. that should be taken into consideration during a time of change.

Understanding the motivations for employees will be key for leaders to have conversations with them about new or different priorities for the company. It will also help leaders frame up the changes in a way that resonates with the individual.

Recently, we looked at a healthcare organization as it worked to improve its Emergency Room protocols. The first group -- those that are tuned in -- was open to new approaches to care to be compliant with recent healthcare laws. However, others that are more focused on the ideals of patient care were not as open to changes as it takes away from their time with patients and asks them to do more admin work, such as filling out charts, etc.

Leaders who sympathized with employees’ viewpoints were able to help them understand the changes and why they were happening.

DH: For those who believe that leadership buy-in is critical to a smooth technology implementation, how can a leader’s attitude impact the digital transformation process?

EB: If leaders aren’t interested in doing anything differently, then this sentiment will resonate throughout the enterprise. Leaders need to commit that they are willing to change, and managers should lend their effort in supporting these ideas.

Leadership buy-in is obtained by having frank, up-front conversations -- and confirming that they are willing to try a new strategy.

This story originally appeared on SAP’s Business Trends.

SAP BrandVoice: How To Build Bonds For Successful Digital Transformation (2024)
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