Old Fortnite skins to return soon with major twists, new leak shows (2024)

While many Fortnite skins experience long absences from the Item Shop, most of them eventually return. Right now, the Kylo Ren and Finn skins from Star Wars have been gone for nearly 1,000 days. Will they ever return? Certainly, and leakers have even suggested that they'll be returning for May the 4th in about a week.

The one thing that Epic Games has balked at bringing back are battle pass skins. Skins like Wolverine, the Black Knight, Omega, and Calamity are not available to anyone who didn't unlock them in their respective battle passes.

Old Fortnite skins to return soon with major twists, new leak shows (1)

Old Fortnite skins to return soon with major twists, new leak shows (2)

However, some original skins might be coming back, though not exactly the same as they once were.

Want to know what items might feature in the shop tomorrow? Check out our predictions for tomorrow's Fortnite Item Shop

New leaks suggest that a Carbide skin, among others, might be on its way.

Original skins might be returning to Fortnite with a new look

According to iFireMonkey, the latest update (v20.20) was released recently, and it contains a few encrypted skins. Since they are encrypted, no one knows what they are or what they look like, but they do have code names.

Old Fortnite skins to return soon with major twists, new leak shows (3)

The code name for one is CarbideKnightMale, which is almost assuredly a new variant of Carbide, who was a prominent figure in Chapter 1 Season 4. iFireMonkey pointed out that this skin was added to the files as a metatag.

This usually means one of two things. Fortnite skins that eventually show up in the Crew Pack for a month are added with a metatag. And skins that are held for next season's battle pass are also added with that same metatag.

Another skin that might be returning is the Complex skin. Of course, it won't be the original, but it might be a lava variant. There are codes in the files for Complex's cosmetics with a fiery twist. This might indicate that a new Complex skin is on the way.

The tags from the tweet above were revealed in the update.

All of these skins will more than likely arrive in the near future, though it's unclear as to what they might be. These may be variants of existing skins; Fortnite has used codenames to completely deprive fans of proper information. But they've done this before. For instance, WestSausage was used for the Mythic Web Shooters.

It should be noted that all this information is based on leaks, so nothing is official or confirmed yet. And until any of these skins arrive in the shop or are confirmed by Epic Games itself, all information should be taken with a grain of salt.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh


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As an enthusiast well-versed in the intricacies of Fortnite and its evolving skin ecosystem, I bring a wealth of knowledge to shed light on the concepts embedded in the provided article. My familiarity with the game's history, updates, and the dynamics of skin releases positions me as a reliable source for information on this topic.

Now, diving into the content of the article:

  1. Fortnite Skins Rotation: The article discusses the periodic rotation of Fortnite skins in the Item Shop. It notes that while many skins make regular comebacks, some, like Kylo Ren and Finn from Star Wars, have been absent for an extended period, raising speculation about their return after nearly 1,000 days.

  2. Exclusivity of Battle Pass Skins: Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, is highlighted as having a policy against bringing back battle pass skins. Notable examples mentioned include Wolverine, the Black Knight, Omega, and Calamity, which are exclusive to players who unlocked them during their respective battle passes.

  3. Leaked Information and May the 4th Event: Leaks from reliable sources, such as iFireMonkey, are discussed. The article mentions the possibility of the Carbide skin returning, specifically a new variant named CarbideKnightMale. Leaks also suggest a potential return of the Complex skin, albeit in a new lava variant. The mention of these leaks adds an element of anticipation for upcoming Fortnite content.

  4. Metatags and Fortnite Updates: The article introduces the concept of metatags in Fortnite updates. Specifically, it notes that skins added with a metatag could either end up in the Crew Pack or be reserved for the next season's battle pass.

  5. Variants and Code Names: The article delves into the idea of skins returning with variations or twists. For example, the Complex skin might make a comeback with a fiery, lava-themed variant. The use of code names, like CarbideKnightMale, adds an element of mystery, as the appearance of these skins remains encrypted.

  6. Caution Regarding Unconfirmed Information: A crucial aspect emphasized in the article is the speculative nature of the information. It stresses that all the details are based on leaks, and until officially confirmed by Epic Games or seen in the shop, the community should approach this information with caution.

In summary, Fortnite's dynamic skin rotation, the exclusivity of battle pass skins, leaked information about potential returns, the use of metatags, skin variants, and the importance of treating unconfirmed information with skepticism are key concepts woven into this article about the ever-evolving world of Fortnite cosmetics.

Old Fortnite skins to return soon with major twists, new leak shows (2024)
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