Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (2024)

by Sara Jane Hales

The easiest time to tell whether goldfish are male or female is during spawning season. In the wild, this is in the spring and summer, though could be any time of year in the home aquarium.

When spawning, male goldfish will develop spots on their gills and pectoral fins. While female goldfish will have a swollen vent under their tails.

The fish will also act differently, with male goldfish chasing female goldfish much more than usual.

By looking out for each of these clues during the spawning season, you can work out which of your goldfish are male and which are female.

Contents hide

1 Identifying Males

2 Identifying Females

4 Identifying breeding tubercles on male goldfish

4.1 What are breeding tubercles for?

4.2 Understanding Difficulties

5 Chasing behavior during spawning season

6 Releasing eggs and milt: The easiest way to tell if a goldfish is male or female

7 How old do goldfish need to be to tell if they are male or female?

8 Other physical characteristics of male vs female goldfish

9 FAQs

Identifying Males

  • Have spots on their gills
  • Have spots on their pectoral fins
  • Chase females
  • Release milt to fertilize eggs

Identifying Females

  • Have a vent that lumps out
  • Get chased by males
  • Lay eggs

Let’s look at some pictures of male and female goldfish so that you know what to look out for.

How the vent tells you whether a goldfish is male or female

In goldfish, the vent serves two purposes. It’s how they release waste and it’s how they breed.

Females release eggs through their vent, while males release milt, which fertilizes the eggs.

The vent in a male goldfish is flat and not very noticeable. It’s just a small slit hidden away under their tails.

In female goldfish, the vent will become swollen and puffed out during breeding season.

The difference can be seen in the photos below, from Bristol Aquarists Society.

Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (1)
Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (2)

Identifying breeding tubercles on male goldfish

Male goldfish will get small white bumps that appear on their gill covers, these are called breeding tubercles.

Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (3)

The spots or “breeding stars” usually also appear on the fish’s pectoral fin, as you can see in the photos below.

Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (4)
Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (5)

What are breeding tubercles for?

It’s not completely clear what goldfish breeding tubercles are actually for. However, the scientific evidence suggests they help to show that the male goldfish is in a healthy breeding condition.

Male goldfish with more breeding tubercles tend to be healthier and breed more successfully.

The tubercles could therefore be an outward sign to female goldfish that a male is a good choice of mate.

Understanding Difficulties

The white breeding tubercles can easily be mistaken for white spot disease, also known as Ick or Ich.

You should verify that spawning season is happening before trying to treat any disease. Inappropriately treating a disease can cause disruption to the spawning time and health of the aquarium or pond.

Breeding stars appear as small dots in a very neat, regular pattern. They’re also most commonly found on the gills and pectoral fins (though can be found anywhere on the goldfish).

Ich causes similar-looking white spots, but the spots tend to vary in size and appear with no organized pattern. They also appear randomly, all over the fish.

Chasing behavior during spawning season

During spawning season, male goldfish will chase females around and bump them into the sides of the tank.

Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (6)

Seeing one goldfish chasing another like this gives you a clue about whether they are male or female.

Chasing suggests that the fish is male. While being chased suggests the goldfish is female.

However, this isn’t always a foolproof system. Particularly if you are housing different ages of goldfish in the same tank.

Sometimes, when pheromones are released by fish that are spawning, younger immature goldfish will start to act out behaviors that aren’t appropriate to their gender.

You may think you have a female because it is being chased, but then the following year it gets breeding tubercles and you realize it’s a male.

Chasing behavior should always be combined with other signs (such as breeding tubercles or releasing eggs or milt) in order to accurately work out whether a goldfish is male or female.

Releasing eggs and milt: The easiest way to tell if a goldfish is male or female

Of course, the easiest possible way to work out whether a goldfish is male or female is to spot them releasing milt or eggs.

Clearly, if you see a goldfish releasing eggs then you know it’s a female. And if you see a goldfish release milt then you know it’s a male.

But what does this look like?

Here are some pictures to help.

Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (7)
Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (8)

How old do goldfish need to be to tell if they are male or female?

The physical differences between male and female goldfish will only show once the fish has reached sexual maturity and is in good health.

The normal age for a goldfish to reach maturity is above one year of age. However, fish can sometimes reach maturity earlier or later.

If you are trying to breed goldfish, then the best thing to do is buy six fish from the same tank at the store because you have a high chance of getting a male and a female.

Just be sure that you have a large enough tank or pond to house them all safely.

Other physical characteristics of male vs female goldfish

The primary signs of male vs female goldish are:

  • Spots on the gills and pectoral fins during breeding season (males)
  • A vent that sticks out (females)
  • Chasing (males) and being chased (females)
  • Laying eggs (females) and releasing milt (males)

More subtle – and less reliable – secondary signs include:

  • The pectoral fin in male goldfish tends to be thicker and longer.
  • Pectoral fins are usually more pointed in males compared to females.
  • The anal fin in males is closer to the tail compared to females.
  • Male goldfish tend to have more flowing fins and tails compared to females.
  • Male goldfish tend to have a slightly smaller and skinnier body compared to females.
  • Females will have a larger and rounder body and their abdomen can appear soft.
  • Females can be asymmetrical during spawning season when looked at from above due to the egg development.
  • Often, females are deeper-bodied compared to males when they are looked at from the side.
  • A ridge that runs through the rear of the pelvic fins and to the opening of the vent is often more pronounced in males and smaller or absent in females.

However, these secondary rules don’t hold true for all goldfish. We, therefore, recommend not drawing any firm conclusions about whether a goldfish is male or female until you spot some of the primary signs.


  1. Q: Can goldfish change gender?
    A: No, goldfish do not change gender. They are born with a specific gender and maintain it throughout their lives.
  2. Q: Are there specific breeds that are easier to identify by gender?
    A: Yes, some breeds, like the bubble-eye goldfish, exhibit more pronounced gender-specific traits, making identification easier.
  3. Q: Is it necessary to know the gender of my goldfish if I don’t plan on breeding them? A: While not essential, knowing the gender can help in understanding and managing the social dynamics within your tank.
  4. Q: Can stress affect the accuracy of gender identification in goldfish?
    A: Yes, stress and environmental factors can impact a goldfish’s ability to express its gender characteristics accurately.
  5. Q: How often should I check for changes in my goldfish’s gender expression? A: Regular observation is key. Changes in behavior and physical characteristics, especially during the breeding season, should be monitored periodically.
Male or female goldfish? How to tell (with pictures) | The Goldfish Tank (2024)


How to find fish gender? ›

You can determine the sex of your fish by inspecting its gonads (reproductive organs), which are located towards the top of the gut cavity. Mature female fish will have orange ovaries and male fish will have white testes (see photos above).

What does it look like when goldfish mate? ›

Breeding behaviour in Goldfish can be very aggressive. The males will relentlessly chase the females, nudge their vent area with their faces, push them into plants and the sides of the tank, all in an effort to get her to release those eggs!

How can you tell if a red cap goldfish is male or female? ›

Males may have small white spots called tubercles around their gill areas when ready to spawn. Females may be noticeably larger when swelling with eggs and the males may start to chase the females around the tank.

How old is a 2 inch goldfish? ›

However, in ponds, they can grow well over 10 inches. "For optimal growth, your goldfish needs around 29 percent protein and 12 percent fat in their diet. Provided you follow this, your goldfish should grow to 2 inches over a course of six months and to 3 inches by the end of its first year."

Do male goldfish lay eggs? ›

Gold fish, are all born as females and do not come into their reproductive phase until they are around 7 years old. At that time, one of them will become male and will trigger the female to produce eggs that will then be fertilized. Guppies are fresh water fish that reproduce like little rabbits.

Can a fish be a male and female at the same time? ›

While trophy snook are almost always females, the largest grouper on the reef are usually males. Moving from unusual to downright weird, some fish can actually fill both gender roles at the same time. These fish – known as simultaneous hermaphrodites – have male and female reproductive organs when they are mature.

What is the normal behavior of a goldfish? ›

These fish are often most active during dusk and dawn. Since goldfish are social fish, they should be kept in pairs of two or more. Due to their social behaviors and intelligence, they often interact with each other and their human owners.

How long do goldfish live? ›

Lifespan. Goldfish can live for long periods of time if they are fed a varied diet and housed in proper water conditions. The average lifespan of a goldfish is ten to fifteen years. The longest-lived goldfish on record lived to age 43.

Will goldfish mate in a tank? ›

Artificially inseminate, if natural spawning proves unsuccessful. Introduce one male and one female together in a shallow tank. Gently hold the male goldfish and lightly rub his vent, clearing it of sperm. Swirl the sperm in the water and repeat the same process with the vent of the female, releasing her eggs.

Should goldfish have red gills? ›

If you see your fish gasping at the surface with red or inflamed gills, they may have ammonia poisoning. The water in their tank may appear murky, which is an indicator that the water hasn't been 'cycled'. To treat this condition, test the water for ammonia and pH, and check the water temperature.

What is a white goldfish with a red head? ›

The red-cap oranda has a silverish body with a prominent red headgrowth on the forehead.

How long are goldfish pregnant? ›

There is no definite time that the goldfish stays pregnant but they carry the eggs until they are fertilized by the male. After release and fertilization, goldfish eggs hatch within two to seven days with the right water conditions and requirements.

What month do goldfish have babies? ›

Late May through early June is when the first spawn of the summer usually takes place, and the spawning activities occur daily until all the females have laid eggs. Goldfish fry can be seen throughout the summer and even into the early fall if the weather has been particularly hot during that time.

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