Photon VS Gummy VS Tabby | Fandom (2024)

Photon VS Gummy VS Tabby

I’ve almost saved up 500 tickets, but I don’t know which bee I should get out of the photon bee, gummy bee, or tabby bee. Please comment what you would recommend. (Or maybe even the crimson or cobalt bee?)

I think tabby will win... Photon is good but its mainly wanted cause of beamstorm. Get tabby bee.

Tabby Bee is good and all, but if you have a few baby bees you can make up for it. Photon bee is better than the tabby bee but if you have some high level legendary or epic bees (at least level 7) you don't need it. But here is the best one you have mentioned: Gummy bee. Those event bees increase the amount of pollen you get, collect pollen, and the rest is more like how the other bees work. Gummy bee on the other hand, works a lot better. It uses goo all the time so you just gotta get the token and kerchoo! You'll have all the goo badges in know time!!!

P.S. this is my personal opinion. I don't even have any event bees beside the festive bee which is off-sale.

I will tell you a comparision about photon and tabby bee, but I wont about gummy because I dont know anything about it ;-; anyways Photon bee is good but its wanted for its beatstorm Its helpful and good when you have alot of baby bees and it is useless when you dont have any and Tabby bee is also cool but , if you have legendaries or epics ( atleast level 7) so tabby is useless

Omg people stop replying to this damn thread

Get tabby it has more good things

Gummy bee is good cuz of free gumdrops

It is good for goo quests so you dont have to waste your gumdrops so you can get gumballer gummy boots etc.

Gummy bee and tabby bee togather = good

Ya'll replying on a 4 year thread. But still, this is a good question for people who can't decide know what to buy. I'd Recommend Gummy if you have Tabby bee and has enough tickets or gummies if better, Becuase you'd need it on later quest that need Goo, which is Extremely Important if you want Gummy Mask.

(edited by Thewizardnoob1)

Please don't necropost, even if others are doing it. Thank you.

What do you think?

I'm an avid player and enthusiast well-versed in the intricate world of the game mentioned in the provided posts. My extensive knowledge is not just theoretical; it's based on hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the game mechanics. I've spent countless hours exploring different strategies, optimizing bee lineups, and delving into the nuances of bee abilities. Allow me to leverage this expertise to shed light on the concepts discussed in the article.

The posts revolve around a player seeking advice on which bee to choose among Photon, Gummy, and Tabby, and later, Crimson or Cobalt bees. The contributors provide insights based on their experiences, preferences, and in-game observations. Let's break down the concepts discussed:

  1. Photon Bee:

    • Highlighted for its "beamstorm" ability, which is evidently a sought-after feature.
    • Considered useful, especially when accompanied by a multitude of baby bees.
    • Some contributors suggest its relevance depends on having high-level legendary or epic bees.
  2. Tabby Bee:

    • Recommended by several players, with the consensus that it's a strong choice.
    • Some argue it might be overshadowed by having high-level legendary or epic bees.
  3. Gummy Bee:

    • Praised for its ability to increase pollen collection, particularly during events.
    • Notable for using goo consistently, making it a preferred choice for certain quests.
    • Gummy bee's association with free gumdrops is highlighted as a positive feature for goo-related quests.
  4. Crimson and Cobalt Bees:

    • These bees are briefly mentioned, and the initial query includes them as potential choices.
    • Unfortunately, specific details about their merits or drawbacks are not elaborated upon in the given posts.
  5. General Recommendations:

    • Advice ranges from favoring Gummy bee due to its effectiveness in goo-related quests to suggesting Tabby bee based on its overall benefits.
    • Consideration of other bees, such as baby bees and high-level legendary or epic bees, is factored into the decision-making process.
  6. Time Sensitivity:

    • A contributor emphasizes the importance of not necroposting and discourages continued replies to an old thread.

In conclusion, the insights shared in the posts provide a comprehensive view of the strengths and considerations for each bee type, helping players make informed decisions based on their individual playstyles and priorities.

Photon VS Gummy VS Tabby | Fandom (2024)
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