Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (2024)

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (1)

Article byPriya Pedamkar

Updated May 29, 2023

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (2)

Introduction to Linux Automount

In the Linux operating system, the automount utility is used to manage the automount points for autofs, i.e., the Linux automounter. The Linux automount functionality provides them with on-demand and an auto unmounting file system to the environment. In this utility, there is no need to do the manual mounting. The major advantage of the automount utility is for remote applications or users. It will automatically access or get the data from the respective storage. The complete activity of the automount is managed by the “autofs” utility.

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The autofs utility was written by the Christoph Lameter (email:- [emailprotected]). It will further be edited by H. Peter Anvin (email:- [emailprotected]) and Ian Kent (email:- [emailprotected]).

Syntax of Text Editors

automount [options] [master_map_name]

Major file

/etc/auto.master/etc/auto.XXXXsystemctl start autofs

Note: As such, there is no major command for autofs utility. We need to focus on the above master and automount file configuration majorly.

  • automount: We can use the “automount” keyword in the syntax or command. It will take different arguments like options and master_map_name. As per the provided arguments, it will manage the autofs functionality in the Linux environment.
  • /etc/auto.master: This is the master file for autofs utility. As the name suggests, it will manage overall automount functionality on the Linux operating system. In this file, we are adding the root directory information for the automount.
  • /etc/auto.XXXX: As per the auto master file configuration, we must create the supporting auto DB/file for the automount activity. As per the requirement, we can define the file name. But make share that the file name is similar to the master config and the etc file name.
  • systemctl start autofs: Once all the configuration parameters will configure, we need to start the autofs service. As per the requirement, we can restart, stop, or start the autofs service.

How Linux Automount Works?

In the Linux environment, we can mount the different types of file systems in the environment like NFS, ext3, ext4, xfs, etc. But while adding or mounting the file system, we need to run the manual command to mount on the Linux operating system. It is similar to the unmounting process also. But if we would need functionality to mount the file system automatically and no need to add the manual commands in it, then we need to use the “autofs” utility. In this utility, the file system will automatically mount when there is an access request. It will automatically unmount when there is no access request pending or configure the timeout window.

The major drawback of the Linux fstab is the number of mounting point information. When we add the number of mount point information to it, it will assign the dedicated resources to handle it irrespective of how frequently the users are accessing the mounted file system. If it will not handle properly, then there is overhead for the Linux system. Unnecessary system resources are consumed, and the system performance will degrade.

Below is the list of options we can use with the automount command.

Sr NoOptionDescription
1-h –helpIt will print the automation option and exit it
2– p –pid-file fIt will write the process id
3-t –timeout nAs the value of “n,” It will unmount the file system.
4-v –verboseIt will print the processing information
5-d –debugIt will help with the log debugging information
6-D –defineIt will define the global macro variable
7-O –global-optionsIt will help to specify the global mount options
8-l –set-log-priority priority path [path,…]Help to set up the daemon log verbosity
9-C –dont-check-daemonIt will not check the daemon if it is already in a running state
10-F –forceIt will forcefully clean up the known automount at the start
11-V –versionIt will print the version information and exit it

Examples to Implement Linux Automount

Here are the following examples mentioned below:

Example #1 – List of Automount

In the automount command, we are able to find the list of automount file systems in the Linux environment. We must use the “-m” option with the automount command.

Command :

automount -m

Explanation :

As per the above command, we are able to find the list of automount file systems in the system.

Output :

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (3)

Example #2 – Install Packages

In Linux, the autofs package is not available. We need to install the autofs packages with the necessary dependency.

Command :

yum install autofs -y

Explanation :

With the help of the above yum command, we are installing the autofs packages in the system.

Output :

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (4)

Example #3 – Edit Master File

In automount, we need to configure the auto master file. The same file helps to identify the automount information.

Command :

vi /etc/auto.master“/automount /etc/auto.autofs --timeout=40”

Explanation :

We edit to add the information in the master file i.e. /automount, mount directory on the “/” path, “/etc/auto.autofs” mount file, and “–timeout=40”, ideal timeout value.

Output :

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (5)

Example #4 – Edit Mount File

In Linux, while working with the automount we need to configure the mount file information.

Command :

vim /etc/auto.autofsdatashare -fstype=nfs

Explanation :

As per the above command, we are adding the mount information i.e. “datashare” share directory name, “-fstype=nfs” file system type, and “” share location path.

Output :

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (6)

Example #5 – Start the Autofs Service

Once the complete configure will complete. We need to start the autofs service and check whether the file system is available in the automount environment or not.

Command :

systemctl start autofs

Explanation :

We are starting the autofs service and printing the list of automount file system.

Output :

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (7)

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (8)

Example #6 – Check the Share Data

In the Linux Automount, once the file systems will automount then we are able to check the data in the shared location.

Command :

cd /automount/datashare/; ls

Explanation :

As per the above command, we are checking the share data.

Output :

Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (9)


We have seen the uncut concept of “Linux Automount” with the proper example, explanation, and command with different outputs. As per the requirement, we can configure the automount file system. There is no need to automount and unmounts. It will reduce the system overhead.

Recommended Articles

We hope that this EDUCBA information on “Linux Automount” was beneficial to you. You can view EDUCBA’s recommended articles for more information.

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Linux Automount | Learn How Linux Automount Works? (Examples) (2024)
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