If you are stopped by police (2024)

We rely on the police to keep us safe and treat us all fairly, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin or religion. Separate rules apply at checkpoints and when entering the U.S. (including at airports).

  • You have the right to remain silent. If you wish to exercise that right, say so out loud.
  • You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home.
  • If you are not under arrest,you have the right to calmly leave.
  • You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. Ask for one immediately.
  • Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights.
  • Do stay calm and be polite.
  • Do not interfere with or obstruct the police.
  • Do not lie or give false documents.
  • Do prepare yourself and your family in case you are arrested.
  • Do remember the details of the encounter.
  • Do file a written complaint or call your local ACLU if you feel your rights have been violated.
  • Stay calm. Don’t run. Don’t argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands where police can see them.
  • Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why.
  • You have the right to remain silent and cannot be punished for refusing to answer questions. If you wish to remain silent, tell the officer out loud. In some states, you must give your name if asked to identify yourself.
  • You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings, but police may “pat down” your clothing if they suspect a weapon. You should not physically resist, but you have the right to refuse consent for any further search. If you do consent, it can affect you later in court.
  • Stop the car in a safe place as quickly as possible. Turn off the car, turn on the internal light, open the window part way and placeyour hands on the wheel.
  • Upon request, show police your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance.
  • If an officer or immigration agent asks to look inside your car, you can refuse to consent to the search. But if police believe your car contains evidence of a crime, your car can be searched without your consent.
  • Both drivers and passengers have the right to remain silent. If you are a passenger, you can ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, sit silently or calmly leave. Even if the officer says no, you have the right to remain silent.

You have the right to remain silent and do not have to discuss your immigration or citizenship status with police, immigration agents or any other officials. You do not have to answer questions about where you were born, whether you are a U.S. citizen, or how you entered the country. (Separate rules apply at international borders and airports, and for individuals on certain nonimmigrant visas, including tourists and business travelers.)If you are not a U.S. citizen and an immigration agent requests your immigration papers, you must show them if you have them with you. If you are over 18, carry your immigration documents with you at all times. If you do not have immigration papers, say you want to remain silent.Do not lie about your citizenship status or provide fakedocuments.

If you are stopped by police (2024)


What is the first thing you should do if you are stopped by a police officer? ›

Activate your turn signal and pull off or to the side of the roadway as soon as it is safe to do so. Turn off the engine and any audio devices. Stay in your vehicle unless directed by the officer to exit. Turn on your interior lights if you are pulled over at night to assist with visibility.

Why do cops ask if you know why they stopped you? ›

"It's kind of that power dynamic that I think scares some people," said Omeed Berenjian. He's a criminal defense attorney and partner with BK Law Group. "I think the most common reason is the officer wants you to admit guilt to some extent."

Do I have to answer questions the police ask me? ›

In general, you do not have to talk to law enforcement officers (or anyone else), even if you do not feel free to walk away from the officer, you are arrested, or you are in jail. You cannot be punished for refusing to answer a question. It is a good idea to talk to a lawyer before agreeing to answer questions.

Do you have to answer police questions on the street? ›

You generally do not have to answer a police officer's questions if they stop you on the street. Unless the police officer threatens legal consequences, you generally have the right not to answer or to walk away. Most jurisdictions, however, require an individual to give their legal name if requested.

What are two things you should do when you are stopped by the police? ›

Turn off the car, turn on the internal light, open the window part way, and place your hands on the wheel. If you're in the passenger seat, put your hands on the dashboard. Upon request, show police your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance.

Can you tell police officer shut up? ›

Legality. Freedom of speech is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, so non-threatening verbal abuse of a police officer is not in itself criminal behavior, though some courts have disagreed on what constitutes protected speech in this regard.

What things do cops not want you to know? ›

Rights Police Don't Want You to Know
  • Right to Remain Silent – The Power of Silence. ...
  • Consensual Searches – Knowing When to Say No. ...
  • Right to Record – Documenting Encounters. ...
  • Miranda Rights – The Importance of Proper Notification. ...
  • Right to Legal Representation – Invoke Your Attorney.
Jan 17, 2024

Why do cops ask where you are headed? ›

When a police officer asks where you are coming from, they are looking for evidence to support the possibility that you have or are committing a crime or whether or not you are a threat to public safety. This creates a baseline that they will later write down in a police report.

When a cop asks how fast you were going? ›

Keep your answers brief.

If asked, “Do you know how fast you were going?” say “Yes.” Answering “No” will to imply to the officer that you are being negligent by not being aware of your speed/ the speed limit.

Can you say whatever you want to a cop? ›

Do not tell the police anything except your name. Anything else you say can and will be used against you.

How to tell if you're being set up by police? ›

One of the first signs that you may be under criminal investigation is experiencing unusual or unexpected contact with law enforcement. This could include being pulled over for minor traffic violations more frequently than usual or receiving unsolicited visits from police officers at your residence or workplace.

Can police tell you who reported you? ›

Unfortunately , there is no guaranteed way to find out who reported you to the police . In most cases , the identity of the person who reported a crime or suspicious activity is kept confidential to protect their safety .

Can you refuse to answer questions during a police interrogation? ›

If you have been brought into police custody for questioning, you do not have to answer the questions posed by officers.

What is an illegal interrogation? ›

The Interrogation Process

Unfortunately, many of these deceptive tactics are perfectly legal. However, the police cannot use the following methods to obtain information from criminal suspects: Threats. Physical torture. Psychological torture.

What if you refuse to answer a question in court? ›

If you avoid this, you could be held in contempt and face incarceration, fines, or fees. To ensure your rights and interests is in good hands throughout a court proceeding, you may want to reach out to a lawyer who has experience in the courtroom.

What is the first thing you should do if you are stopped by a police officer quizlet? ›

What do you do when you are stopped by a law enforcement officer? Pull over to the RIGHT SIDE of the road. Be sure to activate your turn signal or emergency flashers to indicate to the officer you are trying to find a safe place to stop. Remain inside the vehicle and make sure both hands are visible.

What is the first thing a police officer should do? ›

The first officer to arrive at the scene should secure the scene by making sure that everyone in the area is safe and isolate the area to preserve evidence. This may include arresting suspects and obtaining medical assistance. Crime scene tape, like that shown below, is often used to help secure the scene.

When you are stopped by a law enforcement officer, which of the following actions would not be appropriate? ›

If you are stopped for questioning, DON'T...

DON'T run away or physically resist a “pat-down” or search. Say “I do not consent to a search.” DON'T lie. Tell the police you don't want to talk to them.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.