Power Broker: What it is, How it Works, FAQ (2024)

What Is a Power Broker?

A power broker is an individual who is able to influence the decisions of other parties. This is usually done through the power broker's personal and professional connections rather than through public means, such as explicitly lobbying for a particular decision. In the world of finance, a power broker is typically an industry insider who is familiar with other important individuals and groups. By using these networks, they are able to exert influence or make decisions.

Power brokers may also be public figures, such as elected officials or well-known business leaders, who subtly work their connections rather than taking a public stance on a particular issue.

Key Takeaways

  • Power brokers are usually important figures within the industry over which they hold sway.
  • Executives often become power brokers post-retirement because of the networks they have spent their career building and maintaining.
  • Power brokers work behind the scenes building consensus with key players rather than through public statements or actions.

Understanding Power Brokers

Power brokers are often sought out by companies in order to rally support for issues that are vital to a particular industry, such as how they are regulated. Power brokers can command high fees or future favors in return for their work helping a company or industry deal with a particular issue or advance on a shared priority.

Generally speaking, a power broker has a deep understanding of the industries they operate in, particularly when it comes to identifying the key contacts. Industry lobbyists and media personnel are often viewed as power brokers because they are familiar with the ins and outs of particular issues and are able to reach and influence decision-makers faster than those less familiar with key players.

While important, the standing of a power broker can wane over time. This is especially true during periods of transition; for instance, with the election of a new political party to power, the old power brokers may see their status and influence quickly deteriorate.

How a Power Broker Operates

A power broker may or may not be directly involved in the operation and development of the sphere of influence where their connections exist. For example, an industry power broker might be a consultant, an attorney, or another ancillary participant in that industry sector. While they might not be a CEO or senior executive within a company that is a mainstay of the industry, their presence and influence can affect these companies. Former CEOs who have retired from their industry often become power brokers within their former industry through their existing connections and board positions held post-retirement.

For example, a former oil and gas sector CEO is ideally positioned to connect someone looking for partners on a large LNG terminal project. As a power broker, the retired exec would work his network to feel out interest in the project among oil and gas majors, identify customers in target markets to bring in early, and begin laying the groundwork for the political and regulatory acceptance necessary for such a large project. The power broker may never appear on an official document about the project, but his work would be critical to its success.

Qualities of a Power Broker

In order to become a power broker, one needs to gain influence and status. In order to sway decisions and steer outcomes, this person needs to be charismatic and sociable. This means that one's personality should attract others into their sphere, building an important social network of people who can help increase their influence. Expanding and extending one's contacts, especially among those who may be able to lend a hand, is especially helpful.

Being able to communicate effectively is also crucial, as the form of influence needs to be subtle, yet simple in its message. Finally, you must become knowledgeable in the spheres that you will influence. Being labeled an expert by other important players will ensure that people listen to what you have to say.

Examples of Famous Power Brokers

The term power broker is often used in politics and Hollywood. Henry Kissinger was long considered a political power broker who used his access to presidents and foreign leaders to play a role in world politics long after he left his formal roles behind. In Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein was seen as a power broker who used his connection to make and break careers—and his abuse of this power to sexually assault and later silence women led to his downfall.

In finance, however, there is one very famous power broker who held sway over the U.S. market in a way that is no longer conceivable in a global economy. J.P. Morgan was popularly seen as running the U.S. economy, advising politicians on regulations, and setting the standards by which all banks were run. Companies would seek a loan from Morgan whether they needed financing or not, as having the J.P. Morgan name associated with your business raised your standing in the eyes of all investors.

Today, many would say Warren Buffett enjoys a similar place in finance, as the investments he makes are widely reported, but Buffett has been reluctant in exercising his influence beyond sharing his opinions in his annual shareholder letter.

Who Are the Major Power Brokers in Congress Right Now?

In Congress, power brokers tend to be those in high-ranking positions like Speaker of the House or Minority Whip. Heads of key committees are also influential. In times of divided politics, such as today, those who sit in the center and are able to provide critical votes to break a tie are especially influential.

What Is a Power Broker in Real Estate?

In the real estate market, this can usually refer to one of two things. First, in keeping with the above definition, a power broker in real estate is one who is able to influence deals to get done. They can apply pressure to developers, buyers, or sellers to close a deal. It can also simply refer to a real estate agent who has a lot of business and a big rolodex, which creates greater influence.

Power Broker: What it is, How it Works, FAQ (2024)


Power Broker: What it is, How it Works, FAQ? ›

A power broker is an individual who is able to influence the decisions of other parties. This is usually done through the power broker's personal and professional connections rather than through public means, such as explicitly lobbying for a particular decision.

How does power broker work? ›

In political science, a power broker is a person who influences people to vote towards a particular client (i.e. elected official or referendum) in exchange for political and financial benefits. Power brokers can also negotiate deals with other power brokers to meet their aims.

How to become a power broker? ›

Former CEOs who have retired from their business also become power players within their former field. They build a network through their current ties and post-retirement board roles. As a power broker, a retired executive will work his network to check for oil and gas majors in the project.

What is power broker software? ›

PowerBroker helps to improve privileges for system tasks, control panel applets, applications, software installs, management functions, software installs, and other applications and system operations.

Who is the power broker in Marvel comics? ›

The "Power Broker" concept was devised by Mark Gruenwald as a satire on the public obsession with health and fitness. The Power Broker is used in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) miniseries The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) as the alias of Sharon Carter, portrayed by Emily VanCamp.

What does the power broker want? ›

However, this is all simply a façade and as Power Broker, Carter is a manipulative and power-hungry woman who wants to make the American government suffer for branding her a criminal and control the world through her criminal empire, and is willing to use the Flag Smashers, Sam Wilson, and Barnes to further her goals ...

Is power broker good or bad? ›

Type of Villain

The Power Broker is a supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. He is an enemy of the following heroes and anti-heroes: Machine Man, Captain America, Marvel Man, the Falcon, the Hulk, Sharon Ventura, Demolition Man, the Shroud, Vagabond, Battlestar, U.S. Agent, the Punisher, and Ant-Man.

What is an example of a power broker? ›

For example, an industry power broker might be a consultant, an attorney, or another ancillary participant in that industry sector. While they might not be a CEO or senior executive within a company that is a mainstay of the industry, their presence and influence can affect these companies.

What is power broker access? ›

PowerBroker allows for policy-defined authorization controls which allow administrators to define where and when their end-users can access other accounts they are authorized to use, up to and including root.

Who are the famous power brokers? ›

20 Powerbrokers Who Decided The Fate Of The World This Weekend
  • Roger Altman, Chairman Evercore Partners. ...
  • Tim Collins, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC Senior Managing Director and CEO. ...
  • Bill Gates, Co-Chair Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Chairman, Microsoft. ...
  • Jan Hommen, ING Group Chairman.
Jun 7, 2010

How to use PowerBroker? ›

To use Sudo or Power Broker as Linux administrator, perform the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the Host target page.
  2. View list of administration activities on Host target.
  3. Select an administration task.
  4. Provide host credentials with root privileges. ...
  5. Provide the details and the system performs the administrative task.

What is a PowerBroker policy? ›

By setting PowerBroker policy, end- users without administrative privileges will be able to run the applications you choose. Extensive Reporting and Automation. PowerBroker has an extensive, enterprise-grade reporting infrastructure that integrates with central role-based reporting and analytics.

How does PowerBroker for Windows work? ›

PowerBroker for Windows provides fine- grained, policy-based privilege delegation for the Windows environment by removing local admin rights from end users and selectively elevating privileges for things such as applications, software installs, system tasks, scripts, and control panel applets.

What did the power broker do? ›

The Power Broker is a biography of Robert Moses, who built more structures and moved more earth than anyone in human history. And he did it without ever holding elected office. Outside of New York City, Robert Moses wasn't exceptionally well known.

How did Sharon become the power broker? ›

In the years since, Carter retreated to a criminal sanctuary in Indonesia known as Madripoor, and began to set up her business in the black market which dabbled in stolen artwork. She eventually rose to become its secretive ruler, the Power Broker.

Why did Agent Carter become a Power Broker? ›

In the series, Carter is revealed as the Power Broker, a mysterious supervillain crime boss who "resorted to a life of crime when she had no other options available" after the events of Captain America: Civil War where she was on the run from the United States government for helping Captain America.

How do electricity brokers make money? ›

They negotiate with local energy suppliers in states with deregulated energy markets. They then earn a salary by adding a small brokerage fee to the new rate. This fee works as a commission for the energy broker, sometimes resulting in a six-figure annual salary.

How does the broker system work? ›

A brokerage provides intermediary services in various areas, e.g., investing, obtaining a loan, or purchasing real estate. A broker is an intermediary who connects a seller and a buyer to facilitate a transaction. Individuals or legal entities can act as brokers.

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