Lunar New Year 2024: A Feng Shui Guide For A Lucky Year Of The Dragon (2024)

When one thinks of feng shui, bamboo plants, water features and the octagonal bagua may first come to mind. However, there’s more to this ancient Chinese practice dating back 3,000 years than items believed to bring good fortune.

“Feng means wind and Shui means water—its genesis was based on the study of object placement and interaction with the surrounding environment to guide energy through space,” says Lillian Wu, principal of New York-based design practice Lillian Wu Studio. “Some discount it as non-scientific, but its tenets are actually in practice in many forms,” adds Wu.

A lot of it has to do with being guided by our natural surroundings—studying where the wind comes from and how light moves in a space can help owners design their homes in a harmonious and economically efficient way. “When a layout is designed, we consider the orientation of the sun, the airflow, and the resident’s pathway as they navigate through the space—we look at all of these for private homes and bigger projects like Rosewood Residences.”

According to Mae Kwan, a UK-trained architect and founder of wellness consultancy MASE Lifestyle in Singapore, feng shui allows us to work with the natural flow of energy called “chi” to create balance and harmony.


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“Einstein famously said, ‘Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.’ By tapping into the metaphysics whereby everything in the universe is interconnected, we can arrange our living space in a way that allows us to live in harmony with our surroundings,” she says. Kwan shares that even ancient Greek architecture emphasized following cosmic order and attaining mathematical perfection, which is proof that feng shui principles have stood the test of time.

While feng shui can still be intimidating to some, Wu says its use in western interior design practice is quite ubiquitous but more seldom overtly referenced, speaking to the universality of its rules. Kwan, who uses her background in architecture and interior design in her current work as a feng shui advisor, says 70% of her clients are of a non-Chinese background. Most of them avail of “Spacial Energy Alignment”—a feng-shui inspired program to align and balance the flow of energy in a space.

So how do we utilize feng shui to have a prosperous Year of The Dragon? Here are a few tips:

Reduce Clutter, Especially In The Entryway

Decluttering doesn’t only clear your space and mind, it also helps get rid of stagnant energy. “By organizing your personal items in an orderly manner, you can help improve the chi and create a space that is in tune with your inner being,” says Kwan. A particular area to keep bright and clutter-free is the entrance as this is where chi enters the home. “One should feel welcomed as they enter the space so good energy can be ushered into your home as well.”

This doesn’t mean creating a sterile environment where every surface is devoid of stuff; it’s more about placing things with intention. In the world of feng shui, things that aren’t put away properly represent a feeling of unfinished business. “We think of clutter as personal items, but it can also be in the form of furniture and art. Take a good look at the room and think about how simplifying or removing clutter can have an impact,” adds Wu.

Usher In Good Luck

According to Kwan, the most auspicious area for 2024 is the wealth and good luck corner in the North, aka the money spot. “You can locate this by finding the north direction with a compass whilst standing at the center of your space. Once you have located the auspicious corner, enhance the energy by placing items that represent the earth and fire elements. Colors such as yellow and red work well in the north this year,” she shares.

On the other hand, the future prosperity corner in the Southwest is an optimal location for creating a vision for manifesting the joy, abundance and good health in your life. “The element is fire for the future prosperity star, which can be enhanced by the fire and wood elements such as a Himalayan salt lamp and plants, plus colors like purple and green.”

Kwan says that a contemporary approach to invite good fortune is to display items that generate the feeling of abundance, like a mix of candles (fire) and crystals (citrine is good for attracting wealth).

Wu shares that another easy and timeless way to attract luck is by incorporating greenery in your space. “Tall green plants in the dead corners help bring a nice visual color and warmth to the home. In feng shui, plants symbolize positive energy, which we consider to bring a boost in prosperity!”

Maximize Natural Light And Airflow

Feng shui is all about achieving balance and harmony with our natural surroundings, which could be introduced through appropriate design elements. “We have all experienced places with poor spatial layouts, natural lighting and circulation. It just feels wrong. In contrast, a well-laid out space and the right composition brings pleasure. So creating these spaces with the right design elements can help create positive energy and perhaps a sense of good fortune,” says Wu.

Play Around With Furniture Placement

Where we put our sofas and tables can also have an immense influence in how we feel in a space. Sometimes there's a sofa that blocks our movement in a room or a side table that always gets in the way. Our furniture should encourage energy to flow freely instead of being an obstruction. “Blocked pathways can lead to energy staying stagnant in certain areas, which can make us feel stuck and lethargic,” says Kwan.

According to Wu, furniture placement can sometimes be an afterthought leading to problematic layouts. Careful repositioning of furniture is one of the most impactful ways to bring new energy—and a fresh look—to a space.

“At Rosewood Residences at Lido Key, we orient furniture so the ocean view is the key focal point. Simply using alternative furniture arrangements can change the chi of space completely. For example, in a bedroom reorienting the bed in what we might see as an unusual position can have a surprisingly positive effect.”

Cleanse Your Space Regularly

It’s not only dust that you have to think of when tidying up. Apart from keeping your home and office (literally) clean, it’s important to cleanse it with sage or palo santo to clear away negative energy.

“This should be done especially after an argument or a heated discussion. If burning sage is not an option, try setting an intention with a self-cleansing crystal such as selenite, which absorbs negative energy and promotes a sense of clarity and peace,” says Kwan.

Be True To Yourself

Your space has the power to shape you, which is why Kwan encourages her clients to think of their homes as a sanctuary to reset, restore and recharge. “Our mental and physical wellbeing can be hugely impacted by the space we live or work in. Rather than copying what is trending when decorating, it is more important to create a space that represents who we are so it’s in sync with our own unique energy.”

Kwan stresses that to fully benefit from feng shui design principles, it is crucial to remember that our homes only serve as a “container” that supports personal growth. “Progress can only be made when you are looking after your mental, physical and emotional health in the safe space you create for yourself.”

Lunar New Year 2024: A Feng Shui Guide For A Lucky Year Of The Dragon (2024)


What is the Feng Shui for the dragon in 2024? ›

Chinese Horoscope 2024 predicts a prosperous year for the dragon, representing authority, prosperity, and good fortune. Wood Dragon year 2024 brings evolution, improvement, and abundance. Rats have a great chance of success and recognition. Ox may face difficulties with the Wood Dragon's energy.

What is the lucky thing to do for 2024 Feng Shui? ›

Harness the energy of the Wood Dragon Year in 2024 by implementing Feng Shui strategies such as workspace decluttering, incorporating wood elements, and displaying dragon symbols. Strengthen business success with Feng Shui symbols chosen based on associated energies and placed strategically for optimal results.

What are the lucky numbers for the Year of the Dragon in 2024? ›

Despite this, their health outlook remains stable. Gold with purple and red are the lucky colours of Dragons for 2024 and lucky numbers are two, seven and eight.

How to get lucky in the Year of the Dragon? ›

Those who are born in the year of the dragon, in particular, can take other steps to counter any potential negative energy, as well, he said. He recommended wearing red, as well as yellow and green, which are often associated with the wood dragon. Adding plants and wooden items into the home can also help.

Which Chinese zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

Pigs are among the luckiest in 2024, promising them a year of prosperity and favorable opportunities.

What animal year is lucky in 2024? ›

Luckiest signs in the year 2024, according to the Chinese Horoscope. According to the China Highlights website, the signs with the most luck and fortune in 2024 will be: monkeys, roosters, and pigs. In a second category of luck for the year 2024 are: ox, rabbits, goats, and dogs.

What are the most powerful good luck charms for money 2024? ›

Adarna & Charms present the STRONGEST Luck Charms for 2024 -- Grand Lucky Genie, Golden Arrowhead Talisman and Golden Dragon Pouch. The so-called "Big 3" are multi-awarded and internationally recognized as the STRONGEST luck charms in Asia with pure positive energy attraction and money & wealth attraction.

How to ward off bad luck in 2024? ›

Wear an amulet

Wearing an amulet of a different zodiac sign to confuse the Grand Duke is another way to ward off bad luck. But don't just choose any other sign: there are corresponding signs according to the zodiac to which you belong. Dragons can try wearing an amulet of rooster, monkey or rat.

Is 2024 a golden dragon year? ›

Each element gives the dragon a different personality and destiny. 2024 is a wood dragon year and the lucky colors are golden, yellow, and green. The wood tempers the dragon and makes it more introspective.

Is 2024 a good year for Earth dragon? ›

If you are an Earth Dragon, you have a special connection with the year 2024, as it is the year of the Wood Dragon. This means that you will experience a lot of opportunities, growth and transformation in your life. You are a powerful and charismatic person, with a strong sense of leadership and ambition.

What color is dragon 2024? ›

East is associated the wood element, and its corresponding color is cyan or green; this is why 2024 is called the Year of Green Dragon.

What is the lucky color for New Year 2024? ›

2024 is the Year of the Dragon in Chinese astrology. The Dragon represents strength and success. Lucky colors for this year are golden, yellow, green, gold, silver, and purple. Each zodiac animal has its own set of lucky colors, creating a vibrant canvas of fortune in 2024.

What color to wear for Chinese New Year 2024? ›

Because the Dragon is associated with the Earth element in the Chinese Five Elements Theory, the fortunate colours for the year come from Wood and Earth. So, the lucky colours for 2024 are golden, yellow, and green.

Where to place dragon in 2024? ›

To attract wealth, prosperity and success, it is suggested to place a Feng Shui dragon in the north or east direction of your house. It should face inwards as it indicates the energy flowing into the house. You must strictly avoid placing the dragon facing the entrance door or any window.

Is Earth dragon lucky in 2024? ›

If you are an Earth Dragon, you have a special connection with the year 2024, as it is the year of the Wood Dragon. This means that you will experience a lot of opportunities, growth and transformation in your life. You are a powerful and charismatic person, with a strong sense of leadership and ambition.

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