Mining and Water - 10 Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

The mining industry is highly dependent on water. Interactions of the mining industry with water resources are highly complex and site-specific, with potential impacts to both hydrology and water quality occurring at all stages of a mine’s life. The water requirements and impacts change significantly throughout all stages of a mines life’s:

  • pre-development
  • development
  • operation
  • rehabilitation
  • post-closure

A range of water management approaches are employed by the industry to mitigate the risks of adverse water impacts occurring. Mining occurs across the full spectrum of hydrological contents, from the arid regions of central Australia through the tropics and to the sub-arctic conditions of Canada and Finland. The local climate and hydrology dictates infrastructure requirements at mining operations and has a profound influence on the nature of water related risks faced by mines and nearby communities, ecosystems and industry.

Q1) Why do mines need water?

Mining is a very water-intensive industry. In mineral processing, slurry transport, dust suppression, fire control, flotation, grinding, screening, dust scrubbing, wash water, pump gland seal water, reagent mixing, cooling of equipment, and to meet the water needs of employees. Mining operations need water to process ore and run camp operations.

Q2) How does mining affect water?

The development of a mining operation can significantly alter the natural flows and quality of water in a region. Large scale movement of material and the development of mining voids can result in significant alterations to natural water flow pathways through an area. When mining takes place in areas where water is scarce, mine water consumption can severely impact local supplies.

Q3) Does mining affect ground water?

Infiltration of groundwater into mine voids can significant and so active dewater of aquifers is often required to lower the surrounding groundwater table and reduce infiltration rates. Acid rock drainage, leaks from tailings or waste rock impoundments, or direct disposal of tailings into waterways can additionally contaminate surface and groundwater.

Q4) What is water balance at a mine site?

The overall water balance of a mine is either water positive or water negative. A water positive mine site, during accumulates water in dams, ponds and mine voids during periods of high rainfall and low evaporation. On a water negative mine site, evaporation rates are sufficient to prevent water accumulation. A variation in local hydrology results in fluctuation between the two extremes.

Q5) What are the sources of water in mines?

The sources of water in mines include atmospheric water, surface water, groundwater (renewable and fossil) and sea water. On the actual mine site, they may be dedicated ponds and dams for storing raw water, recycled process water, seepage containment, evaporation ponds and fire water.

Q6) How much of the water used in mining is typically recycled?

Modern mines often recycle all available water. For example, in Canada, metal mines recycle a higher percentage of water than any other industry. The high rate of water recycling means water consumption depends not on the amount of water required for individual unit operations, but the amount of water lost to permanent water sinks, such as evaporation, seepage or retention in the concentrate or tailings material.

Q7) How can water conservation be improved in mining?

When conservation of water is a concern, mines are increasingly seeking to reduce evaporation rates from water stores using covers, shading, or even floating solar panels. To reduce water losses for dust suppression on the mine roads, the water can be superactivated to make water work. This effort reduces road dust suppression water requirements by over 50%.

Q8) How much water does mining use in Australia?

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2019-20 the Australian mining sector extracted 1,100 gigalitres of water – 1,100,000,000,000 litres. A mine water truck uses more water in one trip than each of us consumes in a year, just for dust suppression. Consider how much water mines need to source and use on-site annually.

Q9) Can mining affect water resources?

There are major long-term trends within the mining industry, such as increasing mine size, declining ore grades, and increases in overburden and waste material. These trends place upwards pressure on water use requirements and the potential for water quality impacts to occur.

Q10) Does mining dust suppression use a lot of water?

Yes. For example, a CAT 777G water truck carries 76,000 litres of water. A typical household uses around 200 litres of drinking water per person per day based on Lower Hunter Region’s Hunter Water Corporation. That’s 73,000 litres per person annually. A mine water truck uses more water in one trip than each of us consumes in a year for dust suppression.

Water – a precious resource.GRT focuses on these 2 key elements – water quantity and water quality. Saving water through high tech dust control solutionshas long been the focus of the company. Use of water alone dust suppresion is not sufficient owing to high surface tension of water on interaction with hydrophobic dust particles. GRT’s products reduce the surface tension of water therefore reducing the water required and improving dust control sustenance compared to water alone. Our commitment to managing water has expanded into the creation of cutting edge technologies to save directly save water and to also improve stored/retained water quality. Along with our dust and erosion control products, GRT’s range of direct water management technologies are focussed on improving and conserving this precious resource.

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Mining and Water - 10 Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


Mining and Water - 10 Frequently Asked Questions? ›

Mining affects fresh water through heavy use of water in processing ore, and through water pollution from discharged mine effluent and seepage from tailings and waste rock impoundments. Increasingly, human activities such as mining threaten the water sources on which we all depend.

How does mining affect the water? ›

Mining affects fresh water through heavy use of water in processing ore, and through water pollution from discharged mine effluent and seepage from tailings and waste rock impoundments. Increasingly, human activities such as mining threaten the water sources on which we all depend.

Why is water important for mines? ›

Water is used by the minerals industry for operational activities that include:9 ✽ transport of ore and waste in slurries and suspension ✽ separation of minerals through chemical processes ✽ physical separation of material such as in centrifugal separation ✽ cooling systems around power generation ✽ suppression of dust ...

How do mines fill with water? ›

Flooding in open pit mines leads to the so-called pit lakes, where a wide range of creatures can be seen. The flooding process happens because the drainage wells or dewatering pumps are stopped and the open spaces are filled with groundwater and surface runoff from precipitation and water bodies (e.g. rivers).

What is the biggest problem in mining? ›

The mining industry plays a crucial role in the global economy, supplying essential resources for various sectors. However, it also faces significant challenges related to sustainability, demand uncertainty, technological disruption, workforce skills, and operational costs.

Does mining use a lot of water? ›

Most methods used to mine critical minerals today require significant amounts of water for separating minerals, cooling machinery and controlling dust. Waste from mining and processing, including residual minerals and chemicals, can also contaminate water in nearby communities.

What does mining do to the water cycle? ›

Mining operations can negatively impact water supplies, often with long-lasting effects. The fundamental issue involves contamination of nearby rivers, lakes, and aquifers by what comes out of a coal mine—usually highly acidic water containing heavy metals like arsenic, copper, and lead.

How can mines save water? ›

Treatment units for wastewater treat effluent and recover water for reuse and drinking. They also aid in reducing the hazards and obstacles of environmental compliance related with effluent discharges. To reduce the need for freshwater, most mines have some form of recycling system in place.

How do they keep water out of mines? ›

Types of dewatering techniques and systems
  1. Filter wells.
  2. Disposal wells.
  3. Inverted wells.
  4. Vacuum drainage.
  5. Horizontal drains.
  6. Sealing walls.
  7. Cut off walls.
  8. Guard wells.

Why do mines have lakes? ›

Once the ore body is depleted, the pumps that are keeping the pit dry are turned off and the open pit floods with water. The flooding process generally continues for a number of years until the lake surface is approximately equal to the original elevation of the water table.

How do mines not flood? ›

In mining, diversion barriers are extremely important to protect nearby environments. TrapBag diversion barriers can be used to divert flood or rainwater from coming in contact with net acid-producing solid materials from mining sites, which would change the water to MIW (mining-influenced water).

How much water do mines use? ›

During 2015, an estimated 4,000 Mgal/d were withdrawn for mining, about 1 percent of total withdrawals. Groundwater was the source for 72 percent of total withdrawals for mining, and 65 percent of the groundwater withdrawn was saline. Of the surface-water withdrawn, 77 percent was freshwater.

How is water removed from mines? ›

Reactive dewatering is used to remove water from working areas and is applicable to both open-pit and underground mines. Multiple pump technologies can be used in these applications, including submersible, vertical, end-suction, multistage or volumetric pumps.

Is mining good or bad? ›

Mining can cause erosion, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, or the contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by chemicals emitted from mining processes. These processes also affect the atmosphere through carbon emissions which contributes to climate change.

What are 7 negative impacts of mining? ›

Some examples include climate change, deforestation/habitat destruction, pollution, soil erosion, human-wildlife conflict, and the loss of biodiversity.

What do we get from mining? ›

Ores recovered by mining include metals, coal, oil shale, gemstones, limestone, chalk, dimension stone, rock salt, potash, gravel, and clay.

How does mining affect the ocean? ›

Direct harm to marine life: There is a high likelihood that less mobile deep-sea organisms would be killed through direct contact with heavy mining equipment deployed on the seabed, and that organisms would be smothered and suffocated by the sediment plumes these machines are likely to create.

How does iron mining pollute water? ›

During exploration, roads may be poorly built resulting in sedimentation which disrupts water quality. Overall, water quality can be impacted as a result of acid mine drainage, heavy metal contamination and leaching, processing chemicals pollution, and erosion and sedimentation.

Why is underwater mining bad? ›

Deep-sea mining will cause significant disturbances to the marine environment, including direct damage to benthic fauna, habitat destruction, pollution from sediment plumes and wastewater discharge, and noise and light pollution across the water column.

How does subsurface mining affect the water? ›

Heavy metals can be leached from rocks that come in contact with the acid, a process that may be substantially enhanced by bacterial action. The resulting fluids may be highly toxic and, when mixed with groundwater, surface water and soil, may have harmful effects on humans, animals and plants.

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.