Rules on Self Defense in California | McCready Law Group (2024)

According to a 2021 National Firearms Survey, more than 81.4 million Americans aged 18 and over own firearms. Of these, approximately 31.1% of gun owners have used a firearm to defend themselves or their property. California laws allow you to protect yourself, your property, and others from possible harm using force. However, there are specific rules addressing the use of force—and deadly force—in self-defense or defense of others. A knowledgeable California criminal defense attorney can enlighten you about the state’s rules on self-defense and determine whether your actions were justifiable.

At McCready Law Group, I have devoted my career to offering experienced legal services and reliable representation to clients facing criminal charges for using force to protect themselves. As your legal counsel, I can evaluate and investigate every aspect of your case and enlighten you about when the use of force is permissible. Together, we can work together to establish strong legal self-defense arguments to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome for your unique situation. My firm is proud to represent clients across Long Beach, Cypress Hill, Lakewood, and the rest of California.

What is Self-Defense?

Self-defense involves the use of force, violence, or deadly force, where necessary, to protect yourself or someone else from imminent danger or harm. According to California law, if you reasonably believe that a threat exists—you’re about to be physically harmed or facing possible danger—you may act in self-defense.

Furthermore, you can use self-defense as a valid defense in different criminal cases in California, including:

A knowledgeable attorney can evaluate your unique circ*mstances and enlighten you about when self-defense can be used as a legal defense.

When Can It Be Used As A Legal Defense?

In order to successfully argue self-defense in California, the defendant must prove that:

  • They reasonably believed that they or another person was in imminent danger of being harmed, killed, or suffering great bodily injury

  • They reasonably believed that the imminent use of force was necessary to defend against that danger

  • They only used the right amount of force that was reasonably necessary to defend against the harm

  • The other party was the initial aggressor

If you have been arrested or indicted for using force or violence against another person but were only protecting yourself, you need to reach out to a skilled criminal defense attorney straight away. Your lawyer can determine whether you have a valid legal defense and establish that you stood your ground or only protected yourself using no more force than was reasonably necessary.

Is There a Duty to Retreat in California?

When facing possible harm or danger, it is human instinct to either retreat or fight back. In California, a person is not required to retreat. Rather, in certain circ*mstances, you may stand your ground and defend yourself against the assailant.

Stand Your Ground Law

Under California self-defense laws, you have the right to stand your ground and defend yourself or others using force when facing harm or danger.

A defendant in California is entitled to stand their ground and defend themselves using force, if reasonably necessary, to pursue an assailant until the danger of bodily injury, death, or any other crime has passed. This is so even if safety could have been achieved by retreating. If the assault or other incident occurred on your property, then The Castle Doctrine may apply to your case.

California’s Castle Doctrine

The Castle Doctrine in California is a legal doctrine that gives an individual the right and immunity to use violence or deadly force to defend or protect themselves and their loved ones against an intruder (burglar or break-in) on the defendant’s property or any lawfully occupied place.

Under the Castle Doctrine, you are not required to retreat upon confronting an intruder or burglar in your house. Also, you are allowed to neutralize a forcible break-in using deadly force as self-defense. A skilled criminal defense attorney can evaluate the facts surrounding your case and strive to establish that you only acted in self-defense.

Trusted Representation to Protect Your Rights

In the state of California, you are within your rights to act in self-defense if you have a reasonable belief that you or someone else may be in possible harm. However, you may be arrested and charged for your otherwise violent or unlawful actions. If you’re facing criminal allegations for acting in defense of yourself or others, you need to retain an aggressive and highly-skilled criminal defense attorney immediately to protect your rights.

For more than 14 years, I have been handling criminal cases and defending individuals accused of using force to defend themselves against others. As your legal counsel, I can thoroughly investigate all of the facts of your situation and help you move forward with confidence. Using my comprehensive understanding of California laws addressing self-defense in criminal cases, I can help you navigate the justice system and guide you through the often complex legal process.

Contact my firm—McCready Law Group—today to schedule a simple case evaluation with a trustworthy criminal defense attorney. I can offer you the detailed legal counsel and reliable representation you need in your case. My firm proudly represents clients across Long Beach, Cypress Hill, and Lakewood, California.

As an expert in criminal law, particularly in the context of self-defense laws in California, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in navigating the complex legal landscape. Throughout my career, I've provided legal counsel and representation to numerous clients facing criminal charges, specifically those related to the use of force for self-protection.

My understanding of California's legal framework stems from firsthand experience in handling cases involving self-defense allegations. I have a comprehensive grasp of the intricacies within the state's laws, enabling me to offer informed guidance to individuals seeking to understand their rights and legal options when defending themselves or others.

Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article regarding self-defense laws in California:

  1. Self-Defense Defined: Self-defense involves the justifiable use of force, violence, or deadly force when facing imminent danger or harm, as per California law. It extends to various criminal cases, including assault, domestic abuse, manslaughter, and more.

  2. Conditions for Legal Defense: To successfully argue self-defense in California, the defendant must prove certain conditions:

    • Reasonable belief in imminent danger.
    • The necessity of using force to prevent harm.
    • Application of only necessary and proportional force.
    • The other party being the initial aggressor.
  3. Duty to Retreat: Unlike some states, California does not mandate a duty to retreat. In certain circ*mstances, individuals have the right to stand their ground and defend themselves against an assailant.

  4. Stand Your Ground Law: Under California law, individuals have the right to defend themselves or others without retreating if facing harm or danger. This law allows pursuit of an assailant until the danger has passed, even without retreating.

  5. California's Castle Doctrine: This legal doctrine allows individuals to use violence or deadly force to defend against an intruder on their property or any lawfully occupied place. It exempts individuals from the duty to retreat when facing a home invasion.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone facing criminal charges related to self-defense in California. Seeking legal counsel from an experienced criminal defense attorney, such as those at McCready Law Group, is vital to navigate these intricate laws and build a robust defense strategy tailored to the specific circ*mstances of each case.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need guidance or representation regarding self-defense laws in California, it's essential to contact a reputable legal professional promptly to safeguard your rights and navigate the legal complexities effectively.

Rules on Self Defense in California | McCready Law Group (2024)
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