Reply Message Discord Bot (2024)

Reply Message Discord Bot - Code Help - Replit Ask
Reply Message Discord Bot (1)


Reply Message Discord Bot (2024)


Can Discord bots reply to messages? ›

You can send the message ID to the bot and the bot saves the message ID as a variable, then replies to the correct message using its message ID.

What is the Discord bot that answer questions? ›

Ask! is a Discord bot that allows you to ask questions and get them answered in Discord. Ask! is a well-made bot optimised for this.

Why didn t my Discord bot respond? ›

Usually this kinda of thing happens when the token is wrong or it gets changed or the bot permissions on the server change too. Did you verifiy if the token you are using is the same as the one on the discord developer portal? Other than that you will have to debug your code to find out what is happening.

How do you reply to an interaction in Discordjs? ›

In Discord JS you can reply to the interaction using " interaction. reply " instead of "

Can bots respond to emails? ›

The email bot helps to analyze and respond to emails in every industry and thus significantly increases customer satisfaction.

How to use Q&A bot on Discord? ›

Easy Setup (All Info also available with “/help”):

Run “/setup” and select the channel for the Q&A, and a hidden queue channel. — Done. Now just wait for questions from your community and reply to them. The Bot is the perfect solution for engaging with your community and answering their questions.

What is Spidey bot Discord? ›

Spidey Bot changes the app's core files adding malicious script and restarts the Discord to apply changes and run new scripts. The infected application collects info about the system, Discord, browsers, and the first 50 characters of the clipboard and transmits it to adversaries.

Is there a truth or dare Discord bot? ›

Truth Or Dare is a bot for playing truth or dare. It's a bot that players can play on virtually. Overall 115K+ users are playing.

Can a Discord bot respond to another bot? ›

If you can configure triggers or responses on the bot you wish to respond with, you can simply use something the other bot writes in the channel as a trigger to respond to.

What are Discord intents? ›

An intent basically allows a bot to subscribe to specific buckets of events. The events that correspond to each intent is documented in the individual attribute of the Intents documentation.

Why isn t mimu responding? ›

if mimu doesn't send the greet message to the channel, it means it has no permissions to do so. you can check by using /ping in the greet channel and seeing if it responds. no response = no permissions.

How do Discord replies work? ›

How do I use the Reply feature? To reply to a message directly, simply click on the Reply button when you hover over a message. You can also access the reply feature by clicking the three dots on the side of the message or by right-clicking the specific message.

How do you make a Discord bot reply with Emojis? ›

Getting Started
  1. Configure the Post Reaction with Emoji action. Connect your Discord Bot account. Select a Guild. Select a Channel. Select a Message. Configure Emoji.
  2. Select a trigger to run your workflow on HTTP requests, schedules or app events.
  3. Deploy the workflow.
  4. Send a test event to validate your setup.
  5. Turn on the trigger.

How do I enable replies on Discord? ›

Within the text channel permissions, there should be an option to enable/disable the use of the reply-feature (right click on any message - reply).

How do I allow Discord bot to read my messages? ›

Select bot under SCOPES and then tick Read Messages/View Channels under BOT PERMISSIONS.

How do you reply to a message on Discord? ›

To reply to a message directly, simply click on the Reply button when you hover over a message. You can also access the reply feature by clicking the three dots on the side of the message or by right-clicking the specific message.

Can bots send messages? ›

Introduction. Bots send messages to deliver information and present an interface for their functionality.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.