MeetMe Launches 'Streamer Levels' For Quality Performers - Global Dating Insights (2024)

MeetMe Launches 'Streamer Levels' For Quality Performers - Global Dating Insights (1)

The Meet Group has announced the launch of a new streaming feature for MeetMe users.

Levels is an extra step towards gamifying engagement in live video by tracking the amount of viewers a streamer has in their audience. Points will be awarded, encouraging them to perform more regularly and create more engaging content.

The points will help streamers progress through the ranking system, from ‘Newbie’ to ‘Bronze’, ‘Silver’ and ‘Gold’.

Each rank unlocks new rewards and benefits for the performer, such as special animations or virtual face and background filters.

MeetMe Launches 'Streamer Levels' For Quality Performers - Global Dating Insights (2)

CEO Geoff Cook said in a statement: “Levels add a fun, competitive and rewarding dynamic to Live. We believe the feature will entice streamers to stream more often and engage their audiences even more than they do today.

“We also expect Levels to stimulate viewer gifting, as viewers look to assist their favorite streamers in achieving the next level. We expect to launch a similar progression system for viewers in the coming months.”

A couple of other updates arebeginning to be rolled out, including the capability for viewers to receive virtual gifts – a benefit that was previously reserved for streamers.

Tiered VIP badges are also due to be released, which will offer better rewards and more incentives for top gifters.

A new range of safety and moderation features were added to the MeetMe app last week. It is now easier for viewers to report inappropriate video content and more emphasis has been put on thoroughly educating streamers about the community guidelines.

The updates were made shortly after Geoff Cook took part in a public panel discussion about the future of safety in the online dating industry, alongside representatives from Match Group and Spark Networks.

Visit the MeetMe website here.

MeetMe Launches 'Streamer Levels' For Quality Performers - Global Dating Insights (3)

Dominic Whitlock

Dominic is the Editor for Global Dating Insights. Originally from Devon, England he achieved a BA in English Language & Linguistics from The University of Reading. He enjoys a variety of sports and has a further passion for film and music.

MeetMe Launches 'Streamer Levels' For Quality Performers - Global Dating Insights (2024)
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