Options for repaying your private education loan | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (2024)

What if the payments on my private education loans are too high?

First, ask about lower payments 

Start by figuring out what you can pay. Private student loan lenders are not required to offer you any relief, so you may need to show proof. But reputable private student lenders will work with you to make a plan to stay out of default. Write up a budget that cuts back on other expenses where you can. Gather documentation like pay stubs, bank statements, and bills.

Call and ask if they offer options for reducing your payment. (There should be a customer service number on your bills.) For example, an extended repayment plan that requires you to pay for additional months or years will cost you extra interest overall.

You may find it easier to send an email or letter instead of calling. You can use this template of a request for reduced payments.

Understand the potential consequences of this relief

Here are some questions to ask your servicer before committing to any changes:

  • Will I be charged any sign-up fees? Is any paperwork required?
  • When will this start? Do I need to make my next payment?
  • How long will this last? If I still can’t afford my payments when this relief ends, can I request an extension?
  • How much extra interest will this cost me in the long run?

If your servicer is only offering to pause or postpone payments, also known as forbearance, then you may want more information:

  • Will interest continue to accrue during the forbearance?
  • Will interest be capitalized when the forbearance ends? (Capitalization adds the interest to the principal balance, meaning you will pay interest on interest.)
  • How will the missed payments be made up? Will my monthly payment go up or will I keep making payments beyond my original payoff date?

Let your co-signer know if you’re struggling

If a parent or other family member is on your loan, let them know if you are in danger of missing payments. Any missed payments could hurt their credit, too.

Next, avoid risks and wasting money

Explore other situations

Options for repaying your private education loan | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (2024)


Is there any way to get rid of private student loan debt? ›

Filing for Bankruptcy

You can discharge federal and private student loans in bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is often considered a last resort option because of the impacts it can have on your credit and the costs and time involved in filing for bankruptcy.

How are private student loans repaid? ›

Private student loans can offer both in-school and deferred repayment options. After your separation or grace period, you'll be required to make principal and interest payments. There may be programs available for budget flexibility, such as the Graduated Repayment Period.

Are there any loan forgiveness programs for private student loans? ›

Although private student loan forgiveness isn't an option, there are a variety of programs that can help you repay your debt. You may also be eligible for alternative payment plans or student loan refinancing to pay off your debt faster.

What happens if you can't pay your private student loans? ›

If you're unable to make your private student loan payments, the lender can report your default to consumer reporting agencies, which could harm your credit. They may take different actions to collect the debt.

Can private student loan debt be discharged? ›

Yes. Student loans can be discharged in bankruptcy, but it isn't always easy. This is especially true for private student loans. Student loan debt is an unsecured debt, just like credit card or medical debt.

How to get student loans written off? ›

If you work full time for a government or nonprofit organization, you may qualify for forgiveness of the entire remaining balance of your Direct Loans after you've made 120 qualifying payments—i.e., 10 years of payments. To benefit from PSLF, you need to repay your federal student loans under an IDR plan.

Do private loans qualify for IDR forgiveness? ›

Only federal student loans are eligible for forgiveness under federal programs, laws, and policies. But some private student loan companies may offer various forms of relief, such as pausing payments temporarily or lowering your monthly interest or payment amount for a brief period.

Are private student loans forgiven after 20 years? ›

Are private student loans forgiven after 20 years? Unfortunately, only federal student loans are eligible for student loan forgiveness programs — private student loans don't qualify.

Can navient private loans be forgiven? ›

Loan forgiveness and discharge options are limited on private loans and differ from federal loans. Please call us to discuss eligibility for forgiveness or discharge options for private loans. If you have a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), you may qualify for a TPD discharge of certain private student loans.

Can private student loans be converted to federal loans? ›

No, there is no way to change private student loans to federal loans. However, you can refinance your private and federal loans together, ideally to qualify for a lower rate or better loan terms.

How to get out of a private loan? ›

Key Takeaways
  1. Private student loans are only forgiven when the borrower becomes permanently disabled or dies.
  2. Your relief options will depend on your lender and loan agreement. ...
  3. Other options include deferment or forbearance, refinancing, applying for repayment assistance, negotiating with your lender and bankruptcy.

What happens if you default on private student loans? ›

If the student defaults on the loan, private lenders will often hire collection agencies to get you to repay, and they may also sue you in court. Lenders can also report your default to consumer reporting agencies, which could harm your credit.

What happens if my private student loans go to collections? ›

And in some cases, lenders may send defaulted loans onto collections. If your student loans end up in collections, it can have some bad financial consequences. Your credit score may be damaged, and sometimes your wages may be garnished. While it can be very stressful, there are steps you can take to fix the problem.

How to get out of Sallie Mae loans? ›

For these reasons, most people won't be able to get their Sallie Mae loan forgiven and will need to fully repay it. If you're having trouble paying your loan, you'll need to figure out another option, such as refinancing it or asking Sallie Mae about a temporary loan forbearance.

How to settle private student loans? ›

How to Settle Student Loan Debt
  1. Contact the debt collector or loan servicer to see if it will offer a compromise or settlement.
  2. Gather documents that verify a financial hardship, such as bank statements, tax returns and pay stubs.
  3. Consider discussing your situation with an attorney who specializes in student loans.
Dec 20, 2023

Will private student loans ever be Cancelled? ›

Some private lenders will discharge a private education loan in limited situations, such as if the primary borrower dies or becomes permanently disabled. However, policies vary by lender and companies have no legal obligation to cancel debt in these scenarios.

Can you settle private student loan debt? ›

Your private student loan settlement options depend on your lender. Some lenders might require you to pay at least 90 percent of your loan, while others might be more lenient and accept less. The longer you go without making a payment, the less you might need to pay when you request a student loan settlement.

Can private student loans be charged off? ›

Most private lenders charge off (write off) loans after 120 days of missed payments. The time period will vary depending on the lender. After the loan is charged off and in default, most private student lenders will not work with you to help you get out of default.

Can you refinance private student loans to federal? ›

Since private student loans are held by a private bank or lender, you can't refinance private student loans to federal loans. The reverse, however, is possible. You can refinance private and federal student loans into a new private student loan with a new, ideally lower, interest rate.

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