Pruning Butterfly Bushes - Growing A Greener World® (2024)

I have a question about my butterfly bush. I have read not to prune it back until early spring, and then again I hear to prune it to the ground in the winter. What is the best approach? Also do Butterfly bushes need to be pruned every year and is it too late? We pruned our bushes last year and they were beautiful but took forever to get tall again. I would like them to fill an area in our yard and would like to know the best way to care for them.

Regarding your butterfly bush (Buddlia), you are safe to prune it at either time as long as it is late winter moving into early spring. Avoid pruning though inearly winter. The reason being, the stems are hollow and any water that accumulates in the stem and subsequently freezes will cause the wood to split. That’s not a good thing. Butterfly bush bloom on new wood so as long as you have plenty of sunlight, you’ll get lots of blooms throughout the summer by pruning in the spring.

Butterfly bushes do not need to be pruned every year. In fact, you only need to prune them when they get too large for the space allotted. But since butterfly bushes only bloom on new growth many gardeners prune them severely each spring to encourage lots of new growth and lots of flowers.

You can prune this shrub back to twelve or twenty-four inches high. For most plants, that’s a drastic reduction. But these plants can not only take it, they’re often better off for it. This way, you retain some of the growth from last year which will fill in that area of your yard more quickly and provide you with plenty of flowers. Remove the spent blooms periodically during the summer to encourage additional new growth and subsequent flowers until frost.

If they have already started to leaf out, you can still prune them back some, but if you prune below new shoots, it will take much longer for it to fill out this year. A fertilizer application in March or April and again in June or July will help to encourage growth. I suggest a generous helping of compost or all-purpose organic fertilizer. If you’re inclined to use synthetic products, a tablespoon of 10-10-10 for each foot of height is appropriate. Sprinkle it around the shrub out to the drip line, but no more.

6/29/15 Update: Comments are currently turned off for this post due to the volume of questions and answers already included. Please scroll down and you will likely find your question and answer listed below. Thanks!

Pruning Butterfly Bushes - Growing A Greener World® (2)

AboutJoe Lamp'l

Joe Lamp'l is the Host and Executive Producer of the award winning PBS television series Growing A Greener World. Off camera, Joe dedicates his time to promoting sustainability through his popular books, blog, podcast series, and nationally syndicated newspaper columns. Follow Joe on Twitter

Pruning Butterfly Bushes - Growing A Greener World® (2024)


Pruning Butterfly Bushes - Growing A Greener World®? ›

Butterfly bushes do not need to be pruned every year. In fact, you only need to prune them when they get too large for the space allotted. But since butterfly bushes only bloom on new growth many gardeners prune them severely each spring to encourage lots of new growth and lots of flowers.

What happens if you don't cut back a butterfly bush? ›

Left unpruned, large butterfly bushes can become “second story” plants: their flowers form way up at the top so you can't enjoy them unless you have a second story window. The warmer your climate, the more you should cut back your butterfly bush each spring.

Does a butterfly bush need to be cut down every year? ›

While pruning is not absolutely necessary, butterfly bushes tend to bloom better and keep a better shape if pruned hard each spring. They can also be pruned in summer to encourage new blooms, or just to tame untidy growth.

What is the best fertilizer for butterfly bushes? ›

Though they will perform well without supplemental fertilizer, fast-growing, vigorous butterfly bushes do tend to grow and bloom more when fertilized. We recommend applying a granular rose or garden fertilizer in early spring, then again in late spring and early summer.

What month do you prune butterfly bushes? ›

Regarding your butterfly bush (Buddlia), you are safe to prune it at either time as long as it is late winter moving into early spring. Avoid pruning though in early winter. The reason being, the stems are hollow and any water that accumulates in the stem and subsequently freezes will cause the wood to split.

Can you cut a branch from a butterfly bush and replant it? ›

Butterfly Bushes can also be propagated by stem cuttings. In late spring and early summer take a 4- to 6-inch long cutting of a new stem once the stem is sturdy enough to not bend. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder and stick the cuttings in a pot filled with moistened potting soil.

How do I keep my butterfly bush blooming all summer? ›

Give your butterfly bush regular deep watering based on weather (more in peak heat or drought, for example) and prune it each spring. Assuming sun, rain, and pruning all come together, the bush should bloom fully and continuously throughout summer.

Do butterfly bushes grow on old wood? ›

Butterfly bushes bloom on new wood, which means they should be pruned in the spring. Wait until new growth has emerged before you start, then cut just above where big, healthy buds appear.

How do I keep my butterfly bush healthy? ›

Butterfly Bush Care

After they're established these plants are relatively drought-tolerant. Fertilizing isn't usually necessary, as it encourages foliage at the expense of flowers. You can prune your bushes anytime, and you will probably need to prune a few times each summer to keep them under control.

What is the lifespan of a butterfly bush? ›

Typically, a butterfly bush will live about 10 years. You may find some plants that live longer than that, but it's a rare case. Proper care of a butterfly bush will help it live longer and thrive in your garden.

Should I prune my butterfly bush in the summer? ›

The best time to prune butterfly bush is in the spring, after the final frost but before new season growth emerges. Doing so removes any dead stems and shapes the shrub while encouraging vigorous growth for the season ahead.

Why is my butterfly bush leggy? ›

Larger varieties like the one you describe tend to grow very fast and have weak wood. This growth habit can lead to what you are experiencing: a floppy plant. Since you didn't prune your plant back in the spring - and cold weather didn't knock it back - your plant is probably extra leggy.

Can I give my butterfly bush Miracle Grow? ›

Liquid fertilizers (such as Miracle Gro) are mixed with water and applied the same as you would water the plant (see product for specific details). This should be done three or four times per year starting in late April and ending in mid July.

Should I mulch a butterfly bush? ›

Avoid mulching too much around the base of this plant because it can often lead to the plant retaining too much moisture and cause root rot. A light layer of mulch is the best way to go with these flowering shrubs.

Do Butterfly bushes need lots of water? ›

Butterfly bush roots do not like to sit in wet soil, especially during cooler evenings. The plants can handle short periods of drought once they are mature. After the shrub is established, water most varieties at least weekly when temperatures soar above 85 degrees. Again, the key is deep watering.

How do you get a butterfly bush to bloom again? ›

Consider these tips for getting your butterfly bush blooming, or reblooming. You need to prune it back: The butterfly bushes' blooms will only grow on new wood. An occasional, thorough haircut in early spring will entice it to grow back to its full glory.

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