Nine ways to lower your auto insurance costs (2024)

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One of the best ways to keep your auto insurance costs down is to have a good driving record.

Listed below are other things you can do to lower your insurance costs.

1. Shop around

Prices vary from company to company, so it pays to shop around. Get at least three price quotes. You can call companies directly or access information on the Internet. Your state insurance department may also provide comparisons of prices charged by major insurers.

You buy insurance to protect you financially and provide peace of mind. It’s important to pick a company that is financially stable. Check the financial health of insurance companies with rating companies such as AM Best ( and Standard & Poor’s ( and consult consumer magazines.

Get quotes from different types of insurance companies. Some sell through their own agents. These agencies have the same name as the insurance company. Some sell through independent agents who offer policies from several insurance companies. Others do not use agents. They sell directly to consumers over the phone or via the Internet.

Don’t shop by price alone. Ask friends and relatives for their recommendations. Contact your state insurance department to find out whether they provide information on consumer complaints by company. Pick an agent or company representative that takes the time to answer your questions. You can use the checklist on the back of this brochure to help you compare quotes from insurers.

2. Before you buy a car, compare insurance costs

Before you buy a new or used car, check into insurance costs. Car insurance premiums are based in part on the car’s price, the cost to repair it, its overall safety record and the likelihood of theft. Many insurers offer discounts for features that reduce the risk of injuries or theft. To help you decide what car to buy, you can get information from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (

3. Ask for higher deductibles

Deductibles are what you pay before your insurance policy kicks in. By requesting higher deductibles, you can lower your costs substantially. For example, increasing your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce your collision and comprehensive coverage cost by 15 to 30 percent. Going to a $1,000 deductible can save you 40 percent or more. Before choosing a higher deductible, be sure you have enough money set aside to pay it if you have a claim.

4. Reduce coverage on older cars

Consider dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverages on older cars. If your car is worth less than 10 times the premium, purchasing the coverage may not be cost effective. Auto dealers and banks can tell you the worth of cars. Or you can look it up online at Kelley’s Blue Book ( Review your coverage at renewal time to make sure your insurance needs haven’t changed.

5. Buy your homeowners and auto coverage from the same insurer

Many insurers will give you a break if you buy two or more types of insurance. You may also get a reduction if you have more than one vehicle insured with the same company. Some insurers reduce the rates for long-time customers. But it still makes sense to shop around! You may save money buying from different insurance companies, compared with a multipolicy discount.

6. Maintain a good credit record

Establishing a solid credit history can cut your insurance costs. Most insurers use credit information to price auto insurance policies. Research shows that people who effectively manage their credit have fewer claims. To protect your credit standing, pay your bills on time, don’t obtain more credit than you need and keep your credit balances as low as possible. Check your credit record on a regular basis and have any errors corrected promptly so that your record remains accurate.

7. Take advantage of low mileage discounts

Some companies offer discounts to motorists who drive a lower than average number of miles per year. Low mileage discounts can also apply to drivers who car pool to work.

8. Ask about group insurance

Some companies offer reductions to drivers who get insurance through a group plan from their employers, through professional, business and alumni groups or from other associations. Ask your employer and inquire with groups or clubs you are a member of to see if this is possible.

9. Seek out other discounts

Companies offer discounts to policyholders who have not had any accidents or moving violations for a number of years. You may also get a discount if you take a defensive driving course. If there is a young driver on the policy who is a good student, has taken a drivers education course or is away at college without a car, you may also qualify for a lower rate.

When you comparison shop, inquire about discounts for the following:*

Antitheft Devices
Auto and Homeowners Coverage with the Same Company
College Students away from Home
Defensive Driving Courses
Drivers Ed Courses
Good Credit Record
Higher deductibles
Low Annual Mileage
Long-Time Customer
More than 1 car
No Accidents in 3 Years
No Moving Violations in 3 Years
Student Drivers with Good Grades

*The discounts listed may not be available in all states or from all insurance companies.

The key to savings is not the discounts, but the final price. A company that offers few discounts may still have a lower overall price.

Reviewed by:

USAgov (formally Federal Citizen Information Center)

National Consumers League

USDA NIFA | National Institute of Food and Agriculture ( (formally Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, USDA)

Nine ways to lower your auto insurance costs (2024)


Nine ways to lower your auto insurance costs? ›

Maintain a good driving record

Not only do you prevent expensive speeding tickets or other moving violation costs, you also help keep your insurance rates lower by proving you're a less risky driver. Additionally, if you have a claims-free or violation-free history, you can receive additional discounts.

What are some ways to cut costs on car insurance? ›

How you can lower your car insurance cost
  • Shop around. ...
  • Take advantage of discounts. ...
  • Don't pay for coverage you don't need. ...
  • Consider pay-per-mile insurance. ...
  • Increase your deductibles. ...
  • Improve your credit. ...
  • Review your policy before renewal.
Apr 12, 2024

How can people reduce the cost of their insurance? ›

Maintain a good driving record

Not only do you prevent expensive speeding tickets or other moving violation costs, you also help keep your insurance rates lower by proving you're a less risky driver. Additionally, if you have a claims-free or violation-free history, you can receive additional discounts.

What is the simplest way to lower your auto insurance premium? ›

Set higher deductibles on your auto insurance.

The higher your deductible — the amount of money you will pay out of pocket in the event of a claim — the lower your premium generally is. Typically, deductibles range from $0 to $1,500.

What are some ways of reducing premiums on automobile insurance? ›

To reduce premiums on automobile insurance, you can complete driver training, install security devices, compare insurance quotes, maintain your car with regular maintenance, and maintain a safe driving record.

How can you reduce your insurance policy payment answer? ›

One of the best ways to keep your auto insurance costs down is to have a good driving record.
  1. Shop around. ...
  2. Before you buy a car, compare insurance costs. ...
  3. Ask for higher deductibles. ...
  4. Reduce coverage on older cars. ...
  5. Buy your homeowners and auto coverage from the same insurer. ...
  6. Maintain a good credit record.

What are 5 factors that affect the cost of automobile insurance? ›

What factors affect car insurance rates?
  • Driving record. Drivers with clean motor vehicle records and no at-fault accidents typically get the cheapest car insurance. ...
  • Prior insurance. ...
  • Credit history. ...
  • Location. ...
  • Age and gender. ...
  • Vehicle.
Apr 25, 2024

Which is an effective strategy for reducing insurance costs? ›

By opting for a higher deductible, you can lower your insurance premiums. However, it's crucial to ensure you can afford the higher out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim. Risk Mitigation Measures: Implement risk-reducing measures, such as installing fire sprinklers, security systems, and storm shutters.

What actions can be taken to lower these insurance premiums? ›

5 ways to lower insurance premiums
  • Review your policy coverage. Look over your policies annually, because prices can change from year to year. ...
  • Check your deductibles. ...
  • Make home improvements. ...
  • Discontinue extra coverage. ...
  • Ask for discounts.

How do we reduce cost? ›

7 tips for reducing expenses in your business
  1. Make a plan. You need to evaluate where your business is now and where you want to take it in the future. ...
  2. Track expenses diligently. ...
  3. Benchmark against your industry. ...
  4. Manage variable costs. ...
  5. Get tough on fixed costs. ...
  6. Invest in technology. ...
  7. Offer incentives to staff.

What type of things can reduce a driver's insurance premium? ›

Some factors that may affect your auto insurance premiums are your car, your driving habits, demographic factors and the coverages, limits and deductibles you choose. These factors may include things such as your age and your driving record.

What are at least two ways you can save on auto insurance? ›

Bundle your insurance and/or stick with the same company

Many insurers will give you a discount if you purchase two or more types of insurance from them—such as homeowners and auto—or have more than one vehicle insured.

How can I reduce my policy premium? ›

5 Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
  1. Choose the type of car you drive carefully. Does the type of car you drive affect your car insurance premium? ...
  2. Watch your driving record & take a driving course. ...
  3. Increase your car insurance excess. ...
  4. Take car security seriously. ...
  5. Review your car insurance cover regularly.
Jan 23, 2024

Which is the best strategy to reduce the cost of insurance premiums? ›

Increase deductibles: Your auto insurance rates will decrease as you raise the deductible amounts on your policy. A deductible is the amount of any loss you must pay before the insurance company will cover damages.

What are two ways to cut the cost of auto insurance? ›

Ask for a higher deductible

Typically, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. Increasing your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce the cost of collision and comprehensive coverage by 15% to 30%, according to the Insurance Information Institute, while upping it to $1,000 could save you 40% or more.

Can you negotiate insurance rates? ›

Although you can't negotiate your car insurance rate, you're not contractually obligated to stay with your insurance company. If you find a cheaper rate elsewhere, you can switch insurance providers. Depending on when you cancel and the fine print of your car insurance policy, you could incur fees.

What saves you money on car insurance? ›

Bundle your insurance and/or stick with the same company

Many insurers will give you a discount if you purchase two or more types of insurance from them—such as homeowners and auto—or have more than one vehicle insured. Some companies offer a price break to longtime customers.

Which of the following may reduce your insurance premium? ›

Consider raising your deductibles

This deductible is an amount of money the insurance company will subtract from the cost to repair or replace your car if you file a claim. Think of it as your “share” of the repair or replacement costs. The higher your deductible, the less you pay in premium.

How do you cut costs and save? ›

Create a Budget

Another approach is the 50-30-20 rule. Allocate 50% for things you need (basic housing, utilities, insurance, food, clothing, taxes, debt payments), 30% for things you want (eating out, entertainment, luxuries) and 20% for savings.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.