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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this Is the beable bull Here and I got this aggressively average Content for you today as ladies and Gentlemen I have a couple very important Announcements to make but first to my Only fans Community I'm a little backed Up on the DMS over the past couple days As now there's a hundred of you in there With these DMS but I will be catching up With all of you today and sending you Your video responses or responding to Your DMs but in addition I'm making another Update post because I believe important Updates are needed in regards to the Tokens we've put some money in and we're Going to break it down Thoroughly now for everyone else my free Course that I've been working on is Getting its final touches and it will be Available to every single one of you in The the public very very Soon I'm unbelievably excited to release It and I think all of you are going to Benefit handsomely from it now here we See that an analyst has stated xrp may See a huge boost in the coming days and This is actually an article about me and They actually do a pretty decent job in Talking about what it is that I stated I'm not calling for a massive price Appreciation surge in just a couple days But November 19th is a special day in

Regards to Swift and ISO 20002 updates In regards to the future of the Financial System November 19th is the next step of Implementation for Swift and iso20022 And ISO is way bigger than anyone Expects I believe it's way bigger than We even talk About we're not allowed to be hypy or Get excited or bring out dates when Things are actually happening no no no Because then the xrp police will say oh You're you're too Excited yeah I'm too excited about What I own and what's going to make me Generational wealth and if you're not You could get it to the back of the Line This is my channel and we get Excited about what's going to happen With the future of our money on this Channel Dtcc Swift Bank of New York melon JP Morgan Wells Fargo Bank of America HSBC City Credit Swiss Barclays November 19th implementation Date stay tuned my friends as over the Last couple days as well I've been Showing you chrysina georgeva and the IMF talking about about implementing the Next stages of this financial system and Here we have to remember that James Wallace revealed 15% of countries around The world are going to be working with Ripple for cbdcs and that's at

Least here she talks about exploring Cbdcs and how Financial technology must Be expedit to improve crossb Payments I believe xrp is at the front Of the line regards to that Niche and just watch as everything we've Been talking about for years comes to Fruition now this is not the time to Turn back the public sector should keep Preparing to deploy Cbdcs and related payment Platforms in The future these platforms should be Designed from the start to facilitate Crossborder payments Including with Cbdcs we can learn from you Entrepreneurs Business Leaders investors and brave policy Makers we Are so impressed by your Bravery to be the sailors in this open Waters Waves and winds are your Inspiration and you heard it right there From the imf's mouth now I wonder I Heavily question what platform what Company what can start from the Beginning from its Inception with the Idea of crossb payments and Interoperability while we all try and Figure that one out we have to Understand that the weakening strength The SEC has been Experiencing is at the Forefront of

Crypto Discussions the current director of the SEC was asked what is the current Thinking of the SEC in light of the Recent Court decisions in the SEC versus Ripple case and remember as I told all Of you I believe the SEC now has less Power to regulate Crypto but I think his answer is very Interesting and something we all need to Pay attention to I I want to ask you What is the current thinking from the SEC in light of recent Court decisions But for the benefit of our readers let Me summarize uh the um uh misalignment Uh as best as I can so uh as you know Judge Tores in the southern district of New York considered xrp by Ripple labs And found that the sales of tokens to Institutional investors were actually Securities because they were directly Negotiated uh with the understanding That proceeds from uh these sales will Be reinvested into the Enterprise Obviously this were exempt transactions But the thresold question was that that That contract involved the security but On the other hand uh she found that Sales to the public in Anonymous Transactions over crypto exchanges these Were not Securities because investors Did not buy from ripo and they were not Responding to any marketing campaign so That what judge Torres uh found on the

Other hand uh judge raikov uh did not Fall in line with that reading uh and he Argued that no such distinction can Arise because if there's a public Campaign for the tokens it Wass no Distinction on whether uh it is um on The type of purchaser institutional or Retail so I mean I know you cannot Comment on current cases but I was Hoping you could expand on the factors The SEC considers when it approaches This Question sure I mean you're right I Can't comment on pending litigation and And there is a lot of pending litigation Right now um but I think there there's Not a a lawyer in the room that you're In or a lawyer that practices in this Space or a court that really struggles To find the framework that we use to Determine whether or not something uh Constitutes a security in this space in This case in the crypto space all the Attorneys in this room uh all the Attorneys counseling crypto issuers look To the hoe test and hoe you know based On a seminal Supreme Court case from 1946 and Decades of case law Since defines what or gives us a Framework of determining what Constitutes an investment contract and Therefore a security under the federal Securities laws and and that's really The point of Howry whether or not

Something is a security doesn't depend On the label you give it it doesn't Now Ladies and gentlemen I don't know about You but the listening to the SEC trying To break down the magnitude of their Loss and trying to spin it as if it's Any type of three is Laughable I made a major prediction in a Previous video that I think the cftc is Going to start playing a pivotal role in Regulating the digital asset space and I Still hold true to that I still hold True to xrp adoption I still hold True To this November time frame being Significant for the infrastructure Buildup that will inevitably be Important for xrp adoption to roll Out and we have the macro environment That'll be there for allowing crypto to Thrive the United States is collapsing And Ray Delio says the US is at an Inflection point concerning its national Debt as it currently borrows money to Cover its debt we're in a massive Recession rates are too damn High inflation is not tamed no matter How they try to spin It and let let's see what they try and Pull out of their hats to fix this Problem they Made I think xrp and cbdcs are going to Be a pivotal Answer and I'm going to leave you a Ralo explaining to you the magnitude of

The Problem ladies and gentlemen this is the Beable bull Here thanks for tuning In as always I appreciate every single One of You now I'll be back Tomorrow with another Video the longer term is that we are at A point in which we are borrowing money To pay debt service and there is a Process by which when when you keep Having debt growth faster than income Growth then that means that you have Debt Service encroaching on your Spending that's the same for the Government as it is for us and as that Happens and you want to keep spending at The same level there is the need to get More and more into debt and the way that Works it's like a it it it accelerates We are at the point of that acceleration Which creates the supply demand problem And it's made worse by the other issues That we're talking about the internal Political issue the internal social Conflict issue at there is something That is affecting foreign demand for for Bonds for about 40% of our debt is sold To foreigners and so there is a concern Of the American politics of of of of the Controlling of this debt crisis and These types of things so we come back to The same basic question how good how

Strong are we going to be when we talk About strong what what I mean is also so Economically strong and economically Strong means financially strong that Means it's just a basic thing Financial Financially strong means do you earn More than you spend and do you have a Good income statement as a country do we Have a good income statement and do we Have a good balance sheet more assets Than we have liabilities the worse that Gets the more we are going to have that Long-term problem and it's just you can See it in the numbers it's just a matter Of numbers we are near that inflection Point

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.