Person Explains ‘How Credit Cards Work’ By Using An Analogy That Can Almost Be Turned Into A Movie (2024)

Person Explains ‘How Credit Cards Work’ By Using An Analogy That Can Almost Be Turned Into A Movie (1)

Social Issues


Credit cards lie in most Americans’ wallets. Multiple studies say that about 7 in 10 Americans have at least one credit card.

However, credit cards can either be essential to your financial life or detrimental to it.

You need one to help build a strong credit history and improve your credit score, but if you slip up, you can rack up debt and get overwhelmed by high interest charges.

Last week, game designer Avery Alder explained just how fragile this balance is through a visual fairy mafia analogy.

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Image credits: lackingceremony

The simplest way to understand a credit card is to think of it as a type of short-term loan. When a person opens a credit card account, their credit card company gives them a set credit limit. This is essentially an amount of money the credit card company allows them to use to make purchases or pay bills. The available credit is reduced as the person charges things to the card. Later, they pay back what they spent from their credit limit to the credit card company.

Image credits: lackingceremony

Image credits: lackingceremony

“The analogy is one that I have been thinking about for months,” Alder told Bored Panda. “Over the past year, I’ve done a lot of work to expand my knowledge of personal finance, how building a credit score works in North America, how lenders often require a history of borrowing (with low but consistent credit utilization), and how the system works to entrap participants.”


She wanted to share that story in a way that friends could relate to because she knows that a lot of that financial literacy is class-protected. “It’s something that middle-class families often know and working-class families often don’t,” Alder said.

“A lot of my friends are young and queer, so explaining ‘imagine there’s a fairy mafia offering you their gold’ might resonate more than a flat explanation of the credit industry.”

Image credits: lackingceremony

An online survey commissioned by NerdWallet and conducted in 2020 by The Harris Poll, asked 2,033 U.S. adults to describe their credit-building journey and how they feel about credit cards and credit card debt in general.

Just over half of Americans (51%) said they think credit cards are helpful while more than a quarter (26%) think they’re dangerous, and close to 1 in 10 (9%) even say they’re “evil.”

A huge majority of Americans (73%) believe having credit card debt is inherently bad. But the amount of debt they say would overwhelm them — or cause them to seek out credit counseling or file for bankruptcy — is different. On average, Americans say a credit card debt of $4,898 would cause them to start feeling overwhelmed.

Image credits: lackingceremony


Image credits: lackingceremony

Alder herself shares a credit card with her partner. “We have multiple bills that auto-pay on it, and add a few additional purchases to it each month. We pay it down to zero every month. We always make sure we’re putting something on it every month but try to never exceed that golden 30% credit utilization. This keeps the fairies pleased with us, and they keep offering us more gold,” she explained.

Image credits: lackingceremony


Image credits: lackingceremony

In the good debt/bad debt binary, credit card debt is often designated as ‘bad debt’ due to high interest costs and an assumption that using a credit card often leads to unnecessary spending.

While student loans pay for education and a mortgage gets you a home — they are often referred to as ‘good debt’ — credit cards can be used for just about anything, including so-called frivolous spending.


Image credits: lackingceremony

Image credits: lackingceremony

Alder, who lives in Canada, in the Sinixt territory of Southeast British Columbia, thinks that credit bloat has become a huge problem in North American economics. “Real wages have stagnated over the past fifty years, while the cost of living has continued to skyrocket. This has created an unsustainable crunch economy in which people are increasingly forced to turn to credit cards and other lending strategies in order to survive,” she said.

“Advertising and popular culture continue to promote a consumer mentality that increases the temptation of living outside one’s means, never accumulating savings, and always putting more on credit. These choices aren’t something I would ever blame on individuals. Wage stagnation, predatory lending, and a consumer-driven culture push people toward these choices. I want to help people develop financial literacy so they can better navigate that trap, but I think the real solution lies in a larger structural overhaul.”

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Person Explains ‘How Credit Cards Work’ By Using An Analogy That Can Almost Be Turned Into A Movie (2024)


Which describes how a credit card works? ›

Credit cards offer you a line of credit that can be used to make purchases, balance transfers and/or cash advances and requiring that you pay back the loan amount in the future.

Who came up with the idea of credit cards? ›

The first example of the credit card as we know it today is often credited to a man named Frank McNamara and his business partner Ralph Schneider, who created the “Diner's Club” in 1949.

How does the credit card work? ›

A credit card allows you to spend money up to a pre-set limit. You'll get a bill for what you've spent each month. It's important to try to pay off the balance in full every month. But you'll need to pay off at least the minimum amount.

What was the name of the credit card company that transformed the credit card industry? ›

The 1960s: The growth of the credit card industry

Just six years later, Bank of America began licensing it as the first general-purpose credit card across the country. By June 1966, 61,000 merchants across 42 states accepted the BankAmericard.

What credit is how most credit cards work? ›

Credit cards provide access to a revolving line of credit, allowing you to make purchases that can be paid off later. Similar to other loans, credit cards charge interest, typically expressed as an annual percentage rate, or APR.

What kind of credit is how most credit cards work? ›

Credit cards are a type of revolving debt—which means the more you charge to your card, the more you owe. And the more you pay back, the more you can spend. But trust and believe there are consequences if you don't pay that money back on time and in full.

Did credit cards exist in the 20s? ›

Retail stores and oil companies were issuing credit cards during the 1920s, but they were single-party cards issued by merchants who saw them as a way to sell more goods and services. They offered cardholders a certain measure of convenience but very little flexibility.

What was the very first credit card? ›

There had been a dozen attempts by small American banks, but none of them were able to last very long. In 1958, Bank of America launched the BankAmericard in Fresno, California, which would become the first successful recognizably modern credit card.

What did people do before credit cards? ›

In most cases, consumers actually saved up the funds needed to make a purchase and then paid for it with cash or a check, or through bartering. It's pretty safe to say that consumers in the United States have a lot of credit cards.

Which best describes how a credit card works Quizlet? ›

Which best describes how a credit card works? The credit card company extends you a line of credit. You purchase "stuff" and then have the choice to pay the balance in full or a minimum payment each month.

What answer best describes a credit card? ›

Explanation: A credit card is a convenient way to pay for things sometimes and also allows you to spend like you're a millionaire. However, it is important to understand that a credit card is not free money and should be used responsibly.

What is a credit card Quizlet? ›

Credit Card. A plastic card that allows you to make purchases now with borrowed money, which then you must repay to the lender in one lump sum or in monthly payments with interest.

What does a credit card represent quizlet? ›

credit card. is a plastic card that represents a line of credit. line of credit. is an account with money that you can borrow repeatedly.

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