Local Machine and Current User Certificate Stores - Windows drivers (2024)

Each of the system certificate stores has the following types:

  • Local machine certificate store

    This type of certificate store is local to the computer, global to all users on the computer, and is located under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root in the registry.

  • Current user certificate store

    This type of certificate store is local to a user account on the computer, and is located under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry root.

For specific registry locations of certificate stores, see System Store Locations.

All current user certificate stores except the Current User/Personal store inherit the contents of the local machine certificate stores. For example, if a certificate is added to the local machine Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store, all current user Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate stores (with the above caveat) also contain the certificate.


The driver signing verification during Plug and Play (PnP) installation requires that root and Authenticode certificates, including test certificates, are located in a local machine certificate store.

For more information about how to add or delete certificates from the system certificate stores, see CertMgr.


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Local Machine and Current User Certificate Stores - Windows drivers (2024)


Where are local certificates stored in Windows? ›

The certificate store is located in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root. Current user certificate store: This certificate store is local to a user account on the computer. This certificate store is located in the registry under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER root.

Where is the current user certificate store? ›

This type of certificate store is local to a user account on the computer, and is located under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry root.

Where is an SSL certificate stored? ›

Finding where certificates are stored on your computer is relatively straightforward. If you want to find the SSL/TLS certificates on your Windows computer, access the Windows Certificate Store. Your MacBook Pro, meanwhile, stores SSL/TLS certificates in the Keychain Access app.

Where are machine certificates stored in Windows 10? ›

Certificates stored on the Windows 10 computer are located in the local machine certificate store. Windows 10 offers Certificate Manager as a certificate management tool for both computer and user certificates.

How to check certificate store in Windows? ›

Click Start and then click Start Search. To start the Certificates snap-in, type Certmgr. msc and press the Enter key. In the left pane of the Certificates snap-in, expand the PrivateCertStore certificate store folder and double-click Certificates.

How to move certificate from current user to local computer? ›

In order to import the certificate you need to access it from the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
  1. Open the MMC (Start > Run > MMC).
  2. Go to File > Add / Remove Snap In.
  3. Double Click Certificates.
  4. Select Computer Account.
  5. Select Local Computer > Finish.
  6. Click OK to exit the Snap-In window.
Jul 11, 2020

What is the difference between current user and local machine? ›

Some settings are specific to an individual user and are used only when that user is logged on; these settings are called current user settings. Some settings are global to the computer, and are available to all users; these are called local machine settings.

What is user certificate store? ›

A certificate store is a special key database file that Digital Certificate Manager (DCM) uses to store digital certificates. The certificate store contains the certificate's private key unless you choose to use an IBM® Cryptographic Coprocessor to store the key instead.

How to install certificate to local machine store? ›

Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in from the Microsoft Management Console. Click Add. Select Certificates and click Add. Select My User Account and click Finish.

What is the Windows certificate store? ›

Microsoft Certificate Stores are repositories for storing digital certificates and their associated properties. Windows operating systems store digital certificates and certificate revocation lists in logical and physical stores.

How do I check all certificates? ›

You can view all the certificates stored in your computer on the left pane and expand the directory to get more detailed information on a certificate. For certificates accessible to the current user, launch the Certificate Manager Tool by typing in certmgr. msc in the command prompt.

How do I retrieve my SSL certificate? ›

Obtaining a certificate by using a web browser
  1. In the browser, enter the HTTPS address for the destination device.
  2. Click the Lock icon by the address bar. ...
  3. Click More information.
  4. Click View Certificate in the Website Identity section.
  5. Click the Details tab in the Certificate Viewerwindow.

What is the best way to store certificates? ›

The best way to protect your important documents is with a home lockbox. This is what FEMA recommends for storage. Get a fireproof, lockable box so your documents will be safe in an emergency. Also make sure the box is easy to carry so you can take your documents with you if you have to leave.

What is a certificate path? ›

In general, a certification path is an ordered list of certificates, usually comprised of the end-entity's public key certificate and zero or more additional certificates.

How do I manage local certificates in Windows 10? ›

You can do this by typing either Cert or Certificate in the run menu.
  1. Select the Manage user certificates option at the top of the menu. ...
  2. Select the Certificates folder in the left navigation to view the list of digital certificates you have installed on your machine. ...
  3. That's it!

How do I install local certificates in Windows? ›

In the left pane of the console, double-click Certificates (Local Computer). Right-click Personal, point to All Tasks, and then select Import. On the Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard page, select Next. On the File to Import page, select Browse, locate your certificate file, and then select Next.

Where to find a self-signed certificate in Windows? ›

msc in the windows search bar and choosing "Run as administrator." Expand both the "Personal" and "Trusted Root Certification" directories. In the Personal Certificates folder, you will find both the CA and the Self-Signed Certificate that we created in the previous steps.

Where are private keys stored in Windows? ›

Key Directories and Files
Key typeDirectory
User private%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Crypto\Keys
Local system private%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\SystemKeys
Local service private%WINDIR%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService
Network service private%WINDIR%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService
1 more row
Jan 7, 2021

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