Job Search Tips to Achieve Success - (2024)


Looking for a job can easily become overwhelming.

That is why these job search tips will help you to stay organized and ensure a smooth process while enabling you to keep track of your job applications and increase your chances of landing a job interview.

5 Job search tips to land a job in no time

Create a list of your transferrable skills

Having a list of transferrable skills is one of the best tips that I can give as it will help you to better understand where to focus your job search.

Transferrable skills are a set of skills that can be applied to different job roles, industries or areas in life. You don’t necessarily need to have work experience in a specific field, to be able to get a job. Employers nowadays are looking more at soft skills and potential.

For example, if you are a fresh graduate, with no work experience, however, you are passionate about social media, you know how to create engaging content and have managed to acquire a big following on your social media channels, this is something valuable to most companies.

At the same time, a list of transferrable skills will allow you to expand your job search, in case you are considering a career change.

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Create an ideal job profile

An ideal job profile is necessary, especially if you are unemployed. While there are plenty of job search tips out there, this is an important one as you don’t want to send applications everywhere and end up in a company where you won’t be happy.

If you don’t know where to start, LinkedIn can provide you with tons of information.

A simple search of the job title you are hunting will present you with the option to look for people holding this title, enabling you to find companies, or the option to look directly for jobs.

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Searching for people who hold this position will help you find companies that might not have been on your radar, however, this does not guarantee that they all have job openings and besides it’s more time-consuming.

The second option, searching for job openings, will directly show you a list of companies that are currently recruiting. You only need to select the area or city you are targeting in order to get all the options.

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Make sure you research all possible job titles in order to increase your chances of finding a suitable job.

For example in my search, I have used Digital Marketing Manager. Asides from this title I could have searched any of the following: Digital Marketing Specialist, Digital Marketing Consultant, Marketing Manager, Brand Manager, Product Manager, etc.

Once you have shortlisted a number of companies, make sure to check all their job openings in your area and see which one fits you best.

On top of this, you will want to check their website and other social media channels, in order to make sure that their company culture fits your personality.

Send your job application

Before pressing send, make sure you carefully read the job description and you fit at least 80% of the job requirements.

At the same time, although many companies post their job openings on LinkedIn, they give instructions in the job description to send your application, including a cover letter or portfolio to an email address.

If they require that, make sure you comply.

Keep track of yourjob applications

To better structure your job search, it’s best if you keeptrack of your job applications.

This will allow you to see exactly how many applications you are sending per day and when is it time to follow up, in case you haven’t heard from them.

Take a break

This is one of the best job search tips I can offer.

Don’t forget to take a break and live your life while you are job searching. Being rested and positive is crucial to finding a new job.

Below is a professional resume template that you can purchase in order to create a modern-looking resume that will surely land you a job interview.It includes 1, 2 and 3 pages templates, along with a cover letter template.

Besides it is fully customizable in terms of colors, fonts, and sizes and has detailed instructions on how to write your resume.It is ATS compliant and written by a professional resume writer.

With your purchase, you will also get a 50+ page “Guide to Landing the Job” bonus.

Click on the image below to check it out.

Job Search Tips to Achieve Success - (4)

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.