NHS Interview Questions and Answers: How To Pass an NHS Interview (2024)

Q1. Why do you want to work in the NHS?

3 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Refer to the NHS values when answering this question. Ideally, you should do this for all the NHS interview questions and answers.
  2. Explain how PATIENT CARE is something you are extremely passionate about.
  3. Tell the panel you often hear people praising the NHS staff for the tireless work they do, and that you want to be part of that team.

Sample Answer

“I have set my sights on this role within the NHS for some time now and havethoroughly researched the organisation and the role to make sure I can performto the high standards required.

I believe I can strive to achieve the NHS values and standards it sets itself and I amextremely passionate about patient care. There are many different roles within theNHS, and I feel my job would be to help the wider team achieve the goals that the NHSsets itself.

Despite the NHS often coming under pressure from external factors, I have heardnothing but great things about the staff, the organisation as a whole, and thetireless work everyone continues to carry out for its patients.

I enjoy working in a challenging environment and feel strongly I can cope with thepressures of the role. I believe that, if I am given the opportunity to work within theNHS in this role, you will be pleased with my performance and contribution to theorganisation as a whole.”

Q2. What qualities do you have that would be a good fit for the NHS?

2 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Again, refer to the NHS values when answering this question. When it comes to NHS interview questions and answers, this is crucial.
  2. Use powerful and positive keywords and phrases within your response to this NHS interview question.

Sample Answer

“The qualities I have are many and varied, including an ability to work hard under pressure, a desire to provide a quality service, and a passion for delivering outstanding patient care. I am a hard worker, and someone who enjoys working as part of a team to achieve a common goal. I enjoy being busy at work, and I have a flexible approach that means I am able to cover extra shifts and help out at short notice as and when required.

I am a compassionate person who believes that everyone should receive the same level of treatment and the same quality service, regardless of who they are. I can also be trusted with confidential information and I fully understand the external pressures the NHS are under. Decisions that may be made within the NHS at times may not be popular amongst staff or patients, but they are done for the wider good of the organization.

Finally, I am a loyal and committed person who will work hard to learn the role quickly with a view to carrying out my role with consistency, professionalism and with a focus on quality patient care.”

Q3. Do you have any knowledge of NHS systems or processes?

3 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Have a quick look at the NHS long-term plan (link to it in the description below the video).
  2. Mention the key points of the long-term plan and state everyone is working together to achieve the goal of the NHS.
  3. If you get the chance, visit the hospital or place you will be working at to find out more about how they operate. By doing this, you’ll gain a far better idea of how to deal with NHS interview questions and answers.

Sample Answer

“Everyone in the NHS is working together as one and there is a long-term plan in place to make sure the NHS is fit for the 21st century.

Essentially, the NHS is looking to boost ‘out-of-hospital’ care, reduce pressure on emergency hospital services and staff, give people more control over their own health, digitally-enable primary and outpatient care whilst also moving to an Integrated Care System across the board. Of course, another key goal of the NHS is to make sure you are getting the most out of taxpayers’ investment in the NHS.

There is also a Health Systems Support Framework in place which incorporates a Five Year Forward View. Local health systems will need to move to a more proactive joined up care system which is wrapped around patients, as opposed to being an entirely reactive system.”

Q4. Describe a situation when you have had to adapt your approach to get your message across?

2 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Use a SPECIFIC example when answering this question and use the S.T.A.R technique for structuring your answer.
  2. Use a situation where you had to be confident and resilient to get your message across.

Sample Answer

“In my previous job, I was responsible for delivering a difficult time-sensitive project for my line manager whilst working as part of a team.

It was my job to convince the team that my proposed method of working was the most effective. The majority of the team were opposed to my methods and they made their feelings clear within the initial team briefing.

Despite this, I was still confident that my method would work, and therefore I decided to change my approach to sell my ideas to the team. I took the time to sit down privately and individually with each member of the team to explain my idea. I felt this approach would be more effective, simply because it is easier to sell an idea to individuals than a group of people.

The end result was a success. I eventually got everyone within the team onboard and the project was delivered successfully, and on time.”

Q5. Can you give an example of when you achieved an NHS value in your career?

2 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  • There are a number of NHS values, and by living these values the NHS can ensure the best possible care for its patients.
  • Choose an example from any of the following:

    Working together for patients.
    Respect and dignity.
    Commitment to quality of care.
    Improving lives.
    Everyone counts.

Sample Answer

“In a previous job, a clearly upset and distressed customer came into the store to complain about how she had been mistreated by a member of our staff.

It was my job to ensure the customer was OK, investigate the issue and also resolve it to the satisfactory for the customer whilst operating within company guidelines.

I sat the customer down, made sure she was comfortable before asking her to explain the situation to me. She explained a member of staff had shouted at her unnecessarily whilst she was parking her car in the company car park and she felt threatened by his behavior. After investigating the complaint thoroughly, I reported the member of staff to my head of department, apologized to the customer and took steps to make sure the situation did not happen again.

When the customer arrived home, I telephoned her just to make sure she was still OK. The end result was the customer was looked after following the initial upsetting situation and I managed to make sure the same situation did not ever happen again.”


1). Why do you want to work in theNHS?

2). What qualities do you have that would be a good fit for the NHS?

3). What do you know about the NHS?

4). Do you have any knowledge of NHS systems or processes?

5). Describe a situation when you had to make a tough or difficult decision?

6). What, in your opinion, is the best thing about the NHS?

7). Can you give an example of when you achieved an NHS value in your career?

8). If a patient starts shouting at you, how would you deal with the situation?

9). How do you feel this about seeing unpleasant sights?

10). What is the NHS long-term plan and how do you think it would impact on your role?

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NHS Interview Questions and Answers: How To Pass an NHS Interview (2)

NHS Interview Questions and Answers: How To Pass an NHS Interview (2024)


How do I stand out in an NHS interview? ›

During the interview
  1. Make eye contact with all members of the interview panel. ...
  2. Smile! ...
  3. Be clear and concise in your responses.
  4. Structure your answers with 3 or 4 main points of examples from your own experience.
  5. Do not assume that the panel know the detail of what is in your application form or CV.

What will I be asked in NHS interview? ›

Tell us about a situation where you worked under pressure. Describe a situation when you dealt with a difficult patient. Tell us about a time when you played a key role in a team. Discuss a situation when you had to ask for a senior help.

How do you answer NHS scenario questions? ›

Be precise and truthful in your answer. If you have had experience, explain the NHS system that you have worked with and the procedures that you have followed. Talk about the 'out-of-hospital' care strategies that the NHS makes you offer and the awareness it gives people over their own health in patient care.

Why do you want to work for NHS best answer? ›

Example answer:

I am passionate about quality patient care and, despite the many challenges it faces, believe the NHS to be the best environment in which to truly make a difference to the lives of others.

How are NHS interviews scored? ›

Interview panel members will individually complete a scoresheet for each candidate and make any comments. The aggregate score given by all panel members, taking into account any associated weighting, will be the final score of the interview.

What are the 7 core values of the NHS? ›

What are the NHS Values?
  • Working together for patients.
  • Respect and dignity.
  • Commitment to quality of care.
  • Compassion.
  • Improving lives.
  • Everyone counts.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.