Key Takeaways from Google's Project Aristotle (2024)

Think about it: you can’t provide a team with psychological safety, make sure that everyone has a clear understanding of how they impact the business’s bottom line, or ensure that employees find their jobs meaningful if the team isn’t communicating effectively.

Transparent and open communication is key when it comes to building a great team.

Employees need to know what their colleagues are working on, how their jobs are interconnected, and how their combined efforts and hard work are driving results. After all, Google didn’t name their project after Aristotle’s famous quote “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” by accident!

As you might imagine, communication skillsare some of the most in-demand soft skills in the workplace.

Indeed, 93% of employers consider that a demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is important in the workplace.

3 Things You Can Do Now to Make Your Teams More Successful

Improving team performance doesn’t come overnight!

You’ll need to rethink the structure of your teams, your internal communication as well as your company values.

It’s most likely that improving the performance of your teams involves organizational change. And let’s be honest, driving change in the workplace is basically like climbing a mountain!

Read on: Change Management: Definition, Best Practices & Examples

However, there are a few changes you can implement already now to boost the performance of your teams.

Let’s take a look at these changes that will help you take your business to the next level:

1. Think of your team as a sports team

The analogy here may sound a bit funny but it’s one of the change management experts’ favorite ones!

Think about it: just like an athletics team or any other sports team, your team needs a clear structure to deliver results. If some of the team members don’t play their role and don’t try their best to support the team, the machine can easily break down!

Let’s imagine for a moment that you’re a coach and your team made it to the Olympic Games relay finals — which is quite a big deal — but your team takes the second place on the podium because runners didn’t understand each other while passing the baton in the last meters of the race.

So many baton pass failures happened because of a lack of communication! Relay races require team members to be connected and well synchronized.

And guess what? The same goes for your team!

Essentially, you’re not just a team manager, you’re a coach! You need to communicate your strategy with your team, motivate your employees, and make sure that everyone is on the same page. That’s the only way you can build a successful team!

2. Use your employees’ preferred communication channels and devices

Team communication is key to success. And you can’t expect your employees to effectively communicate with each other if you don’t implement the right communication channels at your workplace.

By “the right communication channels”, I mean the channels your employees want to use, the ones they feel most comfortable with.

Internal communication experts share their top priorities for 2020

Key Takeaways from Google's Project Aristotle (2024)


What are the key findings from Google's project Aristotle? ›

Psychological Safety: The Key Ingredient

Perhaps the most notable revelation from Project Aristotle was the concept of "psychological safety." This term refers to an environment where team members feel comfortable taking risks, sharing their ideas, and expressing their opinions without fearing retribution or judgment.

What is one very important thing about teams that Google found out from their project Aristotle? ›

Google's Project Aristotle study sought to understand what makes a successful team. After conducting extensive research, they concluded that the most critical factor was psychological safety. In other words, the teams that felt safe to take risks and be vulnerable with each other were the most successful.

What are the two main behaviors that effective teams demonstrate according to the Google study Aristotle? ›

Dependability – “When my teammates say they'll do something, they follow through with it.” Structure and Clarity – “Our team has an effective decision-making process.”

What did project Aristotle reveal? ›

what does project Aristotle study and what did it reveal? the project study's what makes a team effective at google and finds the best teams at Google exhibit a range of soft skills: equality, generosity, curiosity toward the ideas of your teammates, empathy and emotional intelligence.

What is the outcome of project Aristotle? ›

The Project Aristotle researchers found that the right team norms could raise a group's collective intelligence, whereas the wrong norms could harm a team, even if each individual was exceptionally bright.

What are the 5 characteristics of project Aristotle? ›

Five traits of successful teams:
  • Psychological Safety. Team members always need a safe space to work, question, take risks and even make mistakes, without the fear of judgment, feeling incompetent or the greater ramifications. ...
  • Dependability. ...
  • Structure and Clarity. ...
  • Meaning. ...
  • Impact.
Sep 23, 2020

Why was the project called project Aristotle? ›

Google named their project after Aristotle because of his famous quotation: "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts". They began, as Dr Belbin did, by looking at various hypotheses for team success.

What are the key management's behaviors of emotional intelligence that have impacted Google's success? ›

Instead, qualities such as empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication were identified as key factors contributing to managerial success. This finding led Google to place a strong emphasis on emotional intelligence in their hiring and leadership development processes.

What did Google learn about creating effective teams? ›

They embraced other bits of conventional wisdom as well, like ''It's better to put introverts together,'' said Abeer Dubey, a manager in Google's People Analytics division, or ''Teams are more effective when everyone is friends away from work.

What did Google find as the most important aspect to their successful teams? ›

According to the project, psychological safety is the most critical of the five key elements. It allows team members to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of criticism or negative consequences.

What did Google find was the attribute that mattered most in achieving high performance? ›

There were other behaviors that seemed important as well — like making sure teams had clear goals and creating a culture of dependability. But Google's data indicated that psychological safety, more than anything else, was critical to making a team work.

What were Aristotle's 2 main groups? ›

Aristotle developed the first classification system, which divided all known organisms into two groups: Plants and Animals.

What is Google's project Aristotle? ›

Project Aristotle was a project undertaken by Google to understand what makes teams successful. The project aimed to identify patterns and behaviours within teams that led to high performance. Starting in 2012, Google spent two years studying 250 attributes of their 180 teams.

What was the conclusion of project Aristotle? ›

In conclusion, Google's Aristotle Project has identified that team members with higher psychological safety are less likely to leave, are more innovative, bring in more revenue, and are rated as effective twice as often by executives.

What was Google's surprising discovery about effective teams? ›

Over the span of two years, Google studied the attributes of more than 180 of the company's teams. They interviewed more than 200 workers around the globe. What they found was that a team's success didn't depend on who was on it–it depended on how the workers felt as members of the team.

What are the key factors behind Google's success? ›

The most important Google success factors
  • Content that targets users search queries. ...
  • Crawlability. ...
  • Links. ...
  • User intent (and behavior) ...
  • Uniqueness. ...
  • Authority. ...
  • Freshness. ...
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
Mar 11, 2019

What did Google do after these successful behaviours were identified? ›

After taking a second look at its research, Google then "refreshed [its] behaviors according to internal research and Google and [employee] feedback, and put them to the test." This resulted in a new list, identifying two completely new behaviors (Nos. 9 and 10) and updating two others (Nos. 3 and 6).

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.