National Debt Relief: Debt Settlement Review 2024 - NerdWallet (2024)

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National Debt Relief is a debt settlement company that negotiates on behalf of consumers to lower their debt amounts with creditors.

Consumers who complete its debt settlement program reduce their enrolled debt by an average of 23% after its fees, according to the company.

Debt settlement is one of several debt relief options consumers have. You'll want to consider whether you might qualify for another debt solution, compare fees and think about whether Chapter 7 bankruptcy might wipe out more of your debt more quickly.

Working with National Debt Relief

How to qualify: National Debt Relief works with consumers who have at least $7,500 in unsecured debt from credit cards, personal loans and lines of credit, medical bills, business debts and private student loan debts. There is no cap on the amount of debt a consumer can have in order to work with National Debt Relief.

National does not settle debt from lawsuits, IRS debt and back taxes, utility bills or federal student loans. It can't settle auto or home loans or other types of secured debts (debts with collateral).

The company says its average client has more than $28,000 in total debt. National does a soft credit pull during the application process to verify creditors and outstanding balances owed on each debt. A soft credit pull does not affect your credit score.

Because of varying state regulations, National is not available in Oregon, Vermont and West Virginia.

Our Debt Relief Partners


Accredited Debt ReliefNerdwallet partners with Accredited Debt Relief to provide customers with over $20,000 in credit card debt with settlement options to help them become debt free in 2-4 years by reducing their monthly payments by 40% or more.

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on Accredited Debt Relief

National Debt Relief

National Debt ReliefNerdwallet partners with National Debt Relief to provide customers with over $7,500 in unsecured debt with settlement options to help them become debt free in 2-4 years with a total average savings of 23% after fees.

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on National Debt Relief

The debt settlement process: Once you hire National Debt Relief, an escrow account is established in your name. Then, rather than paying your creditors, you deposit a monthly payment to this account. National determines the monthly payment level, which is often lower than the total monthly payments on customers’ unsecured debts.

Ceasing payment to your creditors means you become delinquent on your accounts, accruing late fees and additional interest, and your credit score will tumble.

National then negotiates with individual creditors on your behalf to get them to accept less than the amount you owe. Because you're no longer paying the creditor, it may view getting a reduced amount as better than risking no payment at all.

If they reach an agreement, you pay the creditor from the escrow account, either a lump sum or with installment payments. The first settlement typically happens within three to six months.

Cost: The company collects a fee when a debt is settled. In 2010, the Federal Trade Commission made it illegal for debt settlement companies to charge upfront fees.

National’s fee varies from 15% to 25% of your total enrolled debt, depending on the amount you owe and the state you live in.

The escrow account requires a $9 setup fee and monthly charge of $9.85.

Savings: National Debt Relief says its clients realize an approximate savings of 23% when including its fees, based on 2022 data. This savings applies only to clients who stay with the program until all of their debt is settled. Although National says the majority of people who enroll in the program complete it, some customers drop out for various reasons, including the inability to save enough money to settle debts.

Time frame: On average, the company says, customers who complete their debt settlement program with National do so within two to four years.

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National Debt Relief at a glance

National Debt Relief

Minimum debt required



15% to 25% of enrolled debt.

Typical time frame

24 to 48 months.

Average net savings

23% after fees.

What to know about National Debt Relief

Average savings: National Debt Relief says its clients see savings of about 23%.

Minimum debt requirement: National Debt Relief requires a minimum of $7,500 in unsecured debt to qualify.

Customer experience: The company has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, with about 275 customer complaints closed in the past three years. The complaints centered on problems with the product or service, billing and collection issues, and advertising and sales issues.

Risks of debt settlement

The risks and drawbacks associated with debt settlement include:

It hurts your credit: Because you’re required to stop making payments on enrolled debts, those accounts will be marked delinquent on your credit reports. Your credit scores are likely to take a significant hit, especially if you were not already delinquent on those accounts, and the negative marks will continue until/unless a settlement is reached. Delinquencies stay on your credit reports for seven years, as do accounts charged off by lenders, potentially affecting future applications for credit and even employment.

Success isn’t guaranteed: Some creditors may sell your debt to a third-party collection agency or debt buyer.

You may still hear from creditors or debt collectors: There’s no guarantee your creditors will want to work with National Debt Relief, and you may be contacted by debt collectors or sued by creditors during the process.

Interest and fees continue to accrue: Until you enter a settlement agreement, you’ll accrue additional interest and late fees on your debt. If you don't stick with the program to completion or if National can't negotiate a settlement, you may end up with a higher balance.

Forgiven debt may be considered taxable income: Forgiven debts over $600 may be counted as income on your taxes. Creditors may send a 1099-C form to you in the mail and to the IRS. One exception is if you are insolvent (your liabilities exceed your total assets) at the time the company settles with your creditors.

» MORE: How debt settlement works and its risks

National Debt Relief vs. other options

The majority of clients who enroll with National Debt Relief are not delinquent on their debt, the company says. Rather, they have been making on-time but only minimum payments or are on the verge of falling behind.

For many people in this situation, there are alternative debt payoff and debt relief options.

Debt management plan

You’ll pay a nonprofit credit counseling agency to consolidate your debts into one monthly payment, while also reducing your interest rate, to pay off your debt faster. This is a good option for consumers in credit card debt who have a steady income to repay the debt within three to five years. Unlike debt settlement, a debt management plan should help build your credit score.

» MORE: Compare debt management and debt settlement

Debt consolidation

With debt consolidation, you transfer multiple debts into one new debt via a balance transfer credit card, debt consolidation loan, home equity loan or line of credit, or 401(k) plan loan. The new debt should have a lower interest rate, which can make payments more manageable and help you pay off the debt faster while avoiding wrecking your credit.

» MORE: Compare debt consolidation and debt settlement


Bankruptcy lets you resolve your debt under protection from a federal court. Chapter 7 bankruptcy erases most debts in three to six months and wipes the slate clean, and you may get to keep certain assets. It’ll stop calls from collectors and prevent lawsuits against you. Like with debt settlement, your credit will suffer, but research shows credit scores rebound quickly.

» MORE: Compare bankruptcy vs. other options

DIY debt settlement

You can pick up the phone, call your creditors and negotiate with them yourself. As with using a debt settlement company, success isn't guaranteed, but especially if you owe only a few creditors, it could save you time and money.

» MORE: Read our guide to DIY debt settlement

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National Debt Relief: Debt Settlement Review 2024 - NerdWallet (3)

National Debt Relief: Debt Settlement Review 2024 - NerdWallet (2024)


What is the downside of national debt relief? ›

Payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO credit score, so enrolling in a plan with National Debt Relief could negatively impact your credit rating. The extent of that impact, however, depends on whether you're still current on your bills or not.

How long does it take for national debt relief to settle? ›

It typically takes between 24-48 months with our program. By contrast, if you only make the minimum payments on your credit cards, you could be in debt for the next 10-20 years and pay back 2x, 3x, or even 4x as much as you originally borrowed.

What are the negatives of debt settlement? ›

Disadvantages of Debt Settlement
  • Debt Settlement Fees. Many debt settlement providers charge high fees, sometimes $500-$3,000, or more. ...
  • Debt Settlement Impact on Credit Score. ...
  • Holding Funds. ...
  • Debt Settlement Tax Implications. ...
  • Creditors Could Refuse to Negotiate Your Debt. ...
  • You May End Up with More Debt Than You Started.

Is there really a debt relief program from the government? ›

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a government-sponsored program for credit card debt relief. In fact, if you receive a solicitation that touts a government program to get you out of debt, you may want to think twice about working with that company.

Can I trust national debt relief? ›

In general, National Debt Relief has strong customer reviews. The company is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and it has an A+ rating. On TrustPilot, it has a 4.7 out of five rating based on over 39,000 reviews.

Is debt settlement worth it? ›

Settlement companies often portray debt settlement as a magic bullet for anyone drowning in debt. But the truth is, debt settlement is only an ideal debt solution if: You have $10,000 or more unsecured debt. You're usually late on debt payments.

Can I buy a house after national debt relief? ›

How Long After a Debt Settlement Can You Buy a House? There's no set timeline for how long it takes to get a mortgage after debt settlement. Your ability to qualify for a mortgage will depend on how well you meet the lender's requirements on the issues raised above (credit score, DTI, employment and down payment).

Will my credit score go up if I settle a debt? ›

Settling debt can have both a negative and a positive effect on your credit scores. You're most likely to see a drop in points up-front, but over time you can gain back everything you lost and more. Regardless of the setback, you can always work to experience the benefits of better credit.

Can I still use my credit card after debt settlement? ›

The short answer is Yes, people are generally allowed to use their credit cards after debt consolidation as it does not typically involve closing credit card accounts.

Why should you avoid debt settlement companies? ›

Fees and costs: Debt settlement companies may charge fees for their services, which can add to your overall debt burden. However, debt settlement is free if you do it yourself. Tax implications: The IRS may count the forgiven portion of your debt as taxable income, which may result in additional tax liabilities.

Why is debt relief bad? ›

Cons of debt settlement

Creditors are not legally required to settle for less than you owe. Stopping payments on your bills (as most debt relief companies suggest) will damage your credit score. Debt settlement companies can charge fees. If over $600 is settled, the IRS will view this debt as a taxable income.

Is using a debt relief company a good idea? ›

Using debt settlement options to reduce debt comes with several risks, including late payments on your credit report, potential charge-offs, settlement company fees, tax implications on forgiven balances, possible scams and the overall risk of settlement offers not working.

Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds. The biggest grant the government offers may be housing vouchers for those who qualify.

Does using national debt relief hurt your credit? ›

Debt relief services may have a negative impact on your credit score, but that impact may not be as big as you think — and in some cases, it can help your credit. How these services impact your credit depends on the debt relief option you choose.

Are there any legit debt relief programs? ›

National Debt Relief, by law, doesn't charge any upfront fees of its own. 1 You'll get a free consultation, and if you decide to proceed, National Debt Relief will set you up with an FDIC-insured savings account from a third party, which often comes with a setup fee and recurring monthly fees.

Is it a good idea to use a debt relief program? ›

If you're one of the millions of Americans struggling to repay high-interest debt, a debt relief plan may be an option to help you get your finances on track. But it's not a quick fix. It's a long-term solution designed to help you get out of debt over a period of time — typically several years.

What is a negative of debt relief? ›

If you've got a debt relief order (DRO) or have had one in the past, it will affect your credit rating. This could mean you find it more difficult to get credit in the future.

What are the disadvantages of debt forgiveness? ›

Downsides of debt forgiveness
  • Debt forgiveness may negatively affect credit scores, making it challenging to obtain future loans or credit.
  • Forgiven debt of more than $600 may be considered taxable income, potentially resulting in a hefty tax bill.
Apr 18, 2024

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