JSON to KML Converter (2024)

GIS data format management: Fast and accurate conversion, no more format compatibility concerns.

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JSON to KML Converter (3)JSON to KML Converter (4)

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JSON to KML Converter (5)

Notice to JSON: We use JSON name as alias for GeoJSON. It is mean driver works as GeoJSON on reading or writing.

Notice to KML: Data in KML format is stored in WGS 84 SRS. Please only use WGS 84 output SRS if you are converting to KML format.

Gpx Viewer Online Convert GPX to KML Transform Coordinates Geotag Images

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The JSON to KML Format Converter app is a versatile and essential tool that simplifies the process of converting GIS (Geographic Information System) data from one format to another.

Who can benefit from our app

  • GIS professionals who need to quickly and efficiently convert geospatial data.
  • Students studying GIS and related fields requiring data conversion for academic projects.
  • Data enthusiasts interested in exploring and working with geographic information.

Why choose the GIS Converter application

  • Streamlined Data Conversion: Easily convert GIS data from one format to another with a simple and intuitive interface.
  • Full Compatibility: Ensure integration with various GIS software systems and tools.
  • Customization Options: Adjust conversion settings, including SRS and precision, to meet specific project requirements.
  • Comprehensive Solution: Beyond conversion, our app assists with critical data management, spatial alignment, and analysis needs across various industries.
  • Versatility Across Industries: Ideal for transportation and logistics, urban planning and development, environmental and resources management, telecommunications and utilities, disaster management, and public safety.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Make better decisions by integrating and harmonizing information from different GIS formats.
  • Secure Data Processing: Your data is processed securely, and uploaded files are automatically deleted within 24 hours.
  • Accessible Anywhere: The app is accessible via a web browser on various devices and operating systems, ensuring compatibility for a wide range of users.

Industries Benefiting from GIS Data Conversion

Every industry relies on different GIS formats, each serving a specific purpose. For example, one format may be used for optimization, while another is for supply management. Converting GIS data to a standardized format is crucial for optimizing and streamlining operations in various industries.

Our app is a virtual instrument powered by Aspose.GIS. It processed all files using Aspose.APIs, trusted by numerous Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries. Aspose.APIs are invaluable for developers, offering capabilities for reading, writing, and converting the most popular GIS file formats. Additionally, we provide comprehensive documentation, clear code samples, and access to an all-dev support team.

JSON to KML Converter (7)

GIS Conversion

  • Supported Input Format: JSON.
  • ZIP Archive Upload: Easily convert files within a ZIP archive containing JSON.
  • Supported Output Formats: KML.
  • Download Options: Choose to download to your device or save to cloud storage (Dropbox or Google).

JSONJavaScript Object Notation

JSON based format designed to represent the geographical features with their non-spatial attributes. This format defines different JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects and their joining fashion. JSON represents a collective information about the Geographical features, their spatial extents, and properties.

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KMLKeyword Markup Language

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) contains geospatial information in XML notation. KML can be opened in Geographic Information System (GIS) applications provided they support it. Many applications have started providing support for KML format after it has been adopted as international standard.

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JSON to KML Converter (8)

How to convert JSON to KML using GIS Converter app

  • Select Your File: Begin by uploading or dragging and dropping your files into the designated area. Some formats may require multiple files.
  • Optional: Conversion Settings: Customize your settings as needed. Adjust SRS and precision levels for accurate outputs.
  • Initiate Conversion: Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion process.
  • Download the Result: Once the conversion is complete, click the "Download Now" button to retrieve your converted file. Please, note that files will be deleted from our servers after 24 hours and download links will stop working after this time.

JSON to KML Converter (9)


More detailed information can be found by going to JSON to KML

  1. Can I upload and convert a ZIP archive?

    Yes, you can upload and convert the ZIP archive containing JSON files.

  2. Is this app suitable for all users?

    Yes, the intuitive interface makes it accessible for users of all expertise levels.

  3. Is the app available on different platforms and operating systems?

    Yes, the GIS Conversion app is accessible via web browsers on various devices, including macOS, Android, Windows, iOS, and Linux operating systems. This ensures compatibility with a wide range of platforms and devices.

  4. 📁 Is my data secure?

    Yes, your data is processed with complete security, and uploaded files are automatically deleted within 24 hours from our services.

  5. 🛡️ Is an internet connection required to use the app?

    Yes, it requires an internet connection.

  6. 💻 How can I contact customer support?

    You have two options to reach our support team:

    • Free Support: Visit our forum to engage with the community and developer support.
    • Paid Support: Fordedicated assistance, access our 24/7 paid support services.

Other Supported Conversions

You can also convert JSON into many other file formats. Please see the complete list below.

Version: 23.48.1
(Release notes)

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JSON to KML Converter (2024)


How to convert a JSON file to KML? ›

How to convert JSON to KML using GIS Converter app
  1. Select Your File: Begin by uploading or dragging and dropping your files into the designated area. ...
  2. Optional: Conversion Settings: Customize your settings as needed. ...
  3. Initiate Conversion: Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion process.

How do I convert Google takeout to KML? ›

5 Answers. Go to https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout and select only "Location History" with "KML format". Click "Next" and, then, "Create archive". After a while it will let you download a zip file with your (presumably entire) location history in KML format.

What is the KML file format? ›

What is KML? KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. You can create KML files to pinpoint locations, add image overlays, and expose rich data in new ways. KML is an international standard maintained by the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC).

How to convert JSON data into Map? ›

We can use Jackson to convert a JSON to a Map. Here, we're using the readValue() method from the ObjectMapper class to convert the JSON document to a Map. It takes the JSON document as a File object and a TypeReference object as parameters.

How do I import JSON into Google Drive? ›

Create a free account on the service's platform. Use their provided function, such as =IMPORTJSON("URL", "output_cell"), in their platform to import JSON data. Copy the imported data from their platform and paste it into Google Sheets.

What can you convert JSON files to? ›

Convert JSON to CSV using this online tool
  • Upload your JSON file by clicking the blue button (or paste your JSON text / URL into the textbox)
  • (Press the cog button on the right for advanced settings)
  • Download the resulting CSV file when prompted.
  • Open your CSV file in Excel (or Open Office)

How to open a JSON file? ›

Below is a list of tools that can open a JSON file on the Windows platform:
  1. Notepad.
  2. Notepad++
  3. Microsoft Notepad.
  4. Microsoft WordPad.
  5. Mozilla Firefox.
  6. File Viewer Plus.
  7. Altova XMLSpy.

How to convert JSON file to video? ›

Online JSON to video converter
  1. Compose a JSON snippet. The JSON defines a Movie object, with Scenes and Elements. ...
  2. Submit your JSON to the API. Before start rendering you will need to get an API key. ...
  3. Get your video. Wait a few seconds for the video to be generated.
Jun 28, 2022

Is KMZ the same as KML? ›

A KMZ file consists of a main KML file and zero or more supporting files that are packaged using a Zip utility into one unit, called an archive. The KMZ file can then be stored and emailed as a single entity. A NetworkLink can fetch a KMZ file from a web server.

Can I make KML file in Google Maps? ›

Click on the icon near the title and choose "Export to KML/KMZ". Choose then to export the layer of your map without forgetting to check the "Export to a . KML file (for full icon support, use . KMZ)" box.

How to convert JSON file to readable file? ›

You can convert JSON to TXT with MConverter in three easy steps:
  1. Choose JSON files from your device. At the top of this page, drag and drop your JSONs. ...
  2. Click or tap on TXT from the list of target formats. ...
  3. Download your TXT files, after MConverter has finished processing them.

How to convert JSON into Google sheet? ›

Install the ImportJSON add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace. Once installed, use the =IMPORTJSON() function directly in your Google Sheets to import data from a JSON URL or file.

How to convert JSON to Map<string object? ›

In order to convert JSON data into Java Map, we take help of JACKSON library. We add the following dependency in the POM. xml file to work with JACKSON library. Let's implement the logic of converting JSON data into a map using ObjectMapper, File and TypeReference classes.

How to import data from JSON files? ›

To import data from a remote JSON file, use load_from_url(url) procedure that takes one string argument ( url ) and returns a list of JSON objects from the file located at the provided URL. To create a node with the label Person and first_name , last_name and pets as properties from the data. json file.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.