New UI 5.1 update and battery drainage (2024)

Battery fast draining since new UI 5.1 update.

My Samsung S20+ phone and Watch 5 Pro. Since the latest UI 5.1 update my phone and watch5pro batteries are draining really fast, now they are not lasting 24 hours.

I have to charge my phone twice in one day and my watch every day. The main reason for getting the watch 5 pro was that it lasted 2.5 days before charge but now since the update it is 1 day only. This is not usable.

My UI is version 5.1, Android 13.

Can I downgrade to the old version of UI and not be forced to upgrade until battery drainage issues are resolved.

#battery #ui5.1 #drain #watch5pro #s20+

New UI 5.1 update and battery drainage (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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