Log On or Log In – What's the Difference? (2024)

In our ever-expanding digital age, we throw around terms like “log in” and “log on” in the same contexts, but do they actually mean the same thing? Yes and no. To organize the facts and clear up any confusion, I’ll go over the actual meanings of “log in” and “log on,” discuss their differences, and show you the various ways to use them.

And, just to make things even easier for you, I’ve thrown in some helpful synonyms and sentence examples! Let’s get started!

Log On or Log In: What’s the Difference?

Log On or Log In – What's the Difference? (1)

Most people think that “log in” and “log on” can be used interchangeably, and essentially, they can without anyone being the wiser. But there’s a minor difference between the two.

“Log on” is more commonly used when connecting to a network or server, like jumping in a chat room or jumping online to play a game of Fortnite or something.

Log On or Log In – What's the Difference? (2)

But the term “log in” is usually associated with directly accessing individual accounts or services like emails and such.

As for “login” and “logon,” they can be used as single-word nouns.

  • Your login details are incorrect.
  • Remember your logon credentials.

But they should be written as two words when you’re using them as verbs.

  • Please log in to your account.

Also, there is no need to hyphenate these terms.

The Meaning of Logging In

The term “log in” is meant to describe the process of a person gaining access to a computer system or network by providing a username and password or other credentials.

Just think about opening up your email accounts or social media platforms. Usually, you need to input your username and password. That in itself is logging in.

Is It Log into or Log in To?

If you’re using the term “log in” as a verb, it should be followed by the word “to,” as in “Please log in to your account.”

Log On or Log In – What's the Difference? (3)

The term “log into” is more informal but can be used in instances like texting or something. It’s not technically correct, but I’ve seen it thrown around.

Is Login Past Tense?

“Login” isn’t even a verb, so you can’t use it in a past tense form. The past tense of “log in” is “logged in,” as in “I logged in to my email account earlier.”

Log On Synonyms

  • Connect
  • Access
  • Sign on
  • Join

Log In Synonyms

  • Sign in
  • Authenticate
  • Access
  • Enter

Log In Examples in a Sentence

  • Please log in to your account to view your order history of books.
  • I logged in to the online forum of screenwriters to join the discussion surrounding the WGA strike.
  • When a person signs in, they’re logging in.
  • Candace couldn’t log in because she forgot her password for the hundredth time.
  • After multiple failed attempts, Candace was locked out of her Ingram account and couldn’t log back in.

Login Examples in a Sentence

Log On or Log In – What's the Difference? (4)
  • Your login credentials have been sent to your email address so you can update your password.
  • As a measure of safety and security, incorrect login details and user credentials will always prevent you from accessing the system.
  • Candace hated that she had to create a new login after her banking account was compromised.
  • The login process for the new social media platform was quick and easy to complete.

Log On Examples in a Sentence

  • Matt tried to log on to the company’s network but couldn’t connect for some reason.
  • After logging on, I accessed the shared files from the client.
  • The IT department resolved the issue I was having, and everyone could finally log on again.

It’s All Technical

That should clear up any confusion you had over using the terms “log in” and “log on.” Just remember that “log in” is like signing in, and “log on” is like joining in. Let me know if you’ve got any questions, and be sure to check out my other helpful grammar guides!

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Log On or Log In – What's the Difference? (2024)


Log On or Log In – What's the Difference? ›

It's All Technical. That should clear up any confusion you had over using the terms “log in” and “log on.” Just remember that “log in” is like signing in, and “log on” is like joining in.

Is there a difference between log in and log on? ›

1. Log in: Refers to the process of entering specific credentials, such as a username and password, to access a system, website, or application. 2. Log on: Can be a more general term for connecting or accessing a system, which might not always require credentials.

Should I use login or log in? ›

Login, spelled as one word, is only a noun or an adjective. For example, the information you use to sign in to your email is your login (noun), and the page where you sign in is the login page (adjective). Log in is two words when it functions as a verb. For example, you log in with your login information.

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Examples from Collins dictionaries

They would log into their account and take a look at prices and decide what they'd like to do.

What is the meaning of log on? ›

Meaning of log on in English

to start using a computer system or program by giving a password (= a secret word by which the system recognizes an approved user): About 40,000 gamers have been logging on every day since the website appeared last month.

When to use into or in to in a sentence? ›

Use “into” to describe where something is: going inside something else. Use “in to” based on the verb that comes before it. It can have many meanings, but here's a quick tip that covers some of them: if you can replace it with “in order to,” use “in to.” Read on for the longer explanation, plus examples of into vs.

What is another word for log in? ›

What is another word for log in?
log onsign in
sign ongain access
connect togain access to
6 more rows

Is log on correct? ›

“Log on” is more commonly used when connecting to a network or server, like jumping in a chat room or jumping online to play a game of Fortnite or something. But the term “log in” is usually associated with directly accessing individual accounts or services like emails and such.

Why is it called log in? ›

The term login comes from the verb (to) log in and by analogy with the verb to clock in. Computer systems keep a log of users' access to the system. The term "log" comes from the chip log which was historically used to record distance traveled at sea and was recorded in a ship's log or logbook.

What is the main difference between log and ln? ›

Log generally refers to a logarithm to the base 10. Ln basically refers to a logarithm to the base e. This is also known as a common logarithm. This is also known as a natural logarithm.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.