Pokemon Go: How many Gifts can you open a day? - The Click (2024)

ByAdam B

In Pokemon Go, gifts are very useful items, particularly for rural players with lower item supplies, but how many Gifts can you open a day?

This is a pretty important question for some players, as gifts may well be the only source of items they get, or perhaps the only useful source – Pokestops can be irritatingly cheap with items after all.

How many Gifts can you open a day in Pokemon Go?

By default, Trainers in Pokemon Go can open 20 gifts a day. This has been temporarily increased during the effects of Covid-19 to support remote play more, allowing Trainers to open up to 30 gifts a day instead. It’s a fairly simple answer, but “how many Gifts can you open a day in Pokemon Go?” is also a fairly simple question.

Be aware the gifts you obtain from PokeStops are not items you can open yourself. You have to send those to your friends in Pokemon Go, and those same friends can send gifts back to you.

If you use a service such as PokemonGoFriends, as I’ve suggested here, you can find other active players looking to exchange gift for gift which will help you build up items from them each day – this makes for an excellent source of good items such as Ultra balls or Max potions, as gifts seem to scale with level.

Pokemon Go: How many Gifts can you open a day? - The Click (1)

READ MORE: Pokemon Go: How many friends can you have?

Gifts may contain a variety of items, from basic Potions and PokeBalls to the top of the line versions like Ultra balls and Max Potions. They are most likely the best source of advanced items for any player in the game unless you happen to have unlimited money in real life to spend on constantly restocking PokeCoins and buying items from the store, anyway.

As a heads up, the rewards from gifts also seem to scale up in strength alongside your level – so if you’re stuck getting Pokeballs early on, try not to give up on them too fast, they will be a huge boon later.

Anything else?

Gifts really are this simple, in all honesty. You find them by spinning PokeStops and then you send them to your friends. Friends on Pokemon Go will send gifts back, and then you both get items. Gifts are a great reason to consider expanding your Pokemon Go friends list, if you don’t already have enough of them a day.

That’s about everything we need to answer our original question of How many Gifts can you open a day in Pokemon Go, so now if you’d be interested, you can find more Pokemon Go articles, stories, and guides on The Click right here, and more pieces written by me personally here.


Pokemon Go: How many Gifts can you open a day? - The Click (2024)


Pokemon Go: How many Gifts can you open a day? - The Click? ›

You can only have a total of 30 Gifts in your inventory at once. Only 30 Gifts can be opened per day.

Is there a limit to gifts you can get from Pokestops? ›

The maximum cap for a single day is 100. When you spin a pokestop there is a chance of receiving a gift, however the cap for the maximum number of gifts you can have at a time is 9 gifts.

How many gifts can you open in Pokemon Go March 2023? ›

Trainers can open 40 Gifts daily. Trainers can send 125 Gifts daily.

Is there a daily limit to gifts in Pokémon GO? ›

You can send each of your friends up to one Gift per day. If your friend has not yet opened a Gift that you've previously sent them, you won't be able to send them another one until they open the first one. Your Friend will receive a notification that you sent them a Gift.

How many gifts can you pin in a day Pokémon GO? ›

Making progress by pinning gifts you collect can only be done three times per day.

Why am i only getting 50 stardust Pokémon Go? ›

You will be given the option to open and be given 50 stardust. At this time it appears to be either a random or geographical rollout. Two new obfuscated values were just pushed to the gifting settings. A bool set to true and a value set at 50.

Can I Gift Pokecoins? ›

No. There is no way to transfer coins from one account to another. Thanks!

Do gifts stack in Pokémon Go? ›

There is a limit of opening 20 gifts per day. You can stack them to open up a next day in case you get too many.

Do Pokemon Go gifts expire? ›

Yes. Gifts must be collected before the expiration date shown beside the gift's description.

How many rare candies can you get a day Pokemon go? ›

How many Rare Candies drop from a Raid? Niantic has confirmed that all Raid Drops, including Rare Candy, are determined by several factors that include your battle performance, gym affiliation, raid boss. You get anywhere from 1 to 3 Rare Candy from Raid Bosses.

How many gifts can you open per day mythical wishes? ›

You can also send 125 gifts per day and open 40. Seasonal spawns…

What is the point of saving Postcards in Pokemon go? ›

Trainers can collect patterned Vivillon from all over the world by pinning Postcards received from Trainers, PokéStops, or Gyms in different regions. Pinning Postcards from eligible regions unlocks the Vivillon Collector medal and adds progress to sub-medals associated with the Postcard's region of origin.

What is the limit of Lucky Pokemon a day? ›

The “cap” does not include Lucky Friends Trades and random Lucky Trades. Once this limit has been reached (which is fifteen), a Trainer will not and can not get a Guaranteed Lucky Trade.

How to get 1000000 stardust in Pokémon GO? ›

How to get Stardust
  1. Step 1: Purchase Star Pieces from Poké Shops. ...
  2. Step 2: Catch a ton of Pokémon. ...
  3. Step 3: Hatch as many eggs as possible. ...
  4. Step 4: Open your daily gifts. ...
  5. Step 5: Battle Team Go Rocket. ...
  6. Step 6: Complete Field Research tasks.
May 19, 2022

How to get 1m stardust? ›

How to grind Stardust quickly
  1. Catch everything that moves (even Sudowoodo, which moves very little)
  2. Definitely catch at least one thing per day.
  3. Open your maxmimum 30 gifts every day.
  4. Play as much PVP as you can.
  5. Hatch as many eggs as you can, and try to sync up hatching your biggest eggs.
Aug 31, 2022

What is the reward for 120000 stardust Pokémon GO? ›

Stardust Challenge quest steps and rewards in Pokémon Go
1270,000 total Stardust25x Ultra Ball
1385,000 total StardustDeino encounter
14100,000 total Stardust5,000 XP
15120,000 total Stardust1x Lucky Egg Deino Hat avatar item
11 more rows
Dec 1, 2021

Why is buying 100 PokéCoins cheaper? ›

Based on their reasoning, Google Play and Apple's Store take a cut of each microtransaction made in-game. For this reason, the base rate of 100 Pokecoins is set, and Niantic is able to dictate the larger bulk prices depending on exchange rates. According to some players, the pricing may be used as a marketing tactic.

Can you get 100 PokéCoins from a Gym? ›

In short, the longer your Pokémon is in a Gym, the more PokéCoins you will earn. However, you can only earn a maximum of 50 PokéCoins per day, even if all Pokémon are removed from all the Gyms you are defending at once.

Can you refund PokéCoins? ›

If you wish to receive a refund for PokéCoins you purchased accidentally, please contact Apple Support (iOS users), Galaxy App Store (Samsung users), or Google Play Help (Android users) to review their respective refund policies, request a refund, or to inquire about a recent transaction.

Can you stack Lucky Eggs? ›

You can also activate up to 200 Lucky Eggs at a time to stack their effects instead of using one every 30 minutes. Pro tip: Consider using Lucky Eggs when you're about to improve your Friendship Level with a friend, especially when reaching Ultra Friends or Best Friends, to maximize the XP you can earn.

Do you keep candy if you transfer all Pokémon? ›

As you catch more Pokémon, you may transfer some of them to Professor Willow to free up your Pokémon storage. You'll receive Candy in exchange for transferring a Pokémon, but be careful: you can't get Pokémon back after you've transferred them.

What is the best friend reward in Pokémon Go? ›

Best Friend

Receive 4 extra Premier Balls when participating in a raid with your friend. Receive a large attack boost when Battling together. Ability to share an EX Raid Invite with each other.

Is it safe to add strangers on Pokémon Go? ›

Always use caution when adding Friends in Pokemon Go. Make sure you don't have any personal information in your username or profile and avoid sharing Gifts with people you don't know. Niantic You'll need to find your Trainer Code to add Friends.

Are expiring gift cards illegal? ›

In California, for example, it's against the law for store gift certificates and gift cards to have an expiration date or dormancy fees (except under certain circ*mstances), and if the balance on the card is less than $10, you can redeem it for cash. (Cal. Civil Code § 1749.5).

What gift cards never expire? ›

In some states, gift cards may not ever expire. In addition, with Mastercard and American Express gift cards, funds never expire. However, the physical card itself may need to be replaced by a certain date. All you have to do is call the number on the back of the card and they will issue a new one.

Are XXL Pokémon rare? ›

Unlike shiny Pokemon, XXL and XXS Pokemon are rare but can be found on any species.

How do you get XL Rare Candy? ›

The most viable method of gaining Rare Candy XL is by completing 3-Star and higher Pokemon Raids. Every time a player successfully beats a Raid, they'll have a slight chance to receive 1-3 Rare Candy XL as a reward.

Which Pokémon holds Rare Candy? ›

Best Legendary and Mythical Pokémon to use Rare Candy On
Legendary & Mythical Pokémon shortlist
PokémonPvE pick?STATS
Zekrom Dragon ElectricYes211
Giratina (Origin) Ghost DragonYes187
Dialga Steel DragonYes211
14 more rows
Dec 2, 2020

What is Pokémon number 647 in Pokémon GO? ›

Keldeo is Pokémon number 647 in the PokéDex of Pokémon GO. It is a Mythic Pokémon available through events and Special Research.

How many gifts are enough? ›

Some follow the “rule of three.” This means that a child gets three presents, one for each gift baby Jesus received. Others believe in four: something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read.

Can you get a Mew in Pokémon GO? ›

One of the rarest Kanto Pokemon in Pokemon GO is Mew, the first mythical Pokemon to ever appear. While players can't encounter Mew in the wild normally or fight it in raids, players are still able to get the chance to capture one.

What is the max number friends you can have on Pokémon Go? ›

You can have up to 400 friends in your Niantic Friend List, including friends from other Niantic Apps. Once you reach this limit, you'll need to remove friends before you can add new ones.

Do you get XP for sending and receiving Gifts in Pokemon go? ›

Trainers, you can now receive XP for sending Gifts to friends, so make sure to collect Gifts from nearby PokéStops! 3,074 people like this.

Do you get XP for opening and sending Gifts Pokemon go? ›

XP for Friendship:

Sending a Gift: 200 XP. Become a Good Friend: 3,000 XP. Become a Great Friend: 10,000 XP. Become an Ultra Friend: 50,000 XP.

What do you get when you send 6 Gifts to friends in Pokemon go? ›

Pokemon Go Anniversary Event Field Research tasks
Field Research TaskReward
Make 6 Curveball ThrowsSnivy, Tepig, or Oshawott
Send 6 Gifts and add a sticker to eachChespin, Fennekin, or Froakie
Take 6 snapshots of wild PokemonRowlet, Litten, or Popplio
Catch 6 Pokemon10 Poke Balls, 5 Great Balls, or 2 Ultra Balls
5 more rows
Jul 6, 2022

How long does it take to max friendship Pokémon GO? ›

Pokémon Go Friendship bonuses and how to become Best Friends
Friendship LevelNo of days to unlock
Good Friend1
Great Friend7
Ultra Friend30
Best Friend90
Aug 30, 2022

Is there a limit on how many gyms you can have in Pokémon GO? ›

It's also worth noting you can only have one of your Pokémon in one Gym at a time. Though can still have Pokémon in multiple Gyms, there is a cap of 20 Gyms you can place creatures inside.

Is there a max number of Pokémon you can put in gyms? ›

Teams are able to assign up to 6 Pokémon to a Gym, but a single Trainer can only assign one Pokémon to the Gym — so you'll need your teammates' help in filling up the Gym. Only one Pokémon of a single species can be assigned to a Gym at one time.

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