Photos Resources - Upload photos to Google Photos (2024)


  • Google Photos is not a real backup (copies kept for safekeeping in case the original is lost or damaged).
    Please read more at Geeks on Tour:
    Google Photos is NOT a "Backup" of Your Photos

  • See also Don't assume your photos are getting backed up

  • There is an automatic check behind-the-scenes to determine whether the exact same photo was already uploaded to Google Photos. Any change (except file name) made to the photo or a change to it's metadata may cause the photo to be re-uploaded. See How to remove or prevent duplicates in Google Photos

Uploading from a computer to Google Photos

From computer using Google Drive for Desktop (GDD)

  • GDD is intended to upload photos in bulk, without automatically creating albums. It uploads directly to Google Photos.

  • GDD is a one time upload. It does not really sync. Edits done on the computer do not sync to Google Photos, and photos subsequently deleted in Google Photos will not be uploaded a second time.

  • Photos/videos will upload into the Photos tab in Google Photos, sorted by camera date (if present). If you want to convert folders on your computer to albums in Google Photos, you will have to do that manually later on (see below).

  • GDD has an option to build a new hierarchy in Google Drive which mirrors the computer folder structure, but this will use storage in Google Drive as well as Google Photos. There will not be any connection between the two copies.

  • There is no option to upload directly from Drive to an album, but you can find them on top in Recently added (when not uploaded before to Google Photos). See this thread .
    Tip: you can rename the photos to include the folder title. That allows to search for the content in Google Photos.

  • When you select Storage saver (former High Quality) in the GDD Settings, photos will be compressed and will count against your Google storage at the reduced size. Previously uploaded High Quality prior to June 1, 2021 do not use storage.

Upload manually in a browser

This method allows you to add photos/videos directly to albums. You keep control and can create a nice album collection. It allows to edit photos before uploading and to upload selectively.

Using the "Upload" button

In the Photos or Albums tab, click the "Upload" button. You get a choice between "Computer" and "Google Drive"

  • Upload from computer

    1. Select a folder or photos on your computer and click "Open". When you select a folder there will probably be skipped files. I recommend to select photos.

    2. Select one or more photos (Ctrl+select) and click "Open." The photo(s) will upload to the "Photos" tab. The photos are also shown on top in Recently added, except when the photos were already uploaded in the past.

    3. When ready a pop-up appears inviting you to add the photos to an album. Close the pop-up if you do not want to add to an album. When some photos were already uploaded in the past, they will not upload again (duplicate prevention), will not appear on top in "Recently added" and will NOT be added to the album. Therefore it is recommended to upload directly into an album if you want them in an album (see further).

  • Upload from Drive

    1. Open the folder from where you want to upload photos

    2. Select one or more photos.

    3. Click UPLOAD in the right hand lower corner. In the left hand lower corner of the screen you see "n items uploaded."
      Unlike when uploading from a computer, there is no option to add to an album. You will have to find them in "Photos" but preferably in "Recently added" where they should be on top (if not already uploaded in the past).

Drag & Drop

  1. You can drag & drop multiple selected photos or even multiple folders (subfolders will not be included) in the Photos tab, which adds them to the timeline, where they are sorted by "Date taken" (when available). The photos are also shown on top in Recently added, except when the photos were already uploaded in the past.
    When selecting folders there will probably be "skipped items" (unsupported files).

  2. When ready a pop-up appears inviting you to add the photos to an album. Close the pop-up if you do not want to add to an album. When some photos were already uploaded in the past, they will not upload again (duplicate prevention), will not appear on top in "Recently added" and will NOT be added to the album. Therefore it is recommended to upload directly into an album (see below).

Uploading from a mobile device to Google Photos

Backup and sync

  • You can turn "Backup and sync" ON to systematically upload photos from the DCIM folder (obligatory) and other folders (optional). Note that DCIM includes the Camera folder, but may also include other collections like Screenshots. Google Photos collects everything under DCIM in a folder called Camera.

    • If you have added more than one account in Google Photos, you must select one in Backup and sync in the settings of Google Photos. Photos will always sync with that account, also when you switched to another account for viewing. When you change the account used for uploading, ALL photos will upload to the new account, not only the new ones.

    • Backup and sync ignores the folder structure on your device: all photos are just uploaded to the Photos tab. But you can at any moment select photos and add them to a new or existing album (see lower).


  • You can also upload manually to the account you are viewing: select some photos, tap the 3-dots > Back up now.

  • As an alternative you can add photos directly to an album (see further). They will also upload to the Photos tab.

Upload photos/videos directly to an album

From a computer

Drag photos into an album

  • Go to or open an existing album or create a new one at

  • Drag and drop one or more selected files or folders from your computer into the open album.
    ALL photos/videos will now be added to the album, even when they were already uploaded to Google Photos.

Use the "Add photos" button in an album

  1. Open an existing album at Albums

  2. Click the "Add photos" icon

  3. Click "Select from computer"

  4. Browse to a folder on your computer and click "Open"

  5. Select one or more photos (Ctrl+select) and click "Open"
    The photo(s) will be added to your album and upload to the "Photos" tab (if not yet uploaded)

Remarks: If you see a message that photos were "skipped," click "View Skipped" and note the file names that were skipped, then upload them again. If there are many you can just upload the whole batch again: no duplicates will be uploaded.

From a mobile device

You can add photos from the device to albums, also after the photos/videos have been backed up. This is especially interesting for Android where the Google Photos app also shows device folders.

  1. Select n photos you want to add to an album
    On Android devices you can select photos in "folders on device" under Library

  2. Tap the + icon (that appears after you selected photos)

  3. Tap Album for a new album
    or tap on an existing album to add the photos

Uploading for Picasa desktop users

Google disabled direct upload from Picasa in March 2018. Picasa continues to be useful for local management of a photo collection with basic editing and some extras such as creating collages with much more options than in Google Photos. Emailing photos from Picasa using Gmail was also disabled. Instead you can export (select the size you want) and add as attachment to a mail.

If you edited photos in Picasa3, you must create an edited copy on the computer by using Export or Save.

The "Export" method

To upload photos from an album in Picasa, you always need to "Export" to get a folder with the photos.

  1. Select thumbnails in the library of Picasa, for example all photos in a folder. You can either use Ctrl+A or click between the photos to select none. To select photos from different folders/albums you must add them to the tray by clicking the green "Hold" button.

  2. Click "Export" and select the options, for example "Use original size" (for image size) and image quality, for example "Automatic" or "Maximum." You can add numbers to preserve the order or add a watermark. See this link for details.

  3. After clicking the "Export" button, the folder containing the exports automatically opens in File Explorer (or Finder on Mac)

  4. Go to and select "High Quality (free unlimited storage)" or "Original." This setting works for future uploads only. "High Quality" is free until June 1, 2021.

  5. You can now either use the Upload button or drag & drop the selected photos to

  6. You also find the recently added photos on top at

  7. But you can also create a new (empty) album or open an existing one, and drag & drop directly into the open album or use "Add to album" > "Select from computer"

  8. After you checked that the upload succeeded, you can delete the exported folder on your computer (optional)

The "Save" method:

  1. Instead of using "Export" you can replace the original by an edited copy in File Explorer (or Finder) by "Saving" the edits. The original is filed away to a hidden folder .picasaoriginals under the actual folder, which thus doubles the storage use on the computer. See this link for details. For albums created in Picasa the "Export" method is needed.

  2. You can now use steps 4-6 of the "Export" method to upload the photos.

  3. Immediately after the upload, you are prompted to add the photos to an album. You also find the recently added photos on top at

How to get all photos in albums

In Picasaweb all your photos were automatically added to albums. Backup & Sync however uploads all photos only to the "Photos" tab. Re-creating the albums on Google Photos can be very laborious, but the following may help:

Rename photos on the computer, so that the file name also contains (parts of) the folder name. Bear in mind that Google Photos has no sub-albums, thus for sub-folders you may have to add elements from the hierarchically higher folder(s). I also always include at least year-month, for example 2020-08 Zoo with John and Jane-001 etc
This method will allow to search for these photos after they are for example uploaded with "Backup and sync".

Upload new photos manually. There are several options:

    • After the upload you are prompted to add them to an album. You may miss photos already uploaded in the past.

    • You can create a new album (or open an existing one) and upload directly into it, for example by drag & drop.

    • You find new uploads on top on (sorted by upload date). You also get there in the web app via Explore > Recently added.

Get older photos from the "Photos" tab in albums

    • You can systematically add photos manually to an album from top to bottom in the timeline. Keep a record of where you stopped. In case of doubt, you do not have to check whether a photos is already in an album: duplicates will not be added. But that method is very laborious. I recommend the next option.

    • After all photos are uploaded by using "Backup & sync" and hoping that you did not delete the local collection, you can (systematically or gradually whenever you need a particular album):

      • Create a new (empty) Album in Google Photos:

      • Upload the photos/videos to the album (via upload button or by drag & drop)

      • The photos/videos will be added to the album, even when they are already uploaded. They will NOT upload again if not edited or metadata changed - a changed filename does not matter.

    • Some users "Archive" all photos added to an album (3-dots > Archive), so that they are hidden from the library and shown in instead. The archived photos are still shown in the albums.
      I would not recommend that method though:

      • After you added photos to an album, the selection is lost, and you cannot archive from within the album. You will have to select the exact same photos again which is time consuming and error prone.

      • Archiving is intended to remove "clutter" you do not want to see in your library or share. Photos in archive are not shared when you share your library ("Partner sharing").

Third party apps

    • Some third party software claims to add automatically photos from folders to albums. This was not tested, thus, do this at your own risk:

      • Only free for 5000 pics, but you could pay for one month of unlimited use, backup all your photos and folders to Google Photos, and from then on add your new photos manually.
        See also


Photos Resources - Upload photos to Google Photos (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.