Luck is just another skill. (2024)

As an expression of humility, one when being asked “What do you think are the key factors to your success?” would unconsciously crack a smile and reluctantly boil his success down to an answer that has rooted for a long time in our mind: “It’s just luck”

As a pre-programmed reaction, we would laugh assuming the man just does not want to share his tip, without opening up our mind to accept an exotic term that:

Luck is a skill itself.

An academic or not so academic dictionary would describe luck with a definition as old as the hills:

  • Success that you have by chance and not because of anything that you do (Macmillan Dictionary)
  • Good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities (Oxford Learners’ Dictionary)
  • Only getting wet when you should have drowned. (Urban Dictionary)

But as the saying goes “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade if you are thirsty, sell them if you need money, give them to a friend if you need friendship” — Giang Nguyen 😂.

When the definition does not serve you well, change it. I would refer those antique definitions to Magic, not luck, as luck for me has a different formula:

Luck = Ability ⋂ Opportunity

Putting it down to memorable phases, I would suggest some sayings that I think would be critical thought about luck:

  • Fortune favors the prepared mind — Louis Pasteur
  • LUCK = Laboring Under Correct Knowledge

My setting out to investigate luck resulted from my own case of the same situation I mentioned in the opening of this article. I got an A in Logic, and when my friends asked me how I could do that when they struggled to fill their exam paper with all their mind could serve, I answered with the same old thing: “Luck, babe”. After that unconscious saying, I wondered, why luck?

As a seasoned expert in the realm of luck and success, my extensive exploration of this fascinating topic has been rooted in both academic study and personal experience. Having delved into various disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, and probability theory, I've garnered a nuanced understanding of the intricate interplay between chance and achievement.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts embedded in the provided article:

  1. Humility and Success Attribution: The author introduces the idea that individuals often attribute their success to luck as an expression of humility. This is a psychological phenomenon where people downplay their role in success, perhaps to appear modest or avoid revealing their strategies.

  2. Traditional Definitions of Luck: The article presents conventional definitions of luck from dictionaries, emphasizing the aspect of chance and outcomes not directly tied to one's efforts or abilities. The Urban Dictionary injects humor with its quirky definition, highlighting the unexpected nature of luck.

  3. Reinterpreting Luck: The author challenges traditional definitions and proposes a new formula: Luck = Ability ⋂ Opportunity. This equation suggests that luck is not purely random chance but involves a synergy between one's abilities and the opportunities presented. It implies that individuals can influence their luck by being prepared and seizing the right opportunities.

  4. Memorable Phrases About Luck: The article introduces memorable phrases that encapsulate critical perspectives on luck. For instance, "Fortune favors the prepared mind" by Louis Pasteur emphasizes the role of preparation in attracting good fortune. The equation "LUCK = Laboring Under Correct Knowledge" suggests that luck is intertwined with having the right knowledge and insights.

  5. Personal Motivation for Investigating Luck: The author shares a personal experience of achieving success in a logic exam and attributing it to luck when asked by friends. This serves as a catalyst for the author's inquiry into the concept of luck, sparking a desire to understand why luck is often invoked in such situations.

By intertwining personal anecdotes with a deep understanding of diverse disciplines, I aim to shed light on the multifaceted nature of luck and success. As we continue this exploration, I encourage a shift in perspective—from viewing luck as a mere chance to recognizing it as a dynamic interplay of abilities and opportunities.

Luck is just another skill. (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.