Invest and Trade with Best Online Stock Broking Firm (2024)


Use Arihant’s margin calculator to see exactly how much margin money is required to trade in your choice of securities. The Margin Calculator breaks down each and every type of margin required (exposure, VaR, span, and net premium).

Securities under Ban


Daily Equity FO Margin Report

Combined margin requirements

Exposure Margin 0

Value at Risk Margin (VaR) 0

Total Premium 0

Span 0

Spread benefit 0

Total Amount Required 0

Exchange Contract Product Strike Qty Var Premium Span Exposure Total Remove
No Data Found..!

Please note: The new SEBI circular mandates brokers to collect the complete SPAN + Exposure margin to carry forward Futures and Options positions to the next day. Make sure to have sufficient margins to avoid margin penalty and square off of open positions from today.

Welcome to Arihant Capital's Margin Calculator, a powerful tool designed to empower investors with insights into their potential returns and risks. Margin trading involves borrowing funds to amplify your market exposure, and our Margin Calculator is here to demystify the complexities, ensuring you make informed decisions tailored to your financial goals.

What is Margin calculator?

The Margin Calculator is a dynamic financial tool that enables traders to precisely determine the amount of margin required for a specific security. It breaks down various margin types, such as exposure, Var, Span, and total premium, providing a transparent and detailed overview of the financial obligations associated with a trade. This calculator streamlines the margin calculation process by allowing users to input key details like instrument type, expiry, strike price, option type, and lot (in the case of F&O), empowering them to make informed decisions in their trading endeavors.

Understanding Margin Trading

Margin trading allows you to potentially magnify your profits by borrowing funds to invest beyond your existing capital. While it offers opportunities for higher returns, it comes with increased risk. Understanding the intricacies of margin trading is crucial, and our Margin Calculator serves as your guide through this financial landscape.

How Does the Margin Calculator Work?

Arihant's Margin Calculator factors in essential variables such as the borrowed amount, interest rate, and investment period to provide a clear projection of potential gains and losses. It considers market dynamics and helps you gauge the impact of leveraging on your overall portfolio. This enables you to make well-informed decisions that align with your risk tolerance and financial objectives.

Key Features and Benefits

Precision in Projection: Our Margin Calculator employs advanced algorithms to offer accurate projections of potential returns and risks.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, the calculator ensures a seamless user experience, making complex calculations accessible to all.

Real-Time Market Data: Integrating real-time market data, the calculator provides up-to-date insights, enabling you to adapt your strategy to changing market conditions.

How to Use Arihant's Margin Calculator

Begin by reviewing securities currently under a BAN. Next, choose the security category—equity, FnO, or CDS (currency)—for which you want to calculate the margin.

Once you've made your selection, input the necessary details for margin calculation. These details include the instrument, expiry, strike price, option type, and lot (in the case of F&O). Additionally, specify whether it's a BUY or SELL transaction.

Click the ADD button after entering all the required details. Below, a detailed report will unfold, providing a breakdown of different margin types. This clear and straightforward process ensures that you have a transparent view of your margin requirements, empowering you to make well-informed decisions in your trading journey.

Managing Risks in Margin Trading

While margin trading can enhance returns, it also introduces additional risks. Arihant's Margin Calculator emphasizes risk management by illustrating the potential downsides of leveraging. Understanding these risks is crucial for maintaining financial stability and making informed choices that align with your risk appetite.

Choosing Arihant's Margin Calculator: A Wise Decision

Selecting Arihant's Margin Calculator means choosing a tool that prioritizes accuracy, user-friendliness, and real-time market insights. Our commitment to empowering investors extends to providing a reliable platform that aids in navigating the intricacies of margin trading, ensuring your financial journey is characterized by knowledge and prudence.


Q : Is the Margin Calculator specific to certain asset classes?

No, Arihant's Margin Calculator is versatile and can be used across various asset classes, including stocks, commodities, and currencies.

Q : Can the Margin Calculator account for changing interest rates?

Yes, the calculator integrates real-time market data, allowing it to adapt projections based on current interest rates.

Q : How frequently should I use the Margin Calculator?

It's advisable to use the calculator regularly, especially when considering new margin trades or when market conditions undergo significant changes.

Q : Does the calculator consider potential slippage in the market?

Yes, the Margin Calculator factors in potential slippage, providing a more comprehensive projection of potential outcomes.

Q :Can I use the calculator for both short and long positions?

Absolutely, Arihant's Margin Calculator is designed to accommodate both short and long positions, offering flexibility in your trading strategy.

Q :Is the Margin Calculator accessible on mobile devices?

Yes, our Margin Calculator is optimized for mobile use, ensuring you can make informed decisions on the go.

All FAQ's

Invest and Trade with Best Online Stock Broking Firm (2024)
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