Limitations and Advantages of Cyber Insurance Policy (2024)

Most companies are using technology for conducting their business. Technology is helping companies in delivering better services to their customers. But, cyberattacks are also increasing with time. Even companies like Reddit and Equifax have fallen victim to cyberattacks. These attacks can cause huge damage to your organizations. Most of the small-sized companies never recover from a data breach. Thus, it is important to protect your company from attackers. Cyber insurance will help you in reducing the cyberattack risk.

Cyber insurance policy will help you in recovering your data after a data breach. Data breaches can be very expensive. Equifax lost more than $1 billion in legal fees. Thus, it is important to buy a cyber insurance policy. More than $7.5 billion worth of premiums is already purchased by 2020. According to a report by PwC, more than one-third of USA companies already have a cyber insurance policy.

Data privacy regulations like HIPPA are made to protect the customer’s data from getting compromised. Companies that deal with sensitive data have to ensure that their data is secured. If you are working in the financial or healthcare industry, then you need to comply with many different regulations. If you are not following HIPPA rules, then you can face a fine of more than $1.5 million.

Technologies like IoT and cloud providers have also increased the risk of a data breach. Your employees can use their mobile devices for accessing your corporate network. This can create many loopholes in your network. Security breaches are increasing with time. Most attackers are attacking the health-care and financial industry. According to a study by Ponemon Institute, more than 23 million records were leaked in 2011. This is only going to increase with time. Thus, cyber insurance policy is becoming more important with time.

Advantages of Cyber insurance policy

  1. Closing the gap between current needs and traditional policies

Most traditional policies are useless for modern companies. They only cover liability that arises from tangible property. For example, it will only cover your server. These policies don’t cover the data that you have stored.

Most traditional policies also don’t cover the breach notification costs. This can create a gap in coverage of your business digital assets. Thus, you need to pay the full costs of the data breach. Cyber insurance policy will help you in covering this gap. Cyber insurance policy mostly provides coverage for:

  • Liability for data loss and data breach
  • Legal penalties and fines
  • Regulatory fines
  • Costs to respond to a data breach
  1. It will offset the expense of a security breach

Data breaches are unpredictable in nature. Thus, it is very difficult to determine the budget of your policy. The complexity and size of your data breach can vary according to your situation. If you are storing patient records, then data breaches can be very costly for your company. You need to deal with PHI and HIPPA regulatory agencies.

Cyber insurance policy will help you in coping with the unexpected expenses. It will help you in dealing with the costs of data breach notification. Also, you don’t need to worry about legal fees. Your policy will also help you in dealing with legal settlements and regulatory fines.

  1. Provide Resources for the quick response

Your carriers will also offer resources to your company. This will help you in dealing with a data breach. Most carriers will provide a breach coach to your company. They will also provide an attorney to your company. Your attorney will help you in decreasing the legal exposure.

Your insurer can also provide you a referral for other services. They will help you in finding service providers for forensics, PR and legal team. If you are using the approved vendors, then they will also increase your coverage limits. This will also help you in saving your time. You don’t need to worry about finding service providers for your company.

Limitations of Cyber Insurance Policy

  1. Coverage Limits

Cyber insurance policies can differ. For example, some data breaches are not caused by first-owner. Sometimes data breaches can be caused by third-party service providers. If you are in the health-care industry, then you are mostly responsible for protecting your data. Thus, your cyber insurance policy won’t cover the data breaches caused by third-party vendors.

  1. Limited Choice

Your cyber insurance terms will restrict your response to a security or data breach. It can also limit the choice of third-party vendors. Most companies will prefer to work with vendors with whom they already have a relationship. However, your policy will force you to work with approved vendors. These limitations can affect the quality of your response. For example, if you are using a foreign call center to deal with a data breach, then your response quality will automatically go down.

  1. It can’t remove the importance of Data Protection

Cyber insurance policy can’t replace the importance of data protection. Your company is still responsible for protecting your data. You have to improve our security measures for protecting your data. Data protection is more important when compared to cyber insurance. You should regularly assess the security and privacy risks. This will help you in finding security gaps in your network.

Your IT department should also focus on the Incident Response Plan. This plan will help you in dealing with a security breach. Thus, your response plan must be cost-efficient and effective. It will help you in developing guidelines for dealing with data breach incidents.


Data breaches are becoming more complex and common with time. Thus, it is important to buy a cyber insurance policy for your company. Cyber insurance is different from traditional insurance. It will help you in dealing with the costs of the data breaches. However, these policies should be your last resort. First, you should focus on protecting your data. Make sure that your network is protected from attackers. Also, your IT team should work on an incident response plan. This plan will help you in effectively dealing with the data breach. If you need more information regarding cyber insurance policy, then you can contact Bleuwire.

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Limitations and Advantages of Cyber Insurance Policy (2024)


What are the advantages and disadvantages of cyber insurance? ›

Pros and Cons of Cyber Liability Insurance: A Quick Look
Protection against financial lossesHigh cost
Legal protectionCoverage exclusions and limitations
Mitigates reputational damageFalse sense of security
Compliance with industry standards
Jul 14, 2023

What is the limitation of cyber insurance? ›

Cyber liability policies have limits that range from $1 million to $5 million or more.

What is the limit for cyber liability insurance? ›

Cyber liability coverage limits typically range between $500,000 and $5 million per occurrence. The deductible is the amount of loss that your business is responsible for in the event of a cyberattack that is covered by your policy.

What are the problems with cyber insurance? ›

However, the cyber insurance industry faces significant challenges, including a lack of historical data, a lack of ability to predict the future of cyber risk, the possibility of large cascading loss events, uncertainties among market participants about what is specifically covered under such policies, and legal ...

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The Cons Of Using Digital Insurance Companies

Security Issues & Concerns: Because insurance applications are digital, there are issues with data security. Users must have confidence that cyber risks to their sensitive personal and financial information are effectively secured.

What risks does a cyber insurance policy protect organizations and individuals from? ›

What risks does cyber insurance cover? Insurance for cybersecurity typically includes first-party coverage of losses incurred through data destruction, hacking, data extortion, and data theft.

What is not covered in cybersecurity insurance? ›

Personally identifiable information (PII) – Examples include names, phone numbers, addresses, social security numbers, bank account numbers.

What is the limitation of cyber security? ›

The Limitations of Technology

While cybersecurity technologies such as firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption are effective to a degree, they are not foolproof. Sophisticated hackers can often find ways around these technologies, exploiting even the smallest vulnerability.

What is excluded from cyber insurance? ›

Cyber insurance will not cover criminal, civil or regulatory fines, penalties or sanctions that your business is legally obliged to pay.

What should a cyber insurance policy cover? ›

Cyber insurance covers the losses relating to damage to, or loss of information from, IT systems and networks. It covers a direct (or first party) financial loss to you or your business arising from a cyber event.

How much is cyber insurance per month? ›

What is the average cost of cyber insurance? Small businesses pay an average premium of $145 per month, or about $1,740 annually, for cyber insurance.

Is cyber insurance worth it? ›

Cyber insurance is a worthwhile option, but it can't be your entire strategy. Your best approach is to build strong defenses against attacks regardless of whether you're insured.

Why is cyber insurance so expensive? ›

The severity and cost of cyberattacks like these, especially where ransomware is involved, have been key drivers of cyber insurance costs.

Does cyber insurance reduce risk? ›

Cyber insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, refers to a contract that enterprises can purchase to reduce the risks associated with conducting online business.

What are the benefits of cyber security insurance? ›

Why is cybersecurity important for the insurance industry? Cybersecurity is paramount for the insurance industry because it deals with vast amounts of sensitive personal and financial data. Ensuring this data is secure not only builds trust with clients but also prevents potential financial losses from data breaches.

What are advantages and disadvantages of cyber security? ›

Cyber security measures can aid in the prevention of cybercrime, the enhancement of data privacy, the promotion of company continuity, and the growth of customer trust. However, establishing strong cybersecurity safeguards can be costly and complicated, and there is always the possibility of human mistakes.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of cybercrime? ›

While cybercrime itself is harmful, the response to it has led to some positive outcomes. These include the advancement of cybersecurity technologies, increased public awareness and education about digital safety, growth in the cybersecurity job market, and stronger laws and regulations for digital security.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cyber ethics? ›

Ethical hacking and Cyber security work hand-in-hand to protect and secure digital assets. Cyber security provides the necessary measures and strategies to protect computer systems, networks, and data, while ethical hacking aids in enhancing security by discovering overall weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system.

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