Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals (2024)

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I realized something about myself recently. I’m not good at self-discipline. I’m successful because I’m an awesome multi-tasker, not because of my stick-to-it-ness.

This has to change.

I recently reread a book called “Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals” by Thomas C. Corley, which I highly recommend reading.

Corley is a CPA, who over the course of five years studied the habits of 233 wealthy people and 128 people living in poverty. He asked them to track their daily behaviors in personal and business settings.

Over the course of five years, he was able to identify over 200 daily behaviors that set the wealthy apart.

For example, good daily success habits of the wealthy included being early risers, accomplishing daily to-do lists, avoiding gossip, and limit internet usage.

Wealthy individuals maintained a daily checklist and 70% of them focused on their daily task list.

One of the stats that really struck me was the fact that 79% of low-income people surveyed admitted to gossiping, while only 6% of wealthy individuals got sucked into the office watercooler gossip.

Yahoo Finance published some of the stats related to these behaviors if you are interested in more details.

Corley’s project began as a result of a client who seemed to be doing everything right in the business arena but was still unable to make payroll. After months of research, Corley was still struggling with how to help his client.

Only after asking about his personal life did Corley realize the true issue.

Success isn’t just about what happens in the office, it is about your daily habits.

All of our small daily habits affect who we are. It is our daily habits that make us wealthy, not the big moments.

When I manage my time effectively and am making conscious decisions that help me improve myself, I’m going to be happier and more successful.

It all boils down to the fact that:

Successful people are the masters of their thoughts and emotions.”

Corley combined the 200 daily activities that set the wealthy apart into 10 daily success habits. These daily habits of rich people are lifestyle changes that anyone can make to be successful.

Corley turns these daily habits of the rich into personal promises that should be reviewed daily.

Daily Success Checklist to become wealthy

  1. I WILL form good daily habits and follow these good daily habits each and every day.
  2. I WILL set goals for each day, for each month, for each year and for the long-term; I WILL focus on my goals each and every day.
  3. I WILL engage in self-improvement each and every day.
  4. I WILL devote part of each and every day in caring for my health.
  5. I WILL devote part of each and every day to forming lifelong relationships.
  6. I WILL live each and every day in a state of moderation
  7. I WILL accomplish my daily tasks each and every day; I will adopt a “DO IT NOW” mindset.
  8. I WILL engage in rich thinking each and every day.
  9. I will save 10% of my gross income every paycheck.
  10. I WILL control my thoughts and emotions each and every day.

Simple stuff huh!

I can guarantee if you use this daily success checklist you will be successful and ultimately wealthy.

The really successful habits in life are simple. Of course, actually keeping each promise daily is a bit more work.

As I was reviewing the list, I realized that I already did a lot of the stuff subconsciously.

For example, I eat fairly healthy and exercise a couple of days each week.

So that means, I’m already accomplishing #4 right?

No, not really. I’m doing it haphazardly. I’m not actually forming life-long healthy habits unless I’m setting specific and measurable goals. I must actually work towards achieving my goals.

It is easy to rationalize with myself and say that I’m doing good enough. However, if it isn’t a conscious decision each and every day then it is just me being average.

How You Can Incorporate Rich Habits Into Your Life

To incorporate rich daily habits into your life, you have to start.

Choose a daily habit to improve and go for it.

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ve decided to incorporate one new daily habit into my life each week. This week I’m planning to start with promise #7.

MY GOAL: Each day I will put together a task list.

My task list will be realistic and accomplishable. It will include personal and work-related tasks that need to be finished that day.

My goal is to finish at least 70% of the tasks on my daily list.

**Editors note: Download my Free Daily Habit Tracker Printable to help you track your progress on your daily habits.

I recently started a new course called Make Over Your Mornings. It is a simple 14-day course that is all about learning to optimize your mornings. The classes emphasize how important the first two hours of each morning are to the rest of your day.

I’ve always been a morning person, but having an intentional morning plan has made a huge difference in my productivity.

I highly recommend trying out How to Make Over Your Mornings. If you are an evening person, there is also a Make Over Your Evening Course. I haven’t tried that one yet.

Little Things Can Have a Big Impact On Our Lives

The content of Corley’s book isn’t rocket science. The whole book Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals is only 89 pages. I finished it in less than an hour, but my goal is to have this book affect me for a lifetime.

The Makeover Your Mornings Course is a 14-day challenge that is designed to take 15 minutes of your day. The increased productivity I’ve gained from the lessons have easily saved me more than 15 minutes every day.

Sometimes it is the little daily decisions we make that have the biggest impact on our financial future.

PS. If you are looking for additional personal finance books to add to your reading list, I recommend checking out this post – 5 Books That Will Change the Way You Look At Money. She literally wrote the exact same book list I would have recommended if I had written this post.


Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals (2)

Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals (2024)


What is the conclusion after studying 233 millionaires rich habits? ›

After studying these 233 millionaires, the conclusion is clear: rich habits manifest rich lives. The wealthy make ten key commitments for success. The wealthy are avid readers and constant learners. The wealthy have confidence, optimism, and passion.

What is the book rich habits about? ›

In Rich Habits, Tom provides a step by step financial success program that is concise, easy to understand and even easier to apply, regardless of your age, education or income level. In these tough economic times, individuals are struggling financially and desperately looking for help in achieving financial success.

What habit makes you rich? ›

Investing is the path to wealth.

Just saving will make us lose money year after year due to inflation. We need to have money saved, yes, but also money invested to compensate the inflation and potentially increase our wealth.

What rich and successful people do? ›

They Set (and Stick) to Goals

He says that focusing on goals makes the difference between survival and success. "A lot of people jump straight to business but don't have a vision or strategy and goals," he said. "If you go through this process every day, your life will change."

What are the main points of the millionaire mind? ›

The main message in this book is: Our level of prosperity is preprogrammed by thought and behavioral patterns we learned as children. We can only change it if we consciously recognize it, actively adopt a new attitude and implant “millionaire thinking” into our minds.

What are the big four habits of millionaires foolproof? ›

o Think ahead. o Pay yourself first. o Make smart-money decisions a habit. o Put your money to work for you.

Is Rich Habits a good book? ›

It's a good quick read, told as a fable and role models some great habits. For the most part, the ten rich habits are accurate. I've interviewed a lot of millionaires for the investment books I've coauthored. The trick is not to quibble with the author's specific advice on how to do each habit.

What is the message behind the book Think and Grow Rich? ›

The author states that by focusing on a passionate desire, having faith in oneself, training the subconscious to believe in success, and developing a detailed plan, anyone can grow rich.

Who wrote Million Dollar habits? ›

"Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income" by Brian Tracy is an interesting book that presents to you an overview of which habits the author thinks relevant for you to gain a positive mindset in order to achieve your goals and what you may otherwise want in life.

How do billionaires spend their day? ›

Not all but some billionaires have completed an MBA in Business. They like to stay in shape and they incorporate it into their daily lives. Many invest in home gyms—and spend at least an hour most days a week in them. Others golf, sail, play basketball and soccer, or practice yoga regularly.

What millionaires don t waste money on? ›

The 10 things that millionaires typically avoid spending their money on include credit card debt, lottery tickets, expensive cars, impulse purchases, late fees, designer clothes, groceries and household items, luxury housing, entertainment and leisure, and low-interest savings accounts.

Where do millionaires keep their money? ›

Cash equivalents are financial instruments that are almost as liquid as cash and are popular investments for millionaires. Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills.

What is the secret of wealth? ›

Invest in yourself first

Continuously invest in your education and development to become better at what you do. The more valuable you are, the more money you will make. And the more money you make, the easier it will be to amass wealth.

What is the most important thing to get rich? ›

1. Invest. The goal of investing is to buy assets that may provide financial growth over time. For example, a home can be a financial investment — its value can increase over time.

What do the richest man have in common? ›

The 6 factors wealthy people have in common
  • Frugality. Income becomes irrelevant if a person is living beyond their means. ...
  • Confidence. Having confidence in your long-term financial goals will help you to be frugal and live within your means. ...
  • Responsibility. ...
  • Planning. ...
  • Focus. ...
  • Social Indifference.

What is the millionaire mindset summary? ›

What is the millionaire mind? Not living a spartan lifestyle and making money your god, but freedom from reliance on credit and being in control of your finances. The great self-discipline of the average millionaire means that they can't help piling up wealth long after their modest needs have been satisfied.

What is the summary of the book Millionaires for the Month? ›

Book Summary Millionaires for the Month: After seventh-graders Felix and Benji "borrow" $20 from a lost wallet, the billionaire owner Laura Friendly challenges them to spend over 5 million dollars in thirty days to learn life lessons about money.

What is the summary of instant millionaire? ›

Known as the “Instant Millionaire” because he grasped the true secret of making a fortune overnight, this sage mentors a young man with frustrated dreams and nine-to-five disappointments. In practical, ready-to-implement lessons, he reveals the ideas and actions that can give anyone the mentality of a millionaire.

What is the summary of the book The Millionaire Next Door? ›

The Millionaire Next Door, aims to dispel myths about the wealthier sector of society, and it reveals that many of us are misinformed about what it actually means to be rich. The authors studied the profiles of the rich, and provide critical insights into achieving financial independence.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.