How to withdraw money from Kucoin to bank account (2024)

KuCoin is a popular cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to buy, sell, and trade various digital assets. While many people use KuCoin for trading purposes, some may also want to withdraw their funds to their personal bank accounts. This process can seem daunting, especially for beginners, but it's actually quite straightforward if you follow the proper steps. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the entire process of withdrawing money from KuCoin to your bank account, covering everything from setting up your bank account on KuCoin to troubleshooting common issues.

Setting up a Bank Account on KuCoin

Verifying Your Identity

To withdraw funds from KuCoin to your bank account, you must first verify your identity on the platform. This is a standard requirement for most cryptocurrency exchanges as it helps prevent fraud and comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. The verification process typically involves submitting a government-issued ID, such as a passport or driver's license, and providing additional personal information.

Linking Your Bank Account

Once your identity is verified, you can proceed to link your bank account to your KuCoin account. This process varies depending on your country and bank, but generally, you'll need to provide your bank account details, such as the account number and routing number (for US-based accounts).

KuCoin may also require you to upload additional documentation, such as a bank statement or a utility bill, to confirm your address and ownership of the bank account.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

To enhance the security of your account, KuCoin strongly recommends enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a one-time code in addition to your password when logging in or making withdrawals. You can set up 2FA using an authenticator app like Google Authenticator or by receiving codes via SMS.

Verifying Your Bank Account on KuCoin

The Verification Process

After providing your bank account details, KuCoin will initiate a verification process to ensure the account belongs to you. This typically involves making a small deposit (often less than $1) to your bank account, and you'll need to confirm the exact amount deposited on the KuCoin platform.

Importance of Accurate Information

It's crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date information during the verification process. Any discrepancies or errors in the bank account details could delay or even prevent the successful withdrawal of your funds.

Verification Time

The verification process can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on your bank and the volume of requests KuCoin is processing. Be patient and ensure that you've provided all the necessary information correctly.

Withdrawing Funds from KuCoin to Your Bank Account

Initiating a Withdrawal

Once your bank account is successfully verified, you can initiate a withdrawal from your KuCoin account to your bank account. Navigate to the "Withdrawal" section on the KuCoin platform, select your desired cryptocurrency (if you want to withdraw fiat currency, you'll need to sell your crypto holdings first), enter the withdrawal amount, and confirm your bank account details.

Withdrawal Fees

KuCoin charges a withdrawal fee for each transaction, which varies depending on the cryptocurrency being withdrawn. These fees are typically displayed during the withdrawal process, and it's essential to factor them into your calculations to avoid any surprises.

Withdrawal Limits

Most cryptocurrency exchanges, including KuCoin, have daily, weekly, and monthly withdrawal limits in place to prevent fraud and protect user accounts. These limits may vary based on your account verification level and trading activity. Be sure to check KuCoin's withdrawal limits before initiating a large withdrawal.

Understanding Withdrawal Fees on KuCoin

Flat Fees vs. Percentage Fees

KuCoin charges withdrawal fees in two different ways: flat fees and percentage fees. Flat fees are a fixed amount charged per withdrawal, regardless of the withdrawal amount. Percentage fees, on the other hand, are calculated based on the total value of the withdrawal.

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Typical Withdrawal Fees

The withdrawal fees on KuCoin vary depending on the cryptocurrency being withdrawn. For example, the withdrawal fee for Bitcoin (BTC) is currently a flat fee of 0.0005 BTC, while the fee for Ethereum (ETH) is a percentage fee of 0.01 ETH. It's essential to check the specific fees for your chosen cryptocurrency before initiating a withdrawal.

Minimizing Withdrawal Fees

To minimize withdrawal fees, you can consider consolidating multiple smaller withdrawals into a single larger withdrawal. This way, you'll only pay the flat fee once, rather than multiple times for smaller withdrawals.

Processing Time for Withdrawing Money from KuCoin

Standard Processing Time

The processing time for withdrawals on KuCoin can vary depending on several factors, such as the cryptocurrency being withdrawn, the withdrawal method, and the volume of withdrawal requests. Generally, KuCoin aims to process withdrawals within 1-2 hours for most cryptocurrencies.

Factors Affecting Processing Time

Several factors can affect the processing time for withdrawals, including:

  1. Network congestion: If the blockchain network for the cryptocurrency you're withdrawing is experiencing high traffic or congestion, it may take longer for your transaction to be processed and confirmed.

  1. Bank holidays and weekends: Withdrawals to bank accounts may experience delays during bank holidays and weekends, as banks may have limited staff or operations during these times.

  1. Account verification status: If your account is not fully verified or if there are any pending issues with your verification documents, your withdrawal may be delayed for additional review.

Tracking Your Withdrawal

You can track the status of your withdrawal on the KuCoin platform or by checking your transaction history. KuCoin also provides a transaction ID (TXID) for each withdrawal, which you can use to track the progress of your transaction on a blockchain explorer.

Minimum and Maximum Withdrawal Limits on KuCoin

Minimum Withdrawal Amounts

KuCoin typically has minimum withdrawal amounts in place for each cryptocurrency. These minimums are designed to prevent excessive network fees for small transactions and ensure efficient processing. The minimum withdrawal amounts vary depending on the cryptocurrency, but they are generally low enough to accommodate most users' needs.

Maximum Withdrawal Limits

In addition to minimum withdrawal amounts, KuCoin also imposes maximum withdrawal limits to protect user accounts from potential security breaches or unauthorized access. These limits are usually based on your account verification level, trading activity, and other factors.

Increasing Withdrawal Limits

If you find that the default withdrawal limits on KuCoin are too low for your needs, you may be able to request an increase by contacting KuCoin's customer support. However, this process typically involves additional verification steps and may require you to provide more documentation to confirm your identity and the source of your funds.

Ensuring Security When Withdrawing Money from KuCoin

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

As mentioned earlier, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) is crucial for enhancing the security of your KuCoin account. This extra layer of protection helps prevent unauthorized access and adds an additional step to the withdrawal process, reducing the risk of unauthorized withdrawals.

Checking Withdrawal Addresses

Before initiating a withdrawal, always double-check the withdrawal address to ensure that you're sending your funds to the correct destination. Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, so sending funds to the wrong address could result in permanent loss of your assets.

Keeping Your Account Secure

In addition to enabling 2FA and verifying withdrawal addresses, it's essential to follow basic security practices to keep your KuCoin account secure. This includes using a strong and unique password, enabling additional security features like IP whitelisting, and being vigilant against phishing attempts or other scams.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Withdrawals on KuCoin

Delayed or Stuck Withdrawals

If your withdrawal seems to be taking longer than expected or appears to be stuck, the first step is to check the transaction status on the KuCoin platform or a blockchain explorer. If the transaction is still pending, you may need to wait a little longer for it to be processed.

However, if the withdrawal has been stuck for an extended period, you can contact KuCoin's customer support for assistance. They may be able to provide more information or help resolve any issues that are causing the delay.

Incorrect or Missing Information

Sometimes, withdrawals can be delayed or denied due to incorrect or missing information in your account. This could include outdated bank account details, incomplete verification documents, or discrepancies in your personal information.

If you suspect that this is the case, you should double-check all the information in your KuCoin account and update any incorrect or missing details. You may also need to resubmit your verification documents or go through the verification process again.

Exceeded Withdrawal Limits

If you've exceeded the daily, weekly, or monthly withdrawal limits on KuCoin, your withdrawal request may be denied or delayed. In such cases, you can either wait until the limit resets or contact KuCoin's customer support to request an increase in your withdrawal limits. Be prepared to provide additional information or documentation to support your request.

Using Alternative Withdrawal Methods on KuCoin

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Trading

One alternative withdrawal method on KuCoin is through peer-to-peer (P2P) trading. This feature allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other using various payment methods, including bank transfers, PayPal, and more. By engaging in P2P trading, you can convert your cryptocurrency holdings into fiat currency and withdraw them to your bank account.

Crypto-to-Crypto Trading

Another option for withdrawing funds from KuCoin is to engage in crypto-to-crypto trading. Instead of converting your cryptocurrencies directly to fiat currency, you can trade them for other digital assets available on the platform. Once you've exchanged your desired cryptocurrencies, you can transfer them to another exchange or wallet for further liquidity or investment purposes.

OTC Trading Desk

For high-volume traders or institutional investors, KuCoin offers an over-the-counter (OTC) trading desk service. This service provides personalized trading solutions for large trades that may not be easily executed on the regular exchange. By utilizing the OTC trading desk, you can efficiently liquidate your assets and withdraw substantial amounts of funds securely.

Best Practices for Withdrawing Money from KuCoin

Plan Ahead

To avoid any last-minute issues or delays with your withdrawals, it's essential to plan ahead. Consider factors like processing times, withdrawal fees, and verification requirements before initiating a withdrawal. By planning your withdrawals in advance, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Double-Check Details

Before finalizing any withdrawal transaction, double-check all the details, including the withdrawal amount, destination address, and any additional notes or memos required. Verifying this information can help prevent costly mistakes or irreversible errors when transferring your funds.

Stay Informed

Stay informed about the latest updates, announcements, and changes to KuCoin's withdrawal policies and procedures. By staying up-to-date with the platform's terms and conditions, you can adapt your withdrawal strategies accordingly and make informed decisions about managing your funds.

Keep Records

Maintaining accurate records of your withdrawal transactions, including dates, amounts, destinations, and transaction IDs, can be beneficial for tracking your financial activities and resolving any discrepancies or issues that may arise. Keep a secure record of all your withdrawal-related information for future reference.

Monitor Account Activity

Regularly monitor your KuCoin account activity, including withdrawals, deposits, and trading history, for any unauthorized or suspicious transactions. If you notice any unusual activity, report it to KuCoin's security team immediately and take necessary steps to secure your account.

Seek Assistance When Needed

If you encounter any challenges, uncertainties, or issues during the withdrawal process, don't hesitate to seek assistance from KuCoin's customer support team. They are available to help address your concerns, provide guidance, and resolve any technical difficulties you may face with your withdrawals.


In conclusion, setting up and withdrawing funds from your KuCoin account involves several essential steps and considerations to ensure a seamless and secure experience. By verifying your bank account, understanding withdrawal fees, and following best practices for security and efficiency, you can effectively manage your withdrawals on the platform.

Remember to prioritize security measures such as enabling two-factor authentication, double-checking withdrawal details, and keeping your account information up-to-date. Additionally, explore alternative withdrawal methods like P2P trading, crypto-to-crypto trading, or utilizing the OTC trading desk for more flexibility in managing your funds.

By adhering to the recommended best practices, staying informed about withdrawal policies, and seeking assistance when needed, you can navigate the withdrawal process on KuCoin with confidence and peace of mind. Plan ahead, stay vigilant, and make informed decisions to optimize your withdrawal experience on KuCoin.

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How to withdraw money from Kucoin to bank account (2024)


How to withdraw money from Kucoin to bank account? ›

Go to 'Funding,' select 'Deposit,' and choose the crypto to transfer. Sell crypto for fiat currency: Once your crypto arrives, sell it on the exchange for fiat money, such as USD or EUR. Withdraw to bank account: Finally, withdraw your fiat money to your bank account.

How to cash out KuCoin to bank account? ›

Go to 'Funding,' select 'Deposit,' and choose the crypto to transfer. Sell crypto for fiat currency: Once your crypto arrives, sell it on the exchange for fiat money, such as USD or EUR. Withdraw to bank account: Finally, withdraw your fiat money to your bank account.

How do I manually withdraw from KuCoin? ›

Log into your KuCoin account. From the navigation bar, select Assets → Overview → Withdraw to enter the withdrawal page. 2. From there, select the cryptocurrency you wish to withdraw from the dropdown (Example: USDT).

Does KuCoin have instant withdrawals? ›

Notes for Withdrawals

We will process your withdrawal within 30 minutes. To enhance the security of your assets, if your withdrawal amount is larger than a certain amount, we have to manually process your request. It depends on the blockchain when the assets will finally be transferred to your receiving wallet.

How long does it take to withdraw from KuCoin? ›

KuCoin typically processes withdrawal requests within 30 minutes. (2) Processing: KuCoin is processing the withdrawal.

How to withdraw crypto to bank account? ›

The most straightforward way to withdraw crypto to a bank account is by selling it through a cryptocurrency exchange, peer-to-peer trading platform, or fintech company. This way, you convert the selected crypto to fiat and send money to your bank account.

Does KuCoin allow bank transfers? ›

- Typically, withdrawal orders through Regular Bank Transfer are completed within two business days, although the time frame may vary depending on the network you choose.

How long does a KuCoin bank transfer take? ›

Q: How long will it take to receive a withdrawal (transfer) to a bank account?
CurrencySettlement NetworkTime
EURSEPA InstantInstantly
USDSWIFT3-5 Business Days
1 more row

Does KuCoin have a debit card? ›

By supporting a wide range of cryptocurrencies, our debit card allows you to use the digital assets of your choice for everyday transactions.

Why is my KuCoin withdrawal disabled? ›

When your account is at risk, withdrawals may be temporarily suspended to prevent your funds from being stolen.

Does KuCoin have a withdrawal limit? ›

Users can withdraw a maximum of 1 BTC daily with an undefined or KYC1 KuCoin account, which is raised to 300 BTC with a KYC2 account. You upgrade your KuCoin account status by completing the Know Your Customer procedure. All withdrawals are subject to a 24-hour rolling period.

What to do if KuCoin withdrawal is successful but not received? ›

Withdrawal did not receive

If the confirmations is sufficient, please contact the receiving platform. If there is no blockchain information,please contact our customer service and provide the following info: The recipient address and txid(thash). The type and amount of coins.

How to cash out from KuCoin to bank account? ›

Initiating a Withdrawal

Navigate to the "Withdrawal" section on the KuCoin platform, select your desired cryptocurrency (if you want to withdraw fiat currency, you'll need to sell your crypto holdings first), enter the withdrawal amount, and confirm your bank account details.

How to reverse a KuCoin withdrawal? ›

Once a withdrawal has been successfully processed on KuCoin, it can no longer be canceled or reversed. It's crucial to double-check your withdrawal address and token type before initiating a withdrawal, as the transaction is irreversible.

Why are my assets frozen on KuCoin? ›

If your trade order is not filled, your funds will be frozen.

How to sell on KuCoin for cash? ›

Enter the amount of crypto to sell, and the system will automatically calculate the amount of fiat you can receive. Click [Sell USDT]. Confirm order information and click [Confirm]. Select the crypto you want to sell.

How much money can you withdraw from KuCoin? ›

Daily Limits for Fiat Services
Fiat ServiceDaily Limit (USD equivalent amounts used for calculations)
Fiat withdrawals150,000 USD
Buy crypto with fiat50,000 USD
Sell crypto for fiat50,000 USD
Buy crypto with bank card100,000 USD
1 more row

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