MacBook Pro cryptocurrency mining is profitable, but only (2024)

MacBook Pro cryptocurrency mining is profitable, but only (2)

With the new M1 Pro and M1 Max chips offering huge performance increases, a question occurred to me: would mining MacBook Pro cryptocurrency be feasible? …

Some Redditors wondered the same thing.

“M1 Max could mine ETH at 55 MH/s? Memory bandwidth is between the RX 6700 XT and the RTX 3060 Ti.

“If the M1 Max can do more than 40 MH/s, I would order a MacBook Pro M1 Max instead of an M1 Pro. »

“Facts to consider: This is the most efficient SoC, it will consume much less power than a dedicated GPU. The resale value of MacBooks is the best on the market […] The SoC has several dedicated processors for specific things like screen output, super-fast video encoding, encryption, and an extremely powerful neural engine. If a world-class mining and cryptocurrency programmer got their hands on it, magical things would happen. It is both the most efficient generalized processor and the most efficient programmable ASIC.

“I have the 64GB M1 Max 16″, running in high power mode, I get ~10.25 MH/s with the ethminer-m1 stock binary. Not super fast by any means, but it’s pretty darn efficient, and the hash rate per W is probably pretty good.

Naturally, someone has already put it to the test and run the numbers. YouTuber UFD Tech tested it with the M1 Pro model, as seen in the video below.

There are already precompiled binaries for mining M1 Mac crypto, and the video explains how to install and run one. In this case, it was mining for Ethereum.

The first thing to note is that you don’t want to mine in the background! The mining application destroys machine performance for anything else, even occasional web browsing, so you would only want to do this when you are not using your Mac.

The M1 Pro machine generated just over 5Mh/s (mega hash per second), which is better considering the total power consumption of just 17W, well below what would be consumed by a Windows PC generating the same result.

Running the numbers using a crypto calculator shows that the profit, after taking into account electricity costs, is only $12.82 per month, or about 42 cents per day. If you bought the MacBook Pro just for mining, that means it would pay for itself in… 17 years!

More realistically, you’d calculate the purchase cost minus the resale value after four or five years to base it on the true cost of ownership, but that’s still peanuts anyway.

The M1 Max is expected to roughly double the mining rate, and we don’t take into account the supposed increases in the value of the mined currency, but you can see that no one will buy these as mining rigs.

Of course, if you already own one, you might decide that it’s okay to mine MacBook Pro cryptocurrency when you’re not using the machine — don’t expect to get rich!

Some have speculated that Apple could get into the cryptocurrency business, either by investing some of its excess cash, enabling crypto in the Wallet app, or even creating a hardware wallet. . Tim Cook ruled out the first of these possibilities, at least for now, but revealed that he had invested some of his own money.

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MacBook Pro cryptocurrency mining is profitable, but only (2024)


How profitable is mining on MacBook Pro? ›

Running the numbers through a crypto calculator shows that the profit, after allowing for electricity costs, is just $12.82 per month – or around 42 cents per day. If you were buying the MacBook Pro purely for mining, that means it would pay for itself in… 17 years!

How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin with a MacBook? ›

The shortest amount of time it can take to mine at least 1 bitcoin is about 10 minutes. However, the actual time it can take you depends on several factors such as the hashing power of your mining hardware, the overall network hash rate, and the Bitcoin mining difficulty.

Can you mine crypto with a MacBook? ›

Yes, it is possible to mine Bitcoin on a Mac Pro, but it may not be the most efficient option. The Mac Pro's powerful processor and graphics card can handle the complex calculations required for mining, but it may not be as profitable as using specialized mining hardware.

What is the easiest most profitable crypto to mine? ›

Historically, Bitcoin (BTC) has been one of the most lucrative cryptocurrencies to mine due to its high market value. However, other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Monero (XMR) have also been profitable for miners, depending on market conditions and mining hardware efficiency.

What is the most profitable mining computer? ›

Another top-of-the-line machine from popular manufacturer Bitmain, the Antminer K7 was released in January 2023 and is one of the most powerful and profitable mining machines on the market currently, with a hash rate of 63.5 terahashes a second.

Which mining is most profitable? ›

Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, is still the most profitable to mine. However, the difficulty of mining Bitcoin has increased significantly in recent years, making it difficult for individual miners to make a profit.

How many GPUs are needed to mine 1 Bitcoin? ›

There is no minimum or limit to the number of GPUs you can use when mining, and can even start with 1. However, if you are into a serious mining business, a rig of 6 GPUs is recommended.

How much Bitcoin can you mine in 24 hours? ›

Many people wonder how many Bitcoins can be mined by a person in a day. There are currently 6.25 bitcoins produced in each block, and a block is produced every 10 minutes. This means that there are 6.25 (Bitcoins per block) x 6 (blocks per hour) x 24 (hours per day) = 900 bitcoins produced each day.

How much does it cost to mine 1 Bitcoin? ›

Mining a Bitcoin depends on your energy rate per Kwh, it costs $11,000K to mine a Bitcoin at 10 cents per Kwh and $5,170K to mine a Bitcoin at 4.7 cents per Kwh. Learn how and if mining right for you in 2024!

Is a MacBook good for crypto? ›

Macs can be an excellent option for crypto traders. They're reliable, easy to use, and have seamless device integration. The only issue is, if you're the 'average Joe' trader, you won't need a device that's so pricey. Unless you're a hardcore Apple fan – you'll want the MacBook Pro.

Is it safe to mine crypto on a laptop? ›

So, can you mine cryptocurrency on a laptop? Yes, you can, but you have to keep a couple of things in mind. Firstly,mining on an old PC or laptop won't bring any noticeable income. Secondly, laptops, by design, are not suitable for crypto mining, and prolonged mining will cause damage to the device.

Is M1 good for mining? ›

Essentially, there just are enough GPU cores for successful, and efficient mining. The GPU in the M1 will far out perform an Intel GPU but it doesn't come anywhere close to what is bing used in a mining rig today.

Which coin can I mine for free? ›

Top 5 Free Mining Coins in 2023.
  • Pi network. The Pi Network is a platform that allows users to mine Pi cryptocurrency from their mobile phones without draining the battery. ...
  • Avive Coin. ...
  • ICE network. ...
  • Sidra Bank. ...
  • Bondex Orign.
Sep 4, 2023

Is there a free mining app to earn money? ›

MinerGate is a free crypto mining software that allows you to mine multiple cryptocurrencies with your computer or smartphone. You can download and install the software on your Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, or iOS device and start mining manually or automatically.

Which crypto mining gives highest return? ›

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is the largest crypto by market capitalization and the most popular cryptocurrency to mine, with a reward of 6.25 BTC per block - although this halved in April 2024. Due to competition, you'll need a top-of-the-line mining rig to mine Bitcoin successfully, as well as to join a mining pool.

Is mining on laptop profitable? ›

Bitcoin mining can be profitable if you contribute enough hashing power to a mining pool to receive larger rewards. If you're solo mining at home on your computer, you may never receive rewards.

Is GPU mining no longer profitable? ›

Crypto mining will still be profitable in 2024, but only if you have the right mining setup. With the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency space and crypto mining, a GPU miner is unlikely to be among the ingredients of a profitable mining setup.

How much money can you make mining with one PC? ›

Home-Based Crypto Mining Profitability

With a normal PC, this could generate anywhere from less than a penny to around a dollar a day on the high end ($0.0001 – $1 USD). If you're a gamer with a fast GPU-powered PC, you could generate $1 – $10 a day, or maybe more.

Is CPU mining more profitable? ›

Out of the three methods of mining, GPU and ASIC are typically considered to be more profitable than CPU mining. This is because GPU and ASIC miners can process a larger number of calculations per second, making them more efficient than CPU miners.

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