Is Virtual Memory Low? Here Is How to Increase Virtual Memory! (2024)

By Vera | Follow |Last Updated

Is Virtual Memory Low? Here Is How to Increase Virtual Memory! (1)

What is virtual memory? What if it is low? How to increase virtual memory Windows 10? How much virtual memory should you set? Now, after reading this post from MiniTool, you will know much information. Just follow the method below to fix low virtual memory.

Virtual Memory Low

Virtual memory refers to a memory management technique that is in conjunction with the hardware in an operating system. All programs use RAM. However, Windows will move data stored in the RAM to a file on a hard disk – paging file so as to provide additional space for high-speed memory functions when the RAM for the program you are running isn’t enough.

Since the page file can work as a secondary RAM, it is also referred to as virtual memory most of the time.

If the RAM is more, your program will run faster. However, the computer performance will be impacted if it is low with an error message “Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied”.

In this case, you attempt to increase virtual memory to solve this issue. Here is how to do this work in Windows 10.

How to Increase Virtual Memory Windows 10

The operation is simple by following the step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Bring up the System page via one of the methods below:

  1. Directly press the Windows key and the Pause key on your keyboard.
  2. Or go to Control Panel > System and Security > System.

Step 2: Click Advanced system settings from the left panel.

Step 3: Under the Advanced tab, click Settings in the Performance section to open the Performance Options page.

Is Virtual Memory Low? Here Is How to Increase Virtual Memory! (3)

Step 3: Go to the Advanced tab, click the Change button in the Virtual memory section.

Is Virtual Memory Low? Here Is How to Increase Virtual Memory! (4)

Step 4: In the pop-up window, the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives option is selected by default. Just uncheck the box and choose a drive you want to edit the paging file size for. Generally, the C drive is selected in most cases.

Step 5: Click Custom size, type the initial size and maximum size of the paging file in megabytes (MB) depending on the physical memory in your PC.

Is Virtual Memory Low? Here Is How to Increase Virtual Memory! (5)

When reading here, you may ask “how much virtual memory should I set”. In the above picture, you can see the recommended virtual memory for your Windows 10.

Actually, Windows sets the initial paging file size of virtual memory equal to the amount of the installed RAM on your computer. Microsoft recommends that you set it to be a minimum of 1.5 times and a maximum of 3 times of the physical RAM.

If your computer has 4GB RAM, the minimum paging file should be 1024x4x1.5=6,144MB and the maximum is 1024x4x3=12,288MB. Here 12GB for a paging file is enormous, so we won’t recommend the upper limit since the system may be unstable if the paging file increases over a certain size.

Step 5: Click Set and OK. Now, you successfully increase virtual memory in Windows 10.

Tip: Additionally, you can consider upgrading your RAM to fix the virtual memory low issue. This can increase the amount of the overall memory that is available to the operating system.

About The Author

Is Virtual Memory Low? Here Is How to Increase Virtual Memory! (6)

Position: Columnist

Vera is an editor of the MiniTool Team since 2016 who has more than 5 years’ writing experiences in the field of technical articles. Her articles mainly focus on disk & partition management, PC data recovery, video conversion, as well as PC backup & restore, helping users to solve some errors and issues when using their computers. In her spare times, she likes shopping, playing games and reading some articles.

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Is Virtual Memory Low? Here Is How to Increase Virtual Memory! (2024)


How do you increase virtual memory? ›

The virtual memory is increased by accessing the system settings and then adjusting the virtual memory setting.
  1. Access the System Properties settings. Go to Start > Run. Type sysdm. cpl and click OK. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab. ...
  2. Adjust the virtual memory setting.
Jan 13, 2023

What to do when virtual memory is low? ›

You can increase your virtual memory by using the Task Manager to find and quit all memory-intensive programs. You can also delete unnecessary files using Disk Cleanup. Or you can manually set the paging file size from Control Panel.

Does virtual memory increase memory? ›

Virtual memory frees up RAM by swapping data that has not been used recently over to a storage device, such as a hard drive or solid-state drive (SSD). Virtual memory is important for improving system performance, multitasking and using large programs.

Why is my virtual memory low? ›

Low virtual memory indicates that not only the RAM available for your system hit its cap, but that reserved hard disk space used to free up RAM has also maxed out. This can occur during multi-tasking (running several programs at once) or if a single program or command requires a large amount of RAM.

How to increase memory on computer? ›

How to free up RAM on Windows 10
  1. Monitor RAM usage with Task Manager. Thanks to Windows' Task Manager, locating the origin of RAM depletion doesn't have to be a guessing game. ...
  2. Uninstall unused programs. ...
  3. Cut down your background apps. ...
  4. Wipe Page File before restarting. ...
  5. Exchange visuals for performance.
Jun 14, 2023

How do I increase virtual video memory? ›

Find the “Advanced features” menu in your BIOS. Look for your graphics settings (the option may be called “Graphics Settings,” “VGA Share Memory Size,” “Video Settings,” or something similar). Choose the amount of space you want to allocate to your VRAM.

How do you fix memory problems? ›

Memory loss: 7 tips to improve your memory
  1. Be physically active every day. Physical activity raises blood flow to the whole body, including the brain. ...
  2. Stay mentally active. ...
  3. Spend time with others. ...
  4. Stay organized. ...
  5. Sleep well. ...
  6. Eat a healthy diet. ...
  7. Manage chronic health problems.

How much virtual memory should 8gb RAM have? ›

As a rule of thumb, the paging file should be a minimum of 1.5 times the size of your installed RAM, and a maximum of 3 times your RAM size. For example, if you have 8 GB RAM, your minumum would be 1024 x 8 x 1.5 = 12,288 MB, and your maximum would be 1024 x 8 x 3 = 24,576 MB.

Does virtual memory have a limit? ›

The addresses in the kernel space are reserved for system processes, and only the user space addresses are accessible for applications. Therefore, each application has a virtual memory limit of 2 GB, regardless of physical RAM. No process can ever address more than 2 GB of virtual address space by default.

Why is increasing RAM better than virtual memory? ›

If your computer is running slowly due to a lack of RAM, you might be tempted to increase virtual memory because it is less expensive. However, adding RAM is a better solution because your processor can read data from RAM faster than from a hard drive.

Why is virtual memory a problem? ›

Using virtual memory makes a computer run slower, as the processor has to wait while data is swapped between hard disk and RAM. As secondary storage devices have slower access times than RAM, the computer's processing performance can be severely impaired.

What are virtual memory settings? ›

And How to Change Virtual Memory Settings. Virtual memory (also known as a page file) is essentially a block of space on your hard drive or solid state drive allocated by the OS to pretend to be RAM when your physical RAM runs short for actively running programs.

Does increasing virtual memory improve game performance? ›

If you have 4GB or less RAM and also have a decent SSD, then yes, increasing your page file to 8-16GB will offer a naticable improvment in loading, alt-tabbing, and general multi-tasking, gaming or not.

What should I set my virtual memory to for 32gb RAM? ›

You can change this to match the maximum size, or you can increase both beyond the maximum size. Microsoft recommends that you set virtual memory to be no less than 1.5 times and no more than 3 times the amount of RAM on your computer.

What is the virtual memory for 8GB RAM? ›

As a rule of thumb, the paging file should be a minimum of 1.5 times the size of your installed RAM, and a maximum of 3 times your RAM size. For example, if you have 8 GB RAM, your minumum would be 1024 x 8 x 1.5 = 12,288 MB, and your maximum would be 1024 x 8 x 3 = 24,576 MB.

What should be the virtual memory size for 16gb RAM? ›

Some extra virtual memory can allow bloated portions of the OS to stay on disk largely unused,however virtual memory more than 2x that of main memory is a waste if disk space. So for16 GB, no more than 32 GB.

What is the recommended virtual memory size for 4GB RAM? ›

The Page File should be approximately 1.5 - 2 times the size of your total system memory (RAM). A computer with 4GB of RAM will need a Page File a minimum of 6GB (6144 MB) and a maximum of 8GB (8192MB).

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