President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Increases Federal Cost Share for Hurricane Ian Recovery (2024)

Release Date:

October 25, 2023

WASHINGTON --FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell announced today that President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. made additional disaster assistance available to the state of Florida to supplement recovery efforts in the areas affected by Hurricane Ian between Sept. 23 – Nov. 4, 2022.

The President authorized the federal cost-share for public assistance to be increased from 75% to 90% of total eligible costs.

“It has been a little over a year since Hurricane Ian devastated Fort Myers and surrounding communities in Florida. Sadly, more than 140 people lost their lives, and over 33,000 survivors were displaced from their homes,” said Administrator Criswell. “However, Floridians remained strong in the face of this tragedy, and with the supportof our federal, state and local partners, we have used every tool at our disposal to help Florida recover from this disaster. To date, the Biden-Harris Administration has provided over $8 billion in federal assistance, and this latest cost-share adjustment means that even more federal assistance is on the way. The road to recovery is long, and at times difficult, but FEMA will be there every step of the way.”

To date, federal support following Hurricane Ian for Florida totals $8.69 billion:

  • FEMA provided $1.13 billion in grants to more than 386,000 households in 26 counties.
  • The U.S. Small Business Administration approved $1.94 billion in disaster loans for homeowners, renters and businesses.
  • FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program paid $4.38 billion for more than 47,300 claims filed.
  • FEMA obligated more than $1.8billion to reimburse state and local applicants for emergency response, debris removal and repair or replacement of public facilities.
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Increases Federal Cost Share for Hurricane Ian Recovery (2024)


President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Increases Federal Cost Share for Hurricane Ian Recovery? ›

The President authorized the federal cost-share for public assistance to be increased from 75% to 90% of total eligible costs. “It has been a little over a year since Hurricane Ian devastated Fort Myers and surrounding communities in Florida.

How much did the Hurricane Ian cost? ›

Hurricane Ian was the most costly disaster of the year, causing nearly $113 billion dollars in damage and 152 deaths.

How much money did they give for Hurricane Ian recovery? ›

To date, over $1 billion in Public Assistance funding has been obligated to Florida communities in response to the devastating impacts of Hurricane Ian. This is in addition to nearly $9 billion in Critical Disaster Relief funding that has been paid out to local communities impacted by disasters since 2019.

What was the costliest hurricane in the US history? ›

For all United States hurricanes, Hurricane Katrina (2005, $198.8B*) is the costliest storm on record. Hurricane Harvey (2017, $158.8B*) ranks second, Hurricane Ian (2022, $117.4B*) ranks third, Hurricane Maria (2017, $114.3B*) ranks fourth, and Hurricane Sandy (2012, $87.8B*) ranks fifth.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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