Negatives, Drawbacks, Disadvantages, and Issues of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) (2024)

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a digital form of a central bank’s money with the same value and function as physical cash.

There are potential benefits to having a CBDC; however, there are drawbacks as well.

Some of the negatives, disadvantages, issues, and cons of having a CBDC are:


Privacy may be eroded as all financial transactions may be monitored and tracked in real time. Also, more personal information may be collected.


The government can conduct more surveillance as they can collect more data and do more tracking and monitoring.


Cybersecurity risks may arise as CBDC has to be online. Consequently, the network may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks.


Because CBDC needs to be online, a shutdown of the network may collapse the financial system.


Disintermediation of commercial banks may occur as these financial institutions may not be needed for deposits, payment settlements, and other financial products and services.


Implementing a CBDC may prove costly and complex as significant investments in technology, infrastructure, regulation, personnel, etc., may be required.


A CBDC can be programmed, and as such, it may be used to have greater control over individuals’ and businesses’ finances.


The implementation of a CBDC will require changes to the regulatory and legal framework that governs the financial sector.


Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) do not stop governments and central banks from making bad policies, continue creating money as they wish, etc.


Having a CBDC does not stop or prevent economic recessions, inflation from rising, increases in interest rates, unemployment, etc.


Most (if not all) of the benefits of a CBDC, like having cheaper, faster, and more effective financial transactions, already exist.

Also, cryptocurrencies are in use, and they allow more financial and utility functions to take place.

Additionally, the financial system will continue to improve as more innovations occur.

Therefore, there is no need for a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

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Negatives, Drawbacks, Disadvantages, and Issues of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) (2024)


Negatives, Drawbacks, Disadvantages, and Issues of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)? ›

Those chiefly include increasing digitisation, declining cash usage, ineffectiveness of monetary policy, and widening social divisions in the backdrop of proprietary financial solutions, such as fintech and cryptocurrencies, which threaten national economic sovereignty.

What are the negatives of CBDC? ›

Difficulty in implementing anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures: CBDCs could be more difficult to monitor and regulate than physical cash, which could create challenges in preventing money laundering and terrorism financing.

What are the disadvantages of the central bank? ›

Central Banks have limited control over the economy. They can influence it through monetary policy tools like interest rates, but they cannot directly control factors like consumer spending, business investment, technological changes, etc. The effects of monetary policy changes take time to work through the economy.

What is the controversy with CBDC? ›

Privacy is a significant concern regarding CBDCs. Critics fear that a government-issued digital currency could lead to increased surveillance and control over financial transactions.

What are the pros and cons of CBDCs? ›

Pros and cons to CBDCs
More efficient and secure payments.Central banks have complete control.
Allow consumers to use central bank directly.Less privacy for users.
Eliminate risk of a commercial bank collapse.Difficult to attain widespread adoption.
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Will CBDC destroy banks? ›

Results: The impact of a CBDC is much lower after taking into account that households enjoy the complementarity between deposits and other financial products within the same bank, which gives banks a competitive advantage over the CBDC.

What are the problems of central bank? ›

Central banks are facing a range of growing challenges that have arisen from recent trends in aging populations, low productivity, and new technology and innovation.

What is the issue of central bank? ›

The central bank alone holds sole authority for the issue of currency in the country. All the currency notes are issued by the Reserve Bank of India. Coins and one rupee note are issued by the government of India.

Is the central bank losing money? ›

The Fed is likely to continue running accounting losses for as long as it holds interest rates above around 3.5% and shrinks its asset portfolio, a process that began in 2022. The Fed raised rates last year to a range between 5.25% and 5.5%.

Will digital currency replace cash? ›

Will a U.S. CBDC replace cash or paper currency? The Federal Reserve is committed to ensuring the continued safety and availability of cash and is considering a CBDC as a means to expand safe payment options, not to reduce or replace them.

Why are people worried about digital currency? ›

In theory, a digital currency could be programmed to lose value — a form of negative interest — to get people to spend it quickly. Those concerns have penetrated the public's thinking deeply enough to surface in the Republican presidential campaign.

Is digital currency high risk? ›

Crypto is volatile and a substantial risk. Invest only what you can afford to lose. Crypto scammers are experts at getting you to buy their digital assets.

Who is against CBDC? ›

ICBA President & CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey said, “ICBA and the nation's community banks strongly oppose the creation of a U.S. central bank digital currency, which would disintermediate community banks, reduce credit availability, and undermine consumer privacy.

How will CBDC affect banks? ›

With the number of banks fixed, banks respond to the introduction of CBDC by increasing the deposit rate as banks attempt to maintain market share. If the number of banks is able to adjust, the deposit market becomes more concentrated following the introduction of CBDC.

How will CBDC affect economy? ›

A CBDC might catalyze changes in financial holdings that could, in theory, materially affect financial stability. We distinguish the range of effects in normal times, owing to changes in banks' funding structure, from their effects in stress times, through changes in the likelihood and severity of bank runs.

What will CBDC be backed by? ›

The U.S. CBDC will be backed and controlled by the Federal Reserve. The central bank will issue the digital currency and it will be accessible through digital wallets from intermediaries such as banks.

What are the pros and cons of the digital dollar? ›

Pollina even lays out the advantages of a digital dollar, such as unbanked access, fraud resistance and quicker payments. There are many ongoing privacy and security risks, cyber threats and surveillance. The U.S. dollar may have to get up from its seat as the world's reserve currency as CBDCs step in.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.