Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (2024)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (1)

USDC on Algorand

Total Supply1 $65.3M

Token Standard ASA

Mainnet Address 31566704

Testnet Address 10458941

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (2)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (3)

Total Supply1 $65.3M

Token Standard ASA

Mainnet Address 31566704

Testnet Address 10458941

Algorand is one of the world's most decentralized, scalable, and secure blockchain infrastructure. From decentralized finance to generative NFT art (and everything in between), our sustainable blockchain is powering economic models of the future.

Learn more about USDC on Algorand

Top apps using USDC on Algorand

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (4)

USDC on Arbitrum

Total Supply1 $1.19B

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xaf...5831

Testnet Address 0x75...AA4d

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (5)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (6)

Total Supply1 $1.19B

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xaf...5831

Testnet Address 0x75...AA4d

Arbitrum is a layer 2 (L2) scaling solution for Ethereum that went live on mainnet in August 2021. Arbitrum uses Optimistic Rollups to increase the number of transactions that can be processed in parallel and reduce costs, while benefiting from the shared security of the layer 1 (L1) Ethereum blockchain.

Learn more about USDC on Arbitrum

Top apps using USDC on Arbitrum


1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (7)

USDC on Avalanche

Total Supply1 $634M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xB9...8a6E

Testnet Address 0x54...Bc65

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (8)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (9)

Total Supply1 $634M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xB9...8a6E

Testnet Address 0x54...Bc65

Avalanche is an open, programmable smart contracts platform for decentralized applications. Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality. Avalanche is Solidity-compatible, so all of your favorite tools like Remix, Truffle, and Tenderly work out of the box.

Learn more about USDC on Avalanche

Top apps using USDC on Avalanche

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (10)

USDC on Base

Total Supply1 $2.65B

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x83...2913

Testnet Address 0x03...CF7e

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (11)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (12)

Total Supply1 $2.65B

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x83...2913

Testnet Address 0x03...CF7e

Base is a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum L2 built to bring the next billion users on-chain. Built on the OP Stack, Base enables developers to confidently deploy any EVM codebase and on-ramp users and assets from Ethereum L1, Coinbase, and other interoperable chains.

Learn more about USDC on Base

Top apps using USDC on Base

1 As of September 5, 2023

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (13)

USDC on Celo

Total Supply1 $16.9M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xce...118C

Testnet Address 0x2F...602B

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (14)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (15)

Total Supply1 $16.9M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xce...118C

Testnet Address 0x2F...602B

Celo is a mobile-first, EVM-compatible blockchain that’s built for the real world and designed for fast, low-cost payments worldwide. The Celo ecosystem has over 1,000 projects in more than 150 countries, who are committed to Celo’s mission of creating economic prosperity for all.

Learn more about USDC on Celo

Top apps using USDC on Celo

1 As of February 22, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (16)

USDC on Ethereum

Total Supply1 $25.4B

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xa0...eb48

Testnet Address 0x1c...7238

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (17)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (18)

Total Supply1 $25.4B

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0xa0...eb48

Testnet Address 0x1c...7238

Ethereum is open access to digital money and data-friendly services for everyone – no matter your background or location. It's a community-built technology behind the cryptocurrency ether (ETH) and thousands of applications you can use today.

Learn more about USDC on Ethereum

Top apps using USDC on Ethereum

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (19)

USDC on Flow

Total Supply1 $12.7M

Token Standard Flow Token

Mainnet Address A.b1...oken

Testnet Address A.a9...oken

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (20)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (21)

Total Supply1 $12.7M

Token Standard Flow Token

Mainnet Address A.b1...oken

Testnet Address A.a9...oken

Flow is a new blockchain built for the next generation of apps, games, and the digital assets that power them. Flow is easy to use and powerful to build with. Every aspect of the platform was designed from the ground up to support exceptional user experience at mainstream scale.

Learn more about USDC on Flow

Top apps using USDC on Flow

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (22)

USDC on Hedera

Total Supply1 $12.7M

Token Standard Hedera Token

Mainnet Address 0.0.456858

Testnet Address 0.0.429274

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (23)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (24)

Total Supply1 $12.7M

Token Standard Hedera Token

Mainnet Address 0.0.456858

Testnet Address 0.0.429274

Hedera is an enterprise-grade public network for you to make your digital world exactly as it should be – yours. Whether you're a startup or enterprise, a creator or consumer, Hedera goes beyond blockchain for developers to create the next era of fast, fair, and secure applications.

Learn more about USDC on Hedera

Top apps using USDC on Hedera

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (25)


Total Supply1 $198M

Token Standard NEP-141

Mainnet Address 1720...33a1

Testnet Address 3e22...b8af

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (26)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (27)

Total Supply1 $198M

Token Standard NEP-141

Mainnet Address 1720...33a1

Testnet Address 3e22...b8af

NEAR Protocol is a high-performance blockchain featuring a unique scaling solution based on ‘sharding’ to deliver low-cost transactions that can settle in seconds. Developers can build on NEAR with familiar programming languages like JavaScript and Rust to accelerate time-to-market.

Learn more about USDC on NEAR

Top apps using USDC on NEAR

1 As of September 14, 2023

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (28)

USDC on Noble

Total Supply1 $206M

Token Standard Native SDK

Mainnet Address uusdc

Testnet Address uusdc

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (29)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (30)

Total Supply1 $206M

Token Standard Native SDK

Mainnet Address uusdc

Testnet Address uusdc

Noble is an appchain purpose-built for native asset issuance in Cosmos and the boundless Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) ecosystem. Dozens of appchains can access USDC issued on Noble via an integration leveraging IBC that is simple, safe and seamless.

Learn more about USDC on Noble

Top apps using USDC on Noble

1 As of September 12, 2023

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (31)

USDC on OP Mainnet

Total Supply1 $166M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x0b...ff85

Testnet Address 0x5f...30D7

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (32)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (33)

Total Supply1 $166M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x0b...ff85

Testnet Address 0x5f...30D7

OP Mainnet is a layer 2 (L2) scaling solution for Ethereum, designed to increase transaction throughput and streamline costs. OP Mainnet uses optimistic rollup technology, which bundles together transactions to boost efficiency while leveraging the underlying security of Ethereum.

Learn more about USDC on OP Mainnet

Top apps using USDC on OP Mainnet


1 As of September 5, 2023

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (34)

USDC for Polkadot

Total Supply1 $13.1M

Token Standard Assets

Mainnet Address 1337

Testnet Address 31337

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (35)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (36)

Total Supply1 $13.1M

Token Standard Assets

Mainnet Address 1337

Testnet Address 31337

Polkadot is a network of many sovereign blockchains, also known as parachains. Parachains enable parallel execution to allow for faster transactions while contributing to Polkadot’s shared security and decentralization. Polkadot Asset Hub is a common-good parachain that’s designed for efficiently deploying, storing, and transferring digital assets. From Polkadot Asset Hub, digital assets can be readily transferred to parachains via the XCM protocol.

Learn more about USDC for Polkadot

Top apps using USDC for Polkadot

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (37)

USDC on Polygon PoS

Total Supply1 $243M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x3c...3359

Testnet Address 0x41...7582

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (38)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (39)

Total Supply1 $243M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x3c...3359

Testnet Address 0x41...7582

Polygon PoS is a scalable proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain that complements Ethereum’s decentralized security with faster settlement times and greater cost efficiency. Businesses and developers can create applications on Polygon PoS that appeal to the general public and benefit from near-instant, near-zero cost transactions worldwide.

Learn more about USDC on Polygon PoS

Top apps using USDC on Polygon PoS

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (40)

USDC on Solana

Total Supply1 $2.31B

Token Standard SPL

Mainnet Address EPjF...Dt1v

Devnet Address 4zMM...ncDU

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (41)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (42)

Total Supply1 $2.31B

Token Standard SPL

Mainnet Address EPjF...Dt1v

Testnet Address 4zMM...ncDU

Solana is a decentralized blockchain built to enable scalable, user-friendly apps for the world. Solana ensures composability between ecosystem projects by maintaining a single global state as the network scales.

Learn more about USDC on Solana

Top apps using USDC on Solana

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (43)

USDC on Stellar

Total Supply1 $136M

Token Standard Stellar Asset

Mainnet Address USDC...KZVN

Testnet Address USDC...FLA5

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (44)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (45)

Total Supply1 $136M

Token Standard Stellar Asset

Mainnet Address USDC...KZVN

Testnet Address USDC...FLA5

The Stellar network is a decentralized, fast, scalable, and uniquely sustainable blockchain built for financial products and services. It offers builders a protocol optimized for payments, with a design intended to keep fees low and to provide transaction speeds that can scale with increased adoption.

Learn more about USDC on Stellar

Top apps using USDC on Stellar

1 As of May 17, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (46)

USDC on zkSync

Total Supply1 $4.28M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x1d...38D4

Testnet Address 0xAe...F853

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (47)

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (48)

Total Supply1 $4.28M

Token Standard ERC-20

Mainnet Address 0x1d...38D4

Testnet Address 0xAe...F853

zkSync is a leading layer 2 (L2) rollup that is hyperscaling Ethereum through zero-knowledge tech while leveraging its security. Zero-knowledge rollups (ZK-rollups) boost Ethereum's capacity by handling many transactions off-chain and submitting only essential data back to Ethereum.

Learn more about USDC on zkSync

Top apps using USDC on zkSync

1 As of April 9, 2024

Multi-Chain USDC | Experience the power of Multi-Chain USDC (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Views: 5717

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.