Mining with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (2024)

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 can generate more than 6.69 USD monthly income with a 20.43 MH/s hashrate on the RVN - KawPow (NBMiner) algorithm.

Algorithm Hashrate Monthly Income Monthly BTC Income Monthly USD Income
RVN - KawPow (NBMiner)20.43 MH/s225.58092950 RVN0.00028198 BTC6.69 USD
BTG - ZHash (EWBF)63.79 H/s0.36634412 BTG0.00025492 BTC6.05 USD
FIRO - FiroPow (T-Rex)20.73 MH/s2.78247656 XZC0.00024847 BTC5.89 USD
ERGO - Autolykos (LOL)97.44 MH/s2.59323748 ERG0.00019573 BTC4.65 USD
FLUX - ZelHash (LOL)29.61 MH/s4.74256236 FLUX0.00018830 BTC4.47 USD
BEAM - BeamHash (LOL)23.55 101.06933922 BEAM0.00018597 BTC4.41 USD
ETHW - Ethash (Phoenix)30.40 0.78918141 ETHW0.00012801 BTC3.03 USD
ETC - Ethash (Phoenix)28.01 MH/s0.11472552 ETC0.00010796 BTC2.56 USD
ZEC - Equihash (EWBF)476.13 H/s0.00206006 ZEC0.00000405 BTC0.10 USD
ETH - Ethash (Phoenix) 31.58 MH/s0.01467003 ETH0.00116942 BTC23.55 USD
  • ≈ There isn't enough data provided to make an accurate evaluation.

Select a different hardware (If your CPU or GPU is not on the list, it means it's not profitable for mining)

  • The information on this page contains estimations based on hash rate measurements submitted by our users. Due to software and hardware glitches, some users submit exaggeratedly high or exaggeratedly low hash rates that don't correspond to reality. Thus, the estimations calculated for some video cards are either too high or too low.

  • Please don't make hardware purchase decisions based solely on this information, or disappointment may follow. Please do more comprehensive research before purchasing hardware, and confirm the hash rate and daily income from multiple sources.

  • Also, keep in mind that the crypto mining income may be highly variable because of multiple factors such as difficulty and exchange rate variation, mining algorithm changes that some coins do from time to time, and even pool luck.
  • Make sure you deactivate all your antivirus programs, including Windows Defender's Live Scanning feature. All antivirus programs detect mining applications as viruses and delete files from them, causing them to malfunction. This is called a false positive, a miner doesn't cause any harm.
  • If you understand, type Mining with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (1) in the box below to proceed with the download:

Mining with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (3)


Active miners and hashing speeds

The list of all installed miners and all the mining algorithms. Here you can see the hashing speed for each algorithm as well as the daily and monthly income estimation. The upper panel will display a red message in case one of the monitored miners fails.

Mining with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (4)


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Mining with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (2024)
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