Money and Abundance Spell (2024)

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Spells have been used for hundreds of years in belief and spirituality. Purposely to direct and bring about what we desire in life. Among the different kinds of magic, those that are meant to bring in money and abundance have gotten the most attention.

There is no magic in these spells that will make money appear out of thin air. Instead, they are powerful ways to align your thoughts, plans, and efforts with the goal of getting rich.

Money spells are a unique way to focus on your own financial goals and bring good energy into your life. They are based on rituals and symbols.

Money and Abundance Spell (1)

Through our exploration of money and abundance spells, we delve into the fascinating intersection of spirituality and finance. While these spells offer intriguing insights into the power of intention, we understand that not everyone is comfortable with spellcasting.

For those seeking an alternative path to wealth manifestation, I recommend the Billionaire Brain Wave. This unique product features a secret 7-minute audiotape designed to attract money into your life effortlessly. Experience the magic of effortless wealth manifestation by giving it a listen today!

Without further ado, let`s dive into these powerful money and abundance spells that actually work!

Money and Abundance Spell #1

Bay Leaf Money Spell

Money and Abundance Spell (2)

Ingredients needed:

  • Bay Leaf
  • A sharpie
  • Tweezers
  • A lighter
  • A fire-safe bowl

How to cast the spell

Place the dried bay leaf on a flat surface and use a pen to make a symbol on it. You can write down the amount of money you wish for. Or, just write “wealth,” “prosperity,” or “abundance.”. Script this on the bay leaf. When you’re done writing the word or number, use small dollar signs to cover up everything else on that side of the leaf.

Hold the bay leaf by the stem end and pull it up.

With one hand, hold it over your fire-safe bowl, and with the other, get your lighter.

Set the bay leaf’s tip on fire and put it next to the tweezers. Set your goal as you burn the leaf.

Take this blessing if you don’t have a goal or know how to make one:

“Power of bay leaf, I ask thee,
Through methods of fairness and justice,
Bring abundant prosperity.
Through the fire,
Bring abundant prosperity.”.

You can put the burned bay leaf’s ashes in a white candle and show it off in your home. Ideally, on an altar. They can go back to nature if you throw them out in the wind outside your house. You could also just bury them. Don’t forget to have fun along the way. Play and magic are powerful forces that can help your manifestations happen more easily. This is how you should approach the process of making your lucky bay leaf, setting it on fire, and saying your wish.

Money and Abundance Spell #2

Money Bowl Ritual

Money and Abundance Spell (3)

Ingredients needed:

  • A green, gold, glass, or copper bowl
  • Tiny trinkets that symbolize your wealth and financial status
  • Small bills or coins
  • Crystals
  • A small candle
  • Essential oil of your choice
  • A pen and paper
  • Energy cleansing tool (sage, palo santo, incense)

How to cast the spell:

Get your bowl clean.

Use your favorite way to clean energy to clean the bowl and everything you plan to put in it.

Write down your goals in the present tense, as if they have already happened. For example: “I am wealthy” or “I have $70,000 in my bank account and all my debt is paid off”. “Money flow, money grow, money shine, money’s mine!” Chant these in the present tense.

Repeat this for a few minutes, and then extinguish the candle. Carry the coin with you as a talisman.

As you put each of your accessories and trinkets into the bowl, say your intention again.
Place the candle in your bowl and light it. Then, add one or two drops of your preferred essential oil on top of it. The energy of the fire will increase your manifestation!

Place the bowl somewhere near the front door of your house or work (whichever place you feel most comfortable). Then, add your written intention to the bowl.

You must keep adding herbs, coins, trinkets, and crystals. Or anything else that speaks of abundance to your money bowl on a daily basis.

Give the coins or money that were used to create your money bowl to someone. Or a cause that might need it once the candle has burned completely after being used for a few days or weeks. And you feel satisfied with your creation.

Money-Drawing Spell

Money and Abundance Spell (4)

Ingredients needed:

  • Green candle (1)
  • White candle (1)
  • Essential oil (preferably cinnamon or peppermint)

How to cast the spell:

Get a green candle to signify cash and a white candle to symbolize yourself. Drop a few drops of essential oil into each candle and see wealth drawing near to you as the spell proceeds.

Place each candle on your altar at a distance of nine inches from the other ones. If you do not have an altar, you can use any other flat surface instead. Say the following intentions aloud once per day for the next nine days. Preferably at the same time each morning or evening:

“Money, money, come to me,
In abundance,
Three times three.
May I be enriched in the best of ways.
Harming none as it comes my way.
This I accept, so may it be.
Bring me money,
Three times three.”

Continue doing this for the next nine days. And bring the white candle one inch closer to the green candle on each of those days. Your spell will be complete as soon as the flames of the two candles meet.

When you say your intention out loud, it is essential to make sure you have a clear mental image of money coming to you from all directions.

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional spell casting, or if you want to enhance your manifestation efforts, consider exploring the Billionaire Brain Wave program.

This unique product features a secret 7-minute audiotape designed to attract money into your life effortlessly. By simply listening to it, you can tap into the power of wealth manifestation and start attracting abundance with ease.

Click here to learn more about how the Billionaire Brain Wave can complement your wealth manifestation journey.

Money and Abundance Spell (5)

Money and Abundance Spell

Before I conclude, we recommend an alternative for those who might not be comfortable with spellcasting. Consider the Billionaire Brain Wave program, a unique product designed to manifest wealth into your life.

It features a secret 7-minute audiotape that has been crafted to attract money effortlessly for anyone who listens to it. Experience the magic of effortless wealth manifestation by giving it a listen today!


After finishing your money ritual, you are free to move on with your life. Secure in the knowledge that financial success is on the horizon.

Don’t try to figure out too much about how the procedure works because the world operates in mysterious ways. The money maycome in the form of a promotion at work. Or, it can come to you in the form of a hundred-dollar bill that you find on the ground. It’s even possible that you’ll get a check in the mail for something completely unexpected! Who knows?

The universe has heard you. And as long as you are willing to do your part, it will always grant your requests.

Money and Abundance Spell (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.