If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (2024)

Learn how to cancel a subscription from Apple or a subscription that you purchased with an app from the App Store.

Cancel a subscription from Apple

Cancel a subscription

If you can't find the subscription that you want to cancel

How to cancel a subscription on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Vision Pro

  1. Open the Settings app.

  2. Tap your name.

  3. Tap Subscriptions.

    If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (1)
  4. Tap the subscription.

  5. Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription is already canceled.

If you can't find the subscription that you want to cancel

Cancel a subscription on your Mac

  1. Open the App Store app.

  2. Click your name. If you can't find your name, click Sign In.

  3. Click Account Settings.

  4. Scroll to Subscriptions, then click Manage.

    If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (2)
  5. Next to the subscription, click Edit.

  6. Click Cancel Subscription. If there is no Cancel or Cancel Subscription button, the subscription is already canceled.

If you can't find the subscription that you want to cancel

Cancel a subscription on your Windows PC

You can cancel Apple Music on the web, and cancel Apple TV+ on the web. To cancel any subscription billed by Apple, use the Apple Music app or Apple TV app for Windows.

Use the Apple Music app or Apple TV app for Windows

  1. On your Windows PC, Open the Apple Music app or Apple TV app. Learn how to get Apple's apps for Windows.

  2. Click your name at the bottom of the sidebar, then choose View My Account. You might need to sign in with your Apple ID.

    If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (3)
  3. Scroll to the Settings section. Next to Subscriptions, click Manage.

    If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (4)
  4. Find the subscription that you want to cancel, then click Edit.

  5. Click Cancel Subscription. If there is no Cancel or Cancel Subscription button, the subscription is already cancelled.

If you have an older version of iTunes for Windows

  1. On your Windows PC, open iTunes.

  2. From the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window, choose Account, then choose View My Account.

  3. Scroll to the Settings section. Next to Subscriptions, click Manage.

    If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (5)
  4. Find the subscription that you want to cancel, then click Edit.

  5. Click Cancel Subscription. If there is no Cancel or Cancel Subscription button, the subscription is already canceled.

If you can't find the subscription that you want to cancel

Subscriptions on your Android device

You can cancel Apple Music on the web, and cancel Apple TV+ on the web. To cancel other subscriptions billed by Apple, use a Windows PC or Apple device.

Can’t find the subscription that you want to cancel?

You can cancel iCloud+ in your iCloud storage settings.

If you aren't trying to cancel iCloud+, find your receipt:

  1. Search your email for the words "receipt from Apple" or "invoice from Apple".

  2. On the receipt for the subscription, check which Apple ID was used.

If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (6)

  • If a family member's Apple ID appears on the receipt, ask that family member to use the steps in this article to cancel the subscription. You can’t cancel a family member's subscription.

  • If another Apple ID that you use appears on the receipt, sign in with that Apple ID and use the steps in this article to cancel the subscription.

  • If you can't find a receipt from Apple for the subscription, you might have bought the subscription from another company. To find out which company bills you, check your bank or credit card statement. To cancel the subscription, you must contact the company that bills you for the subscription.

Contact Apple Support

More about canceling subscriptions

Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsem*nt. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.

Published Date:

If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support (2024)


If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support? ›

Go to Settings > [your name] > Subscriptions. Tap a subscription, then tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel All Services.

How to cancel an Apple subscription and get a refund? ›

Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple
  1. Sign in to reportaproblem.apple.com.
  2. Tap or click "I'd like to," then choose "Request a refund."
  3. Choose the reason why you want a refund, then choose Next.
  4. Choose the app, subscription, or other item, then choose Submit.
Mar 7, 2024

How to cancel an app subscription on Apple? ›

Go to Settings > [your name] > Subscriptions. Tap a subscription, then tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel All Services.

How do I cancel my subscription? ›

To cancel an unused prepaid subscription plan:
  1. On your Android device, go to subscriptions on Google Play.
  2. Select the subscription or prepaid plan you want to cancel.
  3. Tap Cancel subscription.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

How do I stop Apple from charging my card? ›

Access your Apple/iCloud account by selecting your profile at the top of the page. Select "Subscriptions"Under "Active", select the subscription you would like to cancel. Select "Cancel Subscription" at the bottom of the page. Finalize the cancellation by selecting "Confirm"

Does Apple refund Cancelled subscriptions? ›

You can request a refund for canceled Apple subscriptions using your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or PC by taking these steps: Visit Apple's Report a Problem webpage via any web browser and sign in. Click or tap I'd like to. Select Request a refund.

When you cancel a subscription, do you get money back? ›

Typically, when you cancel a subscription, you're not issued a refund automatically. You may receive it if you're eligible and apply for it first. Your eligibility for a refund depends on the company's policy and several other factors, such as when you've canceled and the reason for canceling.

Why can't I cancel a subscription on my iPhone? ›

The only subscriptions you can cancel on your Apple devices are those that you signed up for through the App Store using your Apple ID. If you're unable to cancel your subscription via your iPhone, iPad or Mac, you will likely need to cancel through the company's website, app, or customer service phone line.

Can I contact Apple support by phone? ›

How do I contact Apple support? ›

Contact Apple Support
  1. U.S. technical support: (800) APL–CARE (800–275–2273)
  2. See all worldwide support telephone numbers.
  3. Contact a mobile carrier.
  4. Make a reservation at an Apple Retail Store Genius Bar.
  5. Beats support: (800) 442–4000 (U.S.) or see all worldwide support telephone numbers.

What to do if a subscription service won t let you cancel? ›

Watch your bank or credit card statements.

If a company won't stop charging your account after you've tried to cancel a subscription, file a dispute (also called a “chargeback”) with your credit or debit card. Online: Log onto your credit or debit card online account and go through the dispute process.

Where is the cancel subscription button? ›

On your Android device, go to subscriptions in Google Play. Select the subscription you want to cancel. Tap Cancel subscription. Follow the instructions.

Why can't I remove payment method from Apple ID? ›

If you have an unpaid balance, you might not be able to remove a payment method. Instead, change your payment method. If you still can't remove a payment method, contact Apple Support.

How do I stop automatic payments? ›

You can contact your bank and place a stop payment order on the recurring transaction. Generally, a stop payment order is only good for six months. To stop payment, you will need to notify your bank at least three business days before the next payment is scheduled to be made. Notice may be made orally or in writing.

How long does it take Apple to refund a cancelled subscription? ›

Store credit—It might take up to 48 hours to see the refund in your Apple ID balance. Mobile phone billing—It might take up to 60 days for the statement to show the refund. Processing time might be affected by your carrier. You can contact your carrier for an update.

How do I call Apple to dispute a charge? ›

Please call 1-800-MY-APPLE and speak to an Apple Specialist for more information.

How do you cancel all subscriptions on your debit card? ›

One solution is to send letters revoking your authorization to the subscription company and your bank. Some banks offer ready-made online forms to help you do so. Another way is to give your bank a stop payment order in person, over the phone, or in writing.

How long does it take for Apple to refund a subscription? ›

Apple takes around 3 to 5 business days to process the refund, however after that your Bank or credit card institution can take up to 30 days to apply it to your bank account or credit card. Contact Your Bank or credit card issuer to inquire about the status of the refund once it's been approved by Apple.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.