PC parts to remove HWID Ban (2024)

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Discussion on PC parts to remove HWID Ban within the Call of Duty forum part of the Popular Games category.

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PC parts to remove HWID Ban (16)09/29/2021, 05:39#1
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PC parts to remove HWID Ban

What parts do i need to replace to be able to play again? From what im reading its the mobo, ram, ssd, and new windows 10. i want to be certain before i spend them money on it.

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PC parts to remove HWID Ban (21)09/29/2021, 13:38#2
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elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (23)

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Read this:

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (24)

This may or may not work for you, to be certain rhe best thing to do is use a spoofer.

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PC parts to remove HWID Ban (26)09/29/2021, 18:07#3
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (27)

elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (28)

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was using a spoofer but after a week my new account was banned so id rather just try to replace what i can without getting a new pc

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PC parts to remove HWID Ban (30)09/29/2021, 19:47#4
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elite*gold: 1091 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (33)

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As mentioned in several other threads, to be safe, it's best to replace everything; mobo, ram, ssd, cpu.
There is no telling which components of your ID are compromised, so replace them all.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (34)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (35)10/01/2021, 15:49#5
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elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (37)

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Replacing mobo,ssd,ram,windows and cpu. Will update if works

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (38)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (39)10/01/2021, 16:07#6
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elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (42)

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You can use Hwid Changer

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (43)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (44)10/01/2021, 21:50#7
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elite*gold: 66 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (47)

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You dont have to replace your cpu. Ive seen no one who got cpu banned. Try Mobo & Drives.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (48)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (49)10/03/2021, 02:29#8
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elite*gold: 1091 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (52)

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Originally Posted by Rainn.PC parts to remove HWID Ban (53)

You dont have to replace your cpu. Ive seen no one who got cpu banned. Try Mobo & Drives.

Many do.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (54)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (55)10/03/2021, 06:37#9
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elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (57)

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Originally Posted by -0x41^4-PC parts to remove HWID Ban (58)

Many do.

What exactly are they tracking on your CPU? CPUID's have not existed since Pentium 3's

"There is no CPU serial ID (PSN) after Pentium III in Intel CPUs: software.intel.com/en-us/forums/watercooler-catchall/topic/… "However, keep in mind that only the Pentium III Xeon, Mobile Pentium III and Pentium III processors support the processor serial number feature introduced by the Pentium III processor. No other Intel processor supports the processor serial number feature:"

and AMD never had it, it was scrapped for privacy concerns.

And no you do not need to replace Ram either for something like COD. From my testing and writing a guide that probably 100 people have used on AMI spoofing I banned myself in:

Badlion Minecraft AC as a joke
Faceit Client

and was able to bypass all of them with:

1) Editing my motherboard ROM serials (Serial # / UUID / MAC)
2) Raid0'ing two hard drives together to hide the hard drive serials numbers or replacing ur HD
3) IP change/refresh
4) Format

Rumor is raid0 doesn't work on Faceit Client now but I can't be assed to check.

tldr; get an ASUS mobo and 2 SSDs and you are relatively safe to manually unban yourself in most current games.

Sure they can track things like GPU ID etc but I have never seen an AC use the GPU as part of their HWID ban stack in all of my testing. Tracking your stuff? Sure, but never used to ban or recognize a HWID banned player.

Some EAC games may do monitor EDID but its always been a poor metric as some monitors just return junk or nothing. And the whole "banned via peripherals" i hear some people talk about is also a load of sh*t atleast currently.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (59)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (60)10/03/2021, 22:55#10
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elite*gold: 1091 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (63)

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Originally Posted by nomoralsPC parts to remove HWID Ban (64)

What exactly are they tracking on your CPU? CPUID's have not existed since Pentium 3's

"There is no CPU serial ID (PSN) after Pentium III in Intel CPUs: software.intel.com/en-us/forums/watercooler-catchall/topic/… "However, keep in mind that only the Pentium III Xeon, Mobile Pentium III and Pentium III processors support the processor serial number feature introduced by the Pentium III processor. No other Intel processor supports the processor serial number feature:"

and AMD never had it, it was scrapped for privacy concerns.

And no you do not need to replace Ram either for something like COD. From my testing and writing a guide that probably 100 people have used on AMI spoofing I banned myself in:

Badlion Minecraft AC as a joke
Faceit Client

and was able to bypass all of them with:

1) Editing my motherboard ROM serials (Serial # / UUID / MAC)
2) Raid0'ing two hard drives together to hide the hard drive serials numbers or replacing ur HD
3) IP change/refresh
4) Format

Rumor is raid0 doesn't work on Faceit Client now but I can't be assed to check.

tldr; get an ASUS mobo and 2 SSDs and you are relatively safe to manually unban yourself in most current games.

Sure they can track things like GPU ID etc but I have never seen an AC use the GPU as part of their HWID ban stack in all of my testing. Tracking your stuff? Sure, but never used to ban or recognize a HWID banned player.

Some EAC games may do monitor EDID but its always been a poor metric as some monitors just return junk or nothing. And the whole "banned via peripherals" i hear some people talk about is also a load of sh*t atleast currently.

Too much to read tbh.
First thing my eyes locked on was something about not needing to replace RAM, which is incorrect as well.
If you've used a permanent spoofer in the past that assigned a serial to the RAM, gotta change it out.

If you haven't permanent spoofed, they ban CPU, GPU, SSD/HDD and MOBO.
GPU is rare but out of 200 accounts we tested on, 12 got it.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (65)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (66)10/04/2021, 09:19#11
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Originally Posted by -0x41^4-PC parts to remove HWID Ban (69)

Too much to read tbh.
First thing my eyes locked on was something about not needing to replace RAM, which is incorrect as well.
If you've used a permanent spoofer in the past that assigned a serial to the RAM, gotta change it out.

If you haven't permanent spoofed, they ban CPU, GPU, SSD/HDD and MOBO.
GPU is rare but out of 200 accounts we tested on, 12 got it.

**** GPU ban, that sucks to be honest, it's not easy to get one of those nowadays.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (70)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (71)10/04/2021, 19:51#12
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elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (73)

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They ban motherboard and disk drives.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (74)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (75)10/04/2021, 23:31#13
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elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (77)

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Originally Posted by GrawPointPC parts to remove HWID Ban (78)

**** GPU ban, that sucks to be honest, it's not easy to get one of those nowadays.

GPU bans just don't happen, I mean maybe if your a dev they constantly see ******* around and do some sort of deep ban. 6% chance out of 200 PCs makes no sense on what metric they use to choose a GPU ban.

I've personally just never seen it, and my comment on CPUs stands.

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (79)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (80)07/15/2022, 08:37#14
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Originally Posted by hulk_smashgamingPC parts to remove HWID Ban (83)

Replacing mobo,ssd,ram,windows and cpu. Will update if works

soooo.... did it work?

PC parts to remove HWID Ban (84)
PC parts to remove HWID Ban (85)07/16/2022, 08:18#15
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elite*gold: 0 PC parts to remove HWID Ban (87)

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I would honestly stick with a the mother board. You can change your MAC address and ssd with free download tools. Also I would definitely reset ur computer with a new windows key. But if I was you I would learn how to do it manually. It's possible because I had it done to my computer. No loader or spoofer needed. I just won't cheat no more. It's not even fun anyway. What does suck is dying to cheaters but it is what it is

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PC parts to remove HWID Ban (2024)


What parts to replace for HWID ban? ›

HWID bans typically use the MAC address of your network adapter to ban you. In most cases on a modern computer you connect to the internet using the built in adapter on your motherboard. If you've been HWID banned that means replacing the very core of your computer — the motherboard.

Does buying a new PC get rid of HWID ban? ›

That ban is linked to your account and the HWID, so if you sell your PC, the new owner would not be affected by the ban, and re-installing Windows will not change the HWID, that is created from the hardware on the PC, it will remain the same.

What hardware does Activision ban? ›

The HWID ban is linked to your hardware components, such as your CPU, GPU, and motherboard, not your storage device. Therefore, replacing your SSD will not remove the HWID ban. If you want to remove the HWID ban, you need to change your hardware components or use a HWID spoofer program.

How long does a HWID ban last? ›

With the penalty, A HWID ban will also be placed on your PC after the account was banned for cheating. HWID bans last for 120 days and after those days pass you will be able to play Valorant again on a different account. The account that got banned will stay banned permanently.

Will changing motherboard change HWID? ›

There is no guarantee that replacing a motherboard will change the HWID on your PC, usually the HWID is generated from various components of your PC and sometimes its Mac Address, there is no standard algorithm used by PC manufactures.

Does factory resetting remove hardware ban? ›

Even if the ownership changes and the console is reset to factory settings, the device ban is still there and can't be lifted.

Can RAM get HWID banned? ›

The HWID ban is typically tied to specific hardware components, such as the motherboard or hard drive, rather than the RAM. As long as you are using a new PC with a different motherboard and other banned components, you should be able to use the same RAM without any issues.

How long until a gaming PC is outdated? ›

4–6 years on average because you're used to playing at High settings and you'll likely want to upgrade the GPU. CPUs are released around every year. GPUs are released around every 2 years. RAM speeds may change more than once a year but there is a performance/price where the slight gains don't = a good deal.

Is PC gaming even worth it anymore? ›

So is PC Gaming worth it? Absolutely. You can enjoy PC gaming with budget or high-end components, but the experience is top-tier compared to consoles. Higher quality, free online play, MODS, and much more make it worth it.

Is Cronus Zen cheating? ›

The PlayStation 5's latest update blocks players from using the Cronus Zen — a device cheaters use to get an unfair advantage in first-person shooters and other games — as spotted by Call of Duty news site CharlieIntel.

Can Cronus be detected? ›

Activision anti-cheat tech uses a combination of techniques to detect unauthorized third-party hardware, including Ricochet and Cronus Zen, being used.

Are Activision bans permanent? ›

Permanent suspensions are lasting and final, and can apply across titles, including past, present, or future titles in the Call of Duty franchise. In some cases, players with a permanent suspension on their account may also be unable to purchase Call of Duty games.

How to check if hardware is banned? ›

Only way to find out if a game has banned a system is by trying to play the game. Hardware IDs and MAC adresses can be spoofed. HW ID bans aren't that effective for the more persistent cheaters.

Are steam bans permanent? ›

VAC bans are permanent, non-negotiable, and cannot be removed by Steam Support. If a VAC ban is determined to have been issued incorrectly it will automatically be removed. If you wish to discuss Valve Anti-Cheat with the community, you may do so here.

What are the hardest parts to replace PC? ›

Upgrade the processor

The hardest part is upgrading the processor, because this is where you need to pay the most attention. First, you have to find out whether the processor is the limiting factor and not the graphics card or the RAM.

What changes HWID? ›

Switching network adapters on/off may cause a new and different hardware ID to be generated, causing a mismatch. Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings. Press the [Alt] key to expose the Advance menu > Select Advanced Settings...

Do all PC parts have to be compatible? ›

When you're building a new PC or considering upgrading your hardware, the most important consideration is compatibility. Making sure all your hardware components work together can save you hours down the line, and make sure your shiny new bit of kit fits into your existing build.

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